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EE359 – Lecture 5 Outline

Correction: CLT (not LLN) means: lim
n 
i 1
i  Gaussian for xi iid

 Review of Last Lecture

 Narrowband Fading Model
 In-Phase and Quad Signal Components
 Cross-correlation of RX Signal in NB Fading
 Correlation and PSD in uniform scattering
 Signal Envelope Distributions
Review of Last Lecture
 Model Parameters from Measurements
 Random Multipath Model
 Channel Impulse Response
c ( , t )    n (t )e  j n ( t ) (   n (t ))
n 1

 Received signal characteristics

 Many multipath components
 Amplitudes change slowly
 Phases change rapidly
Narrowband Model
 Assume delay spread maxm,n|n(t)-m(t)|<<1/B
 Then u(t)u(t-).
 Received signal given by
  N (t )
 jf n ( t )  
   n (t )e
j 2f c t
r (t )  u (t )e 
  n 0 
 No signal distortion (spreading in time)
 Multipath affects complex scale factor in brackets.
 Characterize scale factor by setting u(t)=ejf0
In-Phase and Quadrature
under CLT Approximation
 In phase and quadrature signal components:
N (t )
rI (t )   n (t )e  jfn (t ) cos(2f ct ),
n 0
N (t )
rQ (t )   n (t )e  jfn ( t )
sin( 2f ct )
n 0
 For N(t) large, rI(t) and rQ(t) jointly Gaussian by
CLT (sum of large # of random vars).
 Received signal characterized by its mean,
autocorrelation, and cross correlation.
 If n(t) uniform, the in-phase/quad components are
mean zero, indep., and stationary.
Auto and Cross Correlation
N (t ) N (t )
rI (t )   n (t )e  jfn ( t )
cos(2f ct ), rQ (t )   n (t )e jf (t ) sin( 2f ct ) , fn~U[0,2]

n 0 n 0

 Recall that qn is the multipath arrival angle

 Autocorrelation of inphase/quad signal is
ArI ( )  ArQ ( )  PEq n [cos 2f Dn ], f Dn  v cos q n / 
 Cross Correlation of inphase/quad signal is
Ar ,r ( )  PEq [sin 2f D  ]   Ar ,r ( )
I Q n n I Q

 Autocorrelation of received signal is

Ar ( )  ArI ( ) cos(2f c )  ArI ,rQ ( ) sin( 2f c )
Uniform AOAs
 Under uniform scattering, in phase and quad comps
have no cross correlation and autocorrelation is
ArI ( )  ArQ ( )  PJ 0 (2f D )
Decorrelates over roughly half a wavelength
 The PSD of received signal is
S r ( f )  .25[ S rI ( f  f c )  S rI ( f  f c )] Sr(f)

S rI ( f )  F [ PJ 0 (2f D )]
Used to generate simulation values fc-fD fc fc+fD
Signal Envelope Distribution
 CLT approx. leads to Rayleigh distribution (power
is exponential)
 When LOS component present, Ricean
distribution is used

 Measurements support Nakagami distribution in

some environments
 Similar to Ricean, but models “worse than Rayleigh”
 Lends itself better to closed form BER expressions
Main Points
 Narrowband model has in-phase and quad. comps
that are zero-mean stationary Gaussian processes
 Auto and cross correlation depends on AOAs of multipath

 Uniform scattering makes autocorrelation of inphase

and quad comps of RX signal follow Bessel function
 Signal components decorrelate over half wavelength
 The PSD has a bowel shape centered at carrier frequency

 Fading distribution depends on environment

 Rayleigh, Ricean, and Nakagami all common

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