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-Mrs.Moumita Pal-Sharma
 The ability to influence a group toward the
achievement of goals- Date
 Leadership is the activity of motivating
influencing people to strive willingly for
group objectives- George Terry
 L=F(f*g*w*s)

where L is leadership,

F is function of

f = followers, g = goal, s = a given situation,

w = a measure of willingness on part of
Importance of leadership
 Determination of goals
 Organization of activities
 Representation of workers
 Achieving coordination
 Providing guidance
 Inspiration to employees
 Building employee morale
 Facilitating change

Qualities of Good Leader
 Vision - A leader with vision has a clear, vivid picture of
where to go, as well as a firm grasp on what success
looks like and how to achieve it.
 Emotional Intelligence – the ability to regulate emotion
in themselves and others, emphasize, and the social
skills necessary to build rapport.
 Magnanimity means giving credit where it is due. A
magnanimous leader ensures that credit for
successes is spread as widely as possible throughout
the company. Conversely, a good leader takes
personal responsibility for failures .
 Openness means being able to listen to new ideas.
Good leaders are able to suspend judgment while
listening to others’ ideas, as well as accept new ways
of doing things that someone else thought of.
 Fairness means dealing with others
consistently and justly. A leader must check
all the facts and hear everyone out before
passing judgment.
 Assertiveness is the ability to clearly state
what one expects so that there will be no
misunderstandings. A leader must be
assertive to get the desired results.
 Intelligence – Above average mental ability to
process enormous amounts of information
and identify alternative scenarios.
 Knowledge of the Business – Effective
leaders know the business environment.

The most powerful biz woman in the United States.
Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi born october 28, 1955 is the
chairperson and chief executive officer (CEO) of Pepsico, one of
the world's leading food and beverage companies.
On august 14, 2006, Nooyi was named the successor to Steven
Reinemund as Chief Executive Officer of the company
N. R. Narayana Murthy, is an Indian industrialist, software 
engineer and one of the seven founders of Infosys technologies, 
a global consulting and it services company based in India. He 
is currently the non­executive chairman and chief mentor of 
Infosys. He was the CEO of the company for 21 years, from 1981 
to 2002. After stepping down as CEO in 2002, he has broadened 
his scope of activities to social services as well as promoting 
India globally.
styles of leadership
 Styles based on authority- retained by leader
or delegated to the subordinates.

1.Authroisation style( autocratic)- retention of
full authority by the leader.

2.Participative style-
a.Consultative leaders- ask for opinions from
the group before taking decisions, but not
obliged to accept the group thinking.
b.Consensual leaders- encourage group decision
on an issue and then make a decision that
reflects a general agreement (consensus)
of group memebers.

c. Democratic leaders- confer final authority on
the group. Take a vote before making a

3. Free rein style(Laissez faire)- chooses not to
adopt a leadership role and actually abdicates
leadership position.
High relationship High task and High

and low task relationship

(supportive style) (participative style)
People emphasis

Low task and Low High task and Low

relationship relationship
(Free- rein style) (autocratic style)

Low High
Task emphasis

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