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Management Of

Disciplinary Problems
By Ms. Trupti Sandesh Tambe
Ms Rita Lakhani
One method by which a nurse manger can
control subordinates behavior is to invoke official
disciplinary procedure. Discipline can be self-control
by which an employee brings his or her behavior into
agreement with the agency‘s official behavior code,
or it can be a managerial action to enforce employee
compliance with agency rules and regulations
‘Discipline Is A Bridge Between
Goals And Accomplishment’
- Jim Rohn
What is discipline?

The word discipline is derived from Latin term

disciplina , which means ‘learning, teaching and
Definition Of Discipline

Moulding or training of the mind and

character to bring about desired behaviour is
known as discipline.
Thus discipline lets a person have some
control over another person. It is essential and
appropriate tool in promoting subordinates growth.
Discipline is the orderly conduct of affairs by the
members of an organization who adhere to its
necessary regulations because they desire to
cooperate harmoniously in forwarding the end which
the group has in view and willingly recognize that, to
do this, their wishes must be brought into a
reasonable unison with the requirements on the group
in action. -Ordway Teads
Megginson offer three distinct meaning of the word
 Self-discipline
 Necessary condition of orderly behaviour
 Act of training and punishing.
Aims of discipline

1. To obtain a willing acceptance of the rules,

regulations and procedures of an organization
so that organizational goals can be achieved

2. To impart an element of certainty despite

several differences in informal behavior patterns
and other related changes in an organization
3.To develop among the employees a spirit of tolerance
and a desire to make adjustments.

4.To give and seek directions and responsibilities.

5.To create an atmosphere of respect for the human

personality and human relations.

6.To increase the working efficiency and morale of the

employee so that their productivity is stepped up , the
cost of production brought down and the quality of
production improved.
Types of discipline
Self controlled

Principles Of Discipline
1.It should be implemented through love and
understanding ,not through fear
2.It should be primarily positive and constructive.
3.It should ensure equal justice for all, respect for the
rights and dignity of an individuals, and humanitarian
approach towards all
4.Discipline is not the end ; it is rather a means for the
successful implementation of educational programme
5. Disciplinary policies and procedures should be first

preventive, and then corrective, but never

6.As much as possible, disciplinary conversations
should be held in private
7.It should essentially relate the act of misconduct to
the act of correction
8. Avoid collective punishments
9. As far as possible , do not let disciplinary measures
interfere with other developmental opportunities.
Need Of Discipline
For Administration
Prerequisite for effective administration
To create a situation favourable to learning
Maintenance of discipline is major task of
Approaches Of Discipline
Traditional Approach

Developmental Approach

Positive discipline Approach

Self controlled discipline Approach

Enforced discipline Approach

Constructive vs destructive discipline

Approaches To Discipline:

1. Human relation approach

2. Human resources approach

3. Group discipline approach

4. Leadership approach

5. Judicial approach
Functions Of Discipline
Growth of young

Assist in securing To acquire characteristics

stability of the social of positive nature such as
order to achieve self control and
Security and maturity persistence

Facilitates Assist in learning

learning standards of
Advantages of discipline
1.Discipline establishes a pattern for acceptable
conduct and performances ; it provides a code of
conduct for all the subordinates.
2.It promotes individual growth, develops human
efficiency and enhances the will power to perform
3.It creates an environment under which individual
excellences gets a boost, group performance is
improved , and harmonious working evolves.
Aspects Of Discipline:
• Positive aspect

• Negative aspect
Positive Aspect
Employees believe in and support discipline
and adhere to the rules, regulations and desired
standards of behaviour. Discipline takes the form of
positive support and reinforcement for approved
actions and its aim is to help the individual in
moulding his behaviour and developing him in a
corrective and supportive manner. This type of
approach is called positive approach or
constructive discipline or self-discipline.
Positive discipline takes place
whenever the organizational climate is
marked by aspect such as payment of
adequate remuneration and incentives,
appreciation of performance and
reinforcement of approved personnel
behaviour or actions etc. which will
motivate employees to adhere to certain
rules and regulations or exercise self
control and work to the maximum
possible extent.
Negative aspect

Employees sometimes do not believe in and support

discipline. As such, they do not adhere to rules,
regulations and desired standards of behaviour. As such,
disciplinary programme forces and constraints the
employees to obey orders and function in accordance with
set rules and regulations through warnings, penalties and
other forms of punishment. This approach to discipline is
called negative approach or corrective approach or
punitive approach
This approach is also called autocratic approach as
the subordinates are given no role in formulating the
rules and they are not told why they are punished.
Punishment, penalties, demotions and transfers
provide or establish a climate which demotivate and
de-lead the employees
What Is Indiscipline:
Indiscipline means disorderliness,
insubordination and not following the rules and
regulation of an organization.
Indiscipline Includes
The symptoms of indiscipline are change in the
normal behaviour, absenteeism, apathy, go-slow at
work, increase in number and severity of grievances,
persistent and continuous demand for overtime
allowance, and lack of concern for performance.
Causes of
indiscipline in staffing
1.Neglect or deference of employee’s grievances

