ISO 45001 OHSMS: What It Will Mean To You and Your Business?

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What it will mean to you and your business?

• Welcome

• Introduction of ISO 45001 and how

it will impact your organisation

• ISO Expert Discussion:

Look at barriers to success
Agenda Leadership/Top Management Commitment
Worker Involvement
Risks & Opportunities
Context of the Organisation

• ISO 45001 Survey

Chris J Ward
Health and Safety Executive ex Principal Inspector
BSI OHSAS 18001 Committee Member

Jane Standerwick
Managing Director
Standerwick Safety Partnership
New ISO 45001
Occupational Health and Safety Management
What will it mean to my Business?
Comparing BS
Brief history and comparison
18001 to of the two standards
Clause 5.1
Leadership and Commitment

Top management shall demonstrate

leadership and commitment with
Leadership respect to the Occupational Health
and Safety Management System.
Clause 5.4
Participation and Consultation

The organisation shall establish,

implement and maintain processes for
participation in the:
Worker • development
• planning
Involvement • implementation
• evaluation and
• actions for improvement
of the OHSMS by workers, or their
representatives, at all applicable levels
and functions
Clause 6.1
Actions to address risk and

When planning for the OH&S

management system, the
Risks & organisation shall consider the
• context
Opportunities • requirements of interested
• scope of its OH&S management
• to determine the risks and
• opportunities that need to be
Clause 4.1
Understanding the organisation and
its context

The organisation shall determine

external and internal issues that are
Context of relevant to its purpose and that
affect its ability to achieve the
Organisation intended outcome of its OH&S
management system.
Leadership Commitment: Barriers to Success

What are the barriers to success organisations might encounter,

when trying to gain their senior leaders and top management’s
commitment to implementing the leadership requirements of
ISO 45001?
Best Practices: Improve OH&S Performance

ISO 45001 is intended to enable an organisation to manage

OH&S risk and improve performance.

When thinking about best practices, what are the key factors
organisations keep in the forefront of their mind to
proactively improve its OH&S performance?
Organization Context: Impact on Stakeholders

An organisation is responsible for ensuring it minimizes the

risk of harm to the people that may be affected by its
activities, both workers and in communities.

In relation to the context of an organisation, how you think

these stakeholders will be impacted by the
implementation of ISO 45001 in an organisation?
Participate in our ISO 45001 survey
to learn:
• how this standard will affect your
• what will be your challenges
• what will you need to help you
ISO 45001 implement it.

Survey • Visit Survey:

• Chris J Ward

• Jane Standerwick

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