Measurement of Large Displacements: Types

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 Measurement of Large Displacements

• Also called Range Sensors

• measure the motion of a body with respect to some
fixed datum point.
 Types:
I. Energy source/detector-based range sensors
II. Rotary potentiometer and spring-loaded drum system
I. Energy source/detector-based range
Fundamental components:
• Energy source,
• Energy detector,
• Electronic mean for time

 Configuration
 Working
I. Energy source/detector-based range
 Classification
These are further classified on the basis of
form of energy they used:
a) Ultrasonic systems,
b) Optical range-finding systems
a) Ultrasonic systems

 energy is transmitted from the source in

high-frequency bursts (20 kHz-40 kHz)
 speed of sound in air is 340 m/s
 S=VT/2
 common for measuring distances up to 5 m.
 Not suitable for measuring distances of less
than about 300 mm.
 Typical inaccuracy of ultrasonic range finding
systems is 0.5% of full scale.
b) Optical range-finding systems

 generally use a laser light source

 speed of light in air is high so light
takes only a few nanoseconds to
travel a meter
 S=VT (V=3x10^8m/s)
 only suitable for measuring very
large displacements
II. Rotary potentiometer and
spring-loaded drum.
This consists of:
• a wire
• body whose displacement is being measured
• pulley
• a spring-loaded drum
• a rotary potentiometer.

 This type of configuration sometimes

also called String potentiometer.
II. Rotary potentiometer and
spring-loaded drum.
As the transducer's cable extends along with
the movable object, it causes the spool and
sensor shafts to rotate. And the rotation of
spring-loaded drum is measured by a rotary
o Normally it can measure up to 5000mm-
o measurement uncertainty is as little as
0.01% of full-scale reading.
 Applications

• hydraulic cylinder position

• automotive and aerospace testing,
• factory automation,
• medical devices,
• oil and chemical,
• structural testing,
• industrial machinery,
• robotics

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