2.Faulty disciplinary actions taken by the authorities

3. Wrong or improper attitudes towards employee’s

4. Wrong placements, remuneration or promotion

5. Lack of a well defined code of conduct

6. Divide and rule policy

7. An ill-advised supervisor
8. Undesirable behaviour of senior officials.

9. Lack of upward communication.

10.Leadership which is weak, flexible, incompetent and


11.Defective supervision and an absence of good

supervisors who know good techniques, who are in a
position to appreciate critically the efforts or their
12.Workers’ personal problems, their fears,
apprehensions, hopes and aspirations; and their
lack of confidence in and their inability to adjust
with their superior and equals.

13.Worker’s reactions to rigidity and multiplicity of

rules and their improper interpretation.

14.Intolerably bad working conditions

15.Inborn tendencies to flout rules

16.Errors of judgement on the part of the supervisor or
the top management.

17.Discrimination based on caste, colour, creed, sex,

language, and place in matters of selection, promotion,
transfer, placement and discrimination in imposing
penalties and handling out reward
Problem Employee

Problem employees are those employees who

create problems within the organization. Substance
abusers, angry or withdrawn workers, personnel with
excessive absenteeism, and the terminating
employees provide challenges to nurse managers. In
each case the nurse manager must be alert to the
symptoms of problems, help the employee solve the
problem, and evaluate the results.
Problems Of The Employee
Includes …
Minor problems : example;
 late attendance or absence from duty without
permission or leave.
 leaving work place without permission
 smoking or eating in prohibited areas and patient
 laziness inefficiency or careless work
Penalty: Warning, Fine, Suspension without pay
and allowance up to 4 days
Major problems: example;
 Using hospital facilities in unauthorized way for
personal gain
 Refusal to accept or obey an order, using
indecent languages
 Gross negligence or neglect of work
Penalty: Suspension without pay and allowances
for a period up to 30 days, Stoppage of one or
more increments, Demotion to lower post,
Types Of Problem Employee

 Substance abusers
 Angry or withdrawn employees
 Decreased productivity
 Absenteeism
 Terminating employees
Effective Rules Of Discipline:
McGregor (1967) developed a set of rules for
enforcing discipline so as to make it as fair and
growth producing as possible. These rules were
called “hot stove rules” because they can be
compared to someone touching a hot stove..
The following rules explain his theory:
All individuals must be forewarned that if they touch
the hot stove (i.e., break a rule), they will be burned
(punished or disciplined). They must know the rule
beforehand and be aware of the punishment
If the individual touches the stoves (i.e., breaks a
rule), there will be immediate consequences (getting
burned). All discipline should be administered
immediately after rules are broken
If the individual touches the stove again, they will
again be burned. Therefore, there is consistency.
Each time, the rule is broken; there are immediate
and consistent consequences.
If any other individual touches the hot stove, they
will also get burned. Discipline must be impartial
and everyone must be treated in the same
manner if the rule breaking is the same.
“ No man is fit to
command another
that cannot

Self Discipline
Self Discipline
The highest level and most effective form of
discipline is self-discipline. Ideally, all employees
should have adequate self-control and should be self-
directed in their pursuit of organizational goals.
Self discipline is best defined as the ability to
regulate ones conduct by principle and sound
judgment, rather than by impulse, desire, or social

Self discipline can be considered a type of

selective training, creating new habits of thought,
action, and speech toward improving yourself and
reaching goals
Dealing With
Disciplinary Problems
Disciplinary Procedure:

