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Cluster Sampling :
Cluster sampling is a sampling technique in which the entire
population of interest is divided into groups, or clusters, and a
random sample of these clusters is selected. Each cluster must
be mutually exclusive and together the clusters must include the
entire population. After clusters are selected, then all units
within the clusters are selected. No units from non-selected
clusters are included in the sample. This differs from stratified
sampling, in which some units are selected from each group.
When all the units within a cluster are selected, the technique is
referred to as one-stage cluster sampling. If a subset of units is
selected randomly from each selected cluster, it is called two-
stage cluster sampling. Cluster sampling can also be made in
three or more stages: it is then referred to as multistage cluster
Cluster Sampling Contd:

Cluster sampling refers to a sampling method that has the

following properties.
The population is divided into N groups, called clusters.
The researcher randomly selects n clusters to include in the
Each element of the population can be assigned to one, and only
one, cluster.
This presentation covers two types of cluster sampling methods :

One-stage sampling. All of the elements within selected clusters

are included in the sample.

Two-stage sampling. A subset of elements within selected clusters

are randomly selected for inclusion in the sample.
A sample frame is a list that includes every member of the population from
which a sample is to be taken. Without some form of sample frame, a random
sample of a population, other than an extremely small population, is
impossible. When a list of the population of interest is not available, an
alternate method for capturing the population must be found. Most surveys
carried out by governmental statistical agencies rely on a sample frame that is
composed of maps that partition the entire country into enumeration areas. In
that case, a multi-stage sample design is required. Enumeration areas are first
randomly sampled, and then individual housing units are sampled from within
the enumeration areas. Finally, individuals are sampled from within the
housing units.

Even though the set of maps of enumeration areas is not a list of individuals in
the population, it is still considered a sample frame. In that case, however, it is
a sample frame of individuals that reside in housing units, not of the total
population. Any individual who does not live in a housing unit, for example, a
homeless person, is not covered by the sample frame.
Cluster Sampling: Advantages and Disadvantages

Assuming the sample size is constant across sampling

methods, cluster sampling generally provides less precision
than either simple random sampling or stratified sampling.
This is the main disadvantage of cluster sampling.

Given this disadvantage, it is natural to ask: Why use cluster

sampling? Sometimes, the cost per sample point is less for
cluster sampling than for other sampling methods. Given a
fixed budget, the researcher may be able to use a bigger
sample with cluster sampling than with the other methods.
When the increased sample size is sufficient to offset the
loss in precision, cluster sampling may be the best choice.
When to Use Cluster Sampling

Cluster sampling should be used only when it is

economically justified - when reduced costs can be used
to overcome losses in precision. This is most likely to
occur in the following situations.
Constructing a complete list of population elements is
difficult, costly, or impossible. For example, it may not
be possible to list all of the customers of a chain of
hardware stores. However, it would be possible to
randomly select a subset of stores (stage 1 of cluster
sampling) and then interview a random sample of
customers who visit those stores (stage 2 of cluster

The population is concentrated in "natural" clusters (city blocks,

schools, hospitals, etc.). For example, to conduct personal
interviews of operating room nurses, it might make sense to
randomly select a sample of hospitals (stage 1 of cluster sampling)
and then interview all of the operating room nurses at that
hospital. Using cluster sampling, the interviewer could conduct
many interviews in a single day at a single hospital. Simple random
sampling, in contrast, might require the interviewer to spend all
day traveling to conduct a single interview at a single hospital.
Even when the above situations exist, it is often unclear which
sampling method should be used. Test different options, using
hypothetical data if necessary. Choose the most cost-effective
approach; that is, choose the sampling method that delivers the
greatest precision for the least cost.
Factors That Influence Sample Size

The "right" sample size for a particular application

depends on many factors, including the following:
Cost considerations (e.g., maximum budget, desire to
minimize cost).
Administrative concerns (e.g., complexity of the
design, research deadlines).
Minimum acceptable level of precision.
Confidence level.
Variability within the population or subpopulation of

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