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c Green Computing is the term used to denote the efficient use of

resources in computing.

c It is also known as ͞ GREEEN IT ͞.

c The positive (or least negative) relationship between the physical

computer and its impact to the environments in which it moves
from cradle to grave.

c The primary objective of such a program is to account for the

͞triple bottom line͟ (People, Planet, Profit), an expanded
spectrum of values and criteria for measuring organizational (and
societal) success.

hIn 1992, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

launched Energy Star to promote energy-efficiency
in computers.

hThe first success of green computing was the Sleep mode function

h ipro became the first Indian company to launch environment-

friendly range of desktops and laptops, compliant with RoHS
Green Computing
c hy
Computer Energy is Often asteful
c Leaving the computer on when not in use (CPU and
fan consume power, screen savers consume power)

Insufficient Power and Cooling Capacities

c Data centers have insufficient cooling capacities.

c Manufacturing techniques
c Packaging
c Disposal of computers and components

c There are toxic chemicals used in the manufacturing of
computers and components which can enter the food
chain and water!
Go Green Strategy



Impact of Green Computing on
c !  (A )-- Scores top marks for leading competitors on toxic
phase out.
c v 
 (A )-- Holds second position for commitment to
reduce absolute emissions.
c v
   -- Up two places with better product energy
efficiency reporting.
c È   -- Stays at 13th place because of backtracking on
toxics phase out.
c þ  -- Is at 14th position and has no products on the market
free of toxic substances.
c ß  ( )-- Loses a point for a poor recycling policy but
stays in 15th position.
Approaches To Green Computing

Power Management
Algorithm Efficiency
Material Recycling

c The process of running two or more logical

computer systems on one set of hardware.
c Virtualization helps a company /
enterprise lower power and cooling
consumption, by reducing the number
of machines and
servers it needs.

c Virtualization platforms can run across

hundreds of interconnected physical
computers and storage devices, to
create an entire virtual infrastructure.
c Turn off computers and printers when
not in use.
c Make sure computer is set to sleep
when not in use.
c Laptops should be preferred over

c atching DVD by copying it to hard

drive should be preferred over watching
directly from CD-ROM.

Energy saved ʹ 40%


c CRT Monitor (17͟) uses 80 watts.
c LCD Monitor (17͟) uses 35 watts.
c LED Monitor (17͟) uses 25 watts.

LEDs ʹ Rare and Expensive

LCDs preferred for general users.

Energy Star Rated Computer ʹ 80% energy

ithout Energy Star Rated Computer ʹ 70%

The efficiency of algorithms has an impact on the amount of
computer resources required for any given computing function.

È        !
Google Search у 0.20gm
Microsoft Live Search у 0.32gm
Yahoo Search у 0.26gm
AOL Search у 0.37gm.




c this waste is called e-waste

Òe-waste handling


here are we going to pull all of it?
ipro Limited, a leading player in Global IT and R&D services, is
committed towards environmental sustainability by minimizing
the usage of hazardous substances and chemicals which have
potential impact on the ecology. It has joined hands with 
India, one of the largest conservation organizations in the
country, to directly deal with issues of climate change, water
and waste management and biodiversity conservation.


cRole of Lighting for GREEN buildings: 17% ʹ 20% of the overall
building͛s energy usage
c Optimize Energy Performance
o High efficiency light sources -
Compact luorescent Lamp, etc.
o Lighting controls


c ã   

o $(  ʹ An innovative application for the Air Cargo industry
that enables efficient, multi-format & paperless interaction
between Airlines, reight orwarder and Customs


o An application developed for manufacturing companies helps
them to control pollution & reduce carbon monoxide emissions

o A process & technology application that accommodates

the functionality requirements of an end-to-end energy
efficiency solution
o It is a framework that is designed to help customers to
use their energy requirements in the most-cost effective

ipro Green ware
o RoHS Compliant (Restriction of Hazardous Substances)
o Compliant with environment & safety standards and
statutory Regulations
o Energy star certification
h ipro EEE Statement
ʹ Part of `Quick Start Guide͚ shipped with all systems
from factory
( EEE - aste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment

cv "  
o e- aste Disposal Service
o Eco-friendly Engineering Designs that are RoHS
compliant & energy efficient

c v v "   

A practitioner͛s perspective
c Supports 80000+ employees;
c handles 4000+ transactions per day
c Conserving resources ʹ paper (95% electronic transactions) &
c Sharing service resources across ipro businesses

 v "  
ipro͚s Steps to a Green data center:

ʹ Reduce the physical number of servers through

blade servers and virtualization
ʹ Reduce storage hardware
ʹ Implement energy-efficient hardware such as multi core CPUs that
reduce redundant and external electronics and therefore save on energy
ʹ Enable dynamic control of a server's internal fans that reduce the
energy needed when the air in the data center is cooler
ʹ Liquid cooling of server racks can limit the amount of energy needed
to remove heat from the data center
ʹ ollow the hot aisle/cold aisle layout for arranging equipment in the
data center


c Change your subscriptions to online ʹ not
paper .
c Optimize computer performance.
c Decrease screen brightness.
c Change from XP to indows 7.
c Consider LCDs over CRTs.
c Consider laptops over desktops.
c Have a energy efficient approach.
()') v *
c Energy saved on computer hardware and computing
will equate tones of carbon emissions saved per year.
c The plan towards green IT should include new
electronic products and services with optimum
efficiency and all possible options towards energy
*! %)v&*!
c The features of a green computer of tomorrow would be like:
efficiency, manufacturing & materials, recyclability, service
model, self-powering, and other trends.

c Green computer will be one of the major contributions which

will break down the 'digital divide', the electronic gulf that
separates the information rich from the information poor.




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