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Kelompok 3
1. Desy Enggar P.
2. Efi RuLLi G.
3. Karunia W.
4. Yunita S.
5. Dadang Ari W.
6. Sagita A.
7. Septiawan Agung D.s.e
8. Leander Y.
Gastritis is inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
Clinical features are found in the form of dyspepsia,
or indigestion (Mansjoer, 2001).
Gastritis is an inflammation of acute gastric mucosal
surfaces with erosion damage. Erosion due to injury
only on the mucosa (Inayah, 2004). Based on the
above definition, it can be concluded that the
gastritis is inflammation of the gastric mucosa and
submucosa of the stomach that is acute, chronic,
diffuse or localized due to infection from bacteria,
drugs and materials is another irritant, causing
damage or injury that causes erosion in these layers
with a clinical picture which is found in the form of
dyspepsia, or indigestion.
1.Acute Gastritis
Acute gastritis is an acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa is
largely a mild illness and recover completely. One form of acute
gastritis clinical manifestations are:
a) acute erosive gastritis
Called erosive if the damage is not deeper than the mucosa
muscolaris (muscles of the stomach lining).
b) Acute Gastritis hemoragic
Known as the disease hemoragic This will be found gastric
mucosal bleeding role in various degrees and erosion which
means the loss kontunuitas gastric mucosa in several places,
accompanies inflammation of the gastric mucosa. (Hirlan, 2001)
2. Chronic Gastritis
According Muttaqin, (2011) Chronic Gastritis is an inflammation
of the gastric
mucosal surface that is chronic. Chronic gastritis is classified with
three differences
as follows:
a) superficial gastritis, with manifestations of redness; edema, and
mucosal bleeding and erosion.
b) atrophic gastritis, in which inflammation occurs throughout
the mucosal layer in its development is associated with ulcers
and gastric cancer, as well as pernicious anemia. It is a
characteristic of a decrease in the number of parietal cells and
cells chief.
c) hypertrophic gastritis, a condition with the formation of the
gastric mucosa
nodulnodul that are irregular, thin, and hemorrhagic.
According Muttaqin (2011) Causes of gastritis include:
1. Drugs, such as nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs / NSAID
(indomethacin, ibuprofen, and salicylic acid), sulfonamide, steroids,
cocaine,chemotherapeutic agents ( mitomycin, 5-fluora-2-
deoxyuriine) salicylate, and digitalis are irritating to the gastric
2.Alcoholic beverages; as : whiskey, vodka, and gin.
3. Bacterial infections; as H. pylor ( the most frequently), H.
heilmanii, streptococci, staphylococci, Proteus species,
Clostridium species, E. coli, tuberculosis, and secondary syphilis.
4.Viral infection by Cytomegalovirus
5. Fungal Infections; candidiasis, histoplasmosis, and phycomycosis.
1.Acute Gastritis
Acute Gastritis can be caused by stress, chemical drugs and
alcohol, spicy foods, hot and sour. In patients with strees will
happen sympathetic nerve stimulation NV (the vagus nerve),
which will increase the production of hydrochloric acid (HCl)
in the stomach will cause nausea, vomiting and anoreksia.
2. Chronic Gastritis
Inflammation of the stomach time can be caused by benign or
malignant ulcers of the stomach or by bacteria helicobactery
pylory (H. pylory) Chronic Gastritis can be classified as Type A
/ Type B, type A (commonly referred to as autoimmune
gastritis) resulting from changes in the parietal cells, causing
atrophy and cellular infiltration.
Clinical Manifestations
1.Acute Gastritis, clinical features include:
a) superficial ulceration can occur and can cause hemorrhage.
b) Discomfort in the abdomen with headache, lethargy, nausea,
and anorexia.
vomiting and hiccups.
c) Some patients showed asymptomatic.
2. Chronic Gastritis
Gastritis Patients with type A specifically asymptomatic except
for symptoms
of deficiency of vitamin B 12. in gastritis type B, patients
complain of anorexia (loss of
appetite), heartburn after eating, bloating, acid taste in the
mouth, or nausea and
Diagnostic examination
1. Radiology: upper gastrointestinal x-rays
2. Endoskopy: gastroscopy found that hiperemik muksa
3. Laboratory: determine the levels of hydrochloric acid
4. EGD (Esofagagastriduodenoskopi): key diagnostic tests for
bleeding gastritis, made to see the bleeding or ulcers degree or injured tissue
5. Histopathological examination: visible mucosal damage due to erosion
never pass through the muscularis mucosa.
6.Analysis of Gastric: can be done to determine the presence of blood, assess gastric
mucosal secretory activity, for example an increase in hydrochloric acid and acid
formation noktura
7. l causes duodenal ulcers.
8. Faeces: stool tests will positifH. PyloryKreatinin: usually does not increase when the
renal perfusion on hold.
9.Ammonia: can escalate if severe liver dysfunction interfere with the metabolism and
excretion of urea or complete blood transfusion and a large amount given.
10. Sodium: may increase as a hormonal compensation to deposits of body fluids.
Management of the medically gastritis include: Acute
Gastritis Overcome by instructing the patient to avoid
alcohol and food until symptoms diminish. If the patient
is able to eat by mouth, diet contains nutrients and
suggest. If symptoms persist, the liquid needs to be
administered parenterally. When bleeding occurs, the
treatment is similar to the procedure performed for
hemorrhagic upper gastrointestinal tract. When gastritis
caused by digesting food is acidic or alkaline, the
treatment consists of dilution and penetralisasian
causative agent.
Complications that may occur in gastritis
according Benefactor (2010) are:
1. Upper gastrointestinal bleeding
2. Peptic ulcer, perforation and anemia due
to absorption disorders vitamain B
Nursing Diagnosis
a. Pain patronizing a gastric mucosal irritation
b. The risk of lack of fluid volume, (loss on) b /
d bleeding, nausea, vomiting and
c. Risk of imbalance nutrition: less than body
requirements related to anorexia, nausea
and vomiting
d. Anxiety associated with changes in health
status, threats of death, pain
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