Educating Service Innovators

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Educating Service Innovators

Jim Spohrer, IBM

AHFE Human Side of Service Engineering
Krakow, Poland
July 22, 2014
This presentation with speaker notes is available for download at:

2/1/2018 (c) 2014 IBM UP (University Programs) 1

Help transform K-12 STEM Education
• Challenge-based SSME+DAPP Design of Smart Service Systems
– K - Transportation Systems
– 1 - Water & Waste Management that move, store,
harvest, process
– 2 - Food & Global Supply Chain
– 3 - Energy & Electric Grid
– 4 - Info & Comm Tech (ICT) Infrastructure
– 5 - Buildings & Construction that enable
– 6 - Banking & Finance healthy, wealthy,
and wise people
– 7 - Retail & Hospitality
Smarter Planet (SP)
– 8 - Healthcare
– 9 - Education (including Universities)
Service Systems:
– 10 - Government (Cities)
– 11 - Government (Regions/States) that govern
Quality of Life (QoL)
– 12 - Government (Nations) depends directly on
– Higher Ed – Specific Service Systems Quality of Service (QoS)
– Professional Life – Specific Service Systems

“Imagine a better service system, and use STEM language to explain why it is better”
STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
See Challenge-Based Learning:
Types of Service System Entities

University Four Missions

1. Learning
2. Discovery Nation “Multilevel nested,
3. Engagement networked
State/Province holistic service
4. Convergence City/Region systems (HSS)
Business Entrepreneurship U-BEE that provision
“The future is already Job Creator/Sustainer whole service (WS) to
here (at universities), Cultural & Hospital the people inside them.
it is just not evenly Conference College
WS includes
Hotels K-12 flows (transportation,
water, food, energy,
“The best way to Non-profits Worker Family communications),
(professional) (household)
Social Entrepreneurship development
predict the future (buildings,
is to (inspire the next retail ,finance, health,
generation of students education),
to) build it better.” and governance (city,
state, nation). ”
U-BEEs = University-Based Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
© IBM 2013 IBM University Programs
2/1/2018 worldwide accelerating regional 3
development (IBM UPward)
Entities (Actors) as Service Systems
Management Information
Science Law
Finance Systems

“service science is Engineering
Economics the transdisciplinary study of
service systems & Computer
value co-creation”
“a service system is Political
Marketing Sciences
a human-made system to improve
provider-customer interactions
and value co-creation outcomes, Sciences
studied by many disciplines,
one piece at a time.”
Supply Chain
Design Operations
and many others…
Cognitive Science

Maglio, P. P., Vargo, S. L., Caswell, N., & Spohrer, J. (2009).

The service system is the basic abstraction of service science.
Information Systems and e-business 4 Management, 7(4), 395-406.
Next Generation:
T-Shaped Adaptive Innovators

Many disciplines
Many sectors
Many regions/cultures
(understanding & communications)
Deep in one region/culture
Deep in one discipline

Deep in one sector

Some paths to becoming 64x smarter:
Improving learning and performance
• 2x from Learning sciences (methods)
– Better models of concepts
– Better models of learners
• 2x from Learning technology (tools)
– Guided learning paths
– Elimination of “thrashing”
• 2x from Quantity effect (overlaps)
– More you know, faster you go
– Advanced organizers
• 2x from Lifelong learning (time)
– Longer lives and longer careers
– Keeps “learning-mode” activated
• 2x from Early learning (time)
– Start earlier: Challenged-based approach
– STEM-2D in K-12 (SSME+DAPP Design of Smart Service Systems)
• 2x from Cognitive systems (performance support)
– Technology & Infrastructure Interactions
– Organizations & Others Interactions
What are the (system) trends?

Digital Immigrant Digital Native

Born: 1988 Born: 2014
Graduated College with PhD: 2014 Enters College: 2032

Early Motivations (Growth 2)

Gerstner decides
to grow service

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Early Motivations (Aspiration 2)

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Principle 1: Resources

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Principle 2: Value Propositions

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Principle 3: Access Rights

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Principle 4: Outcomes

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Principle 5: Dynamics

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Principle 5: Dynamics (Revisited)

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Principle 6: Entities

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In sum, a picture…
- Language
- Learning
- Levels

Courtesy Jean Paul Jacob, IBM Research Emeritus

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