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I. Progressive Era
A. 1890-1920
1. Period of Political and social reform.
2. Rapid industrialization / urbanization
persuaded many people that the
government needed to take a more active
1. Social Darwinism – survival of
the fittest.
2. Social Gospel – people had moral
obligation to help those in need.
C. The reformers, called Progressives,
wanted to improve living conditions for
the urban poor.
II. Muckrakers
A. Muckrakers – journalists that gave firsthand
accounts of injustices and horrors they had
witnessed. Got this name b/c they “raked up”
or exposed the filth of society.

1. Ida Tarbell – Rockefeller & Standard Oil

2. Lincoln Steffens – Corruption of city
3. Jacob Riis – Living conditions of the
urban poor. “How the Other Half Lives”
III. Populist Movement
A. Most powerful
1. Creation of income tax
2. Loans to farmers
3. Secret ballot voting
B. Interstate Commerce Act of 1887
1. “Granger Laws”
2. Prohibited railroad companies from giving
secret rebates and refunds. ( larger rail lines)
3. Stated railroad rates had to be reasonable and
IV. Socialist Movement

A. Industrial age responsible for gap

between rich and poor.
B. End to capitalism (private ownership of
production and distribution of goods)
C. No private ownership
D. Government more responsive to
social inequalities.
1. Andrew Carnegie
2. W.E.B. DuBois
3. Upton Sinclair
The Jungle
4. Ida M. Tarbell
Leading Muckraker
5. Theodore Roosevelt
Leader of Progressive

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