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Course Outline
Chapter I. Logic and Proof
1.1 Propositions
1.2 Conditional Propositions & Logical Equivalence
1.3 Quantifiers
1.4 Nested Quantifiers
1.5 Proofs
1.6 Resolution Proofs
1.7 Mathematical Induction
1.7 Strong Form of Induction and the Well-
Ordering Property
Course Outline….cont….

Chapter II. The Language of Mathematics

2.1 Sets
2.2 Functions
2.3 Sequences and Strings
Course Outline….cont….

Chapter III. Relations

3.1 Relations
3.2 Equivalence Relations
3.3 Matrices of Relations
3.4 Relational Database
Course Outline….cont….

Chapter IV. Algorithms

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Examples of Algorithm
4.3 Analysis of Algorithm
4.4 Recursive Algorithm
Course Outline….cont….

Chapter V. Introduction to Number Theory

5.1 Divisors
5.2 Representations of Integers and Integer
5.3 The Euclidean Algorithm
5.4 Recursive Algorithm
Course Outline….cont….

Chapter VI. Counting Methods and the Pigeonhole Principle

6.1 Basic Principles

6.2 Permutations and Combinations
6.3 Algorithms of generating permutations and
6.4 Introduction to Discrete Probability
6.5 Discrete Probability Theory
6.6 Generalized Permutations and Combinations
6.7 Binomial Coefficients and Combinatorial
Course Outline….cont….

Chapter VII. Recurrence Relations

7.1 Introduction
7.2 Solving Recurrence Relations
7.3 Application to the Analysis of Algorithms
Course Outline….cont….

Chapter VIII. Boolean Algebras and Combinatorial Circuits

8.1 Introduction
8.2 Solving Recurrence Relations
8.3 Application to the Analysis of Algorithms

Johnson, Richard B. 2006, Introduction to Discrete

Mathematics, 6th Edition.

Cabero,, 2010, Discrete Mathematics 1, 1st Edition.

Johnson, Richard B. 1993, Discrete Mathematics, 3rd Edition.

Recommendation……Internet ////world wide web sites…

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