Step 1 - Accurate statement of the problem

The first step is to ascertain the problem by seeking
answer to the following questions:
 Does this case call for a disciplinary action?
 What exactly is the nature of the violation or
 Under what condition did it occur?
 Which individual or individuals were involved in it?
 When or how often, did the violation occur?
1. When dealing with disciplinary problem, it
is better to conduct a disciplinary
2. While conducting disciplinary conference
both directive and non directive interview
technique should be used.
3. To guide the discussion in the conference, the
manager should begin with a clear statement of
the broken behaviour rule . I.e. give the
description of the specific rule broken by the
1.It should be describe corrective actions expected by
the employee i.e. action that an employee should
take to correct the problem.
2.It should specify the time allowed to employee to
remedy his short comings. It is to be imposed if the
specified behaviour change is not made.
3.See that a disciplinary conference is documented
and included in the employment record.
Step 2 - Collecting facts bearing on the case
 Before any action is taken in a case, it is essential
to gather all the facts about it. A thorough
examination of the case should be made within the
stipulated time limit.
Step 3 -Selection of tentative penalties-
 The kind of penalty to be imposed for an offence
should be determined beforehand
Step 4- Choice of Penalty-
 When a decision has been taken to impose a
penalty, the punishment to be awarded should be
such as would prevent a recurrence of the offence.
Step 5- Application of the Penalty-
 The application of the penalty involves a positive
and assured attitude on the part of the
management. If the disciplinary action is a simple
reprimand, the executive should calmly and
quickly dispose of the matter
Step 6 -Follow-up on disciplinary action-
 The ultimate purpose of disciplinary action is to
maintain discipline, to ensure productivity, and
avoid a repetition of the offence. A disciplinary
action should, therefore, be evaluated in terms of
its effectiveness after it has been taken
Management in
disciplinary actions
Basic Ingredient
For A Disciplinary Action:
The principle ingredients of a sound disciplinary
system are:
 Location of responsibility
 Proper formulation and communication of rules
 Rules and regulations should be reasonable
 Equal treatment
 Disciplinary action should be taken in Private
 Importance of promptness in taking Disciplinary action
 Innocence is presumed
 Get the facts
 Action should be taken in cool atmosphere
 Natural justice
 After a disciplinary action has been taken the
Supervisor should treat his subordinate in a
normal manner
 Don't back down when you are right
 Negative Motivation should be handled in a
positive manner
To apply due process in disciplinary actions,
the manager must ensure that:
1.There is an agency rule or standard that governs
the behaviour under consideration.
2.The employee was aware of the rule or standard
governing his or her behaviour
3.The employee did , in fact , violate the agency rule
or standard.
4.The penalty imposed is appropriate to the rule or
standard violated.
Steps of positive discipline

1. Friendly oral reminder to employee of first

2. Written statement of problem and work goals to
employee, for repeated violations.
3. Development of an action plan by manager
and employee, to improper employees
4. For a repeat violation, one day paid leave to be
given, for employee to reflect on commitment
to agency goals.
4. For a repeat violation, one day paid leave to be
given, for employee to reflect on commitment
to agency goals
5. Submission by employee of written statement of
intent to stay and improve or leave the agency.
5. Employee notified that failure to meet
commitments will result in termination.
Types Of Disciplinary Actions

When the delinquent employee is going to be

punished, the type of punishment should be a
commensurate with the severity of the omission or
Different types of punishment resulting from various
types of omission or misconduct are as follows:
 Verbal warnings
Written warnings
 Loss of privileges and fines
 Punitive suspension
 Withholding of increments
 Demotion
 Termination
1. Verbal Warning:

 This is generally the first step.

 However, for a serious problem, skip this step.
 Verbal warnings should always be done privately.
 Verbal counselling sessions should be documented
by a formal memo or informal note in the
employee’s personnel file.
2. Written Warnings
should include, at a minimum, the following elements:
 The date of the warning
 The employee’s name
 The name of the supervisor administering the warning
 A description of the misconduct or inadequate performance
 The date of the misconduct or poor performance
 A signature line for the supervisor
 A signature line for the employee, indicating his receiving
 A signature line for the witness.
 An action plan to fix the behaviour in a given time frame!
Effective discipline

1. Condone the past offences

2. Build an agreement on disciplinary rules.

3. Establish a disciplinary committee.
4. Get disciplinary issues investigated by the
human resource management or administrative
Errors in discipline

While administering discipline , there are some

common management failures or errors that one
comes across:
1.Delay in administering discipline
2.Ignoring rule violations in the hope that it is an
isolated event.
3.Accumulation of the rule violations causing
irritated manager to ‘blow up’.
4.Administering sweetened discipline.

5.Failure to document disciplinary actions accurately.

6.Failure to act within time limits set by grievance


7.Imposing discipline disproportionate to the

seriousness of the offence.

8.Disciplinary inconsistently
Roles and functions of
administrator/ manager in
maintaining discipline
1.Helps employees to identify themselves
2.Encourages them .
3.Periodic assessment
4.Humanistic use of discipline
5.Demonstrating sensitivity
6.Being aware of the power and responsibility
7.Ensuring communication of rules and regulations
8.Tackle lack of performance
9.Enforcing established rules in a fair and equitable
10.Discussion, explanation of rules and regulations,
its rationale and resolving queries

11.Documenting employees conduct and counselling

12.Judiciously using the official authority

13.Bringing in the unions employee under discipline

14.Advising employee

15.Using efficient communication skills

• Management of nursing service
and education, by – clement,
Elsevier publication,
page no.269-275

• Internet sources
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