Inner Health: A Journey Towards Self-Discovery: Dr. Falguni Jani

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Inner Health:

A Journey Towards Self-Discovery

Dr. Falguni Jani

Sri Aurobindo Centre for Advanced Research

“Essentially there is but one single true
reason for living: it is to know oneself.
We are here to learn—to learn what we
are, why we are here, and what we have
to do. And if we don’t know that, our life
is altogether empty—for ourselves and
for others.”

“We are on earth to progress,” says
The Mother.

This is the reason for taking birth after

birth, because our psychic can only make
progress here on earth when it takes on a
human body.

It is a fact that only the soul in us can know

the truth and guide us, there is one more
good reason to start our inner journey.
Concept of Self
A. Outer self:
In