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Verilog Scheduling

Algorithm and System

Verilog Scheduling
Active events region

The Active region holds the current active region set events being evaluated and can be
processed in any order.

Inactive events region

The Inactive region holds the events to be evaluated after all the Active events are processed.
If events are being executed in the active region set, an explicit #0 delay control requires the
process to be suspended and an event to be scheduled into the Inactive region of the current time
slot so that the process can be resumed in the next Inactive to Active iteration.

NBA Region

NBA region is for updating non-blocking assignments;

Postpone Region
$monitor, $strobe, and other similar events are scheduled in the Postponed region. No new
value changes are allowed to happen in the current time slot once the Postponed region is
Event-Scheduling-in-System Verilog
Regions that are designed to implement correct RTL functionality:
• Active regions (Active, Inactive and NBA regions - but avoid Inactive
region events).

Regions that are designed to implement correct verification execution:

• Preponed, Reactive regions (Reactive, Re-Inactive, Re-NBA) and
Postponed regions.

Regions that are designed to implement concurrent assertion checking:

• Preponed, Observed, and Reactive regions.

Region that should be avoided:

• Inactive region.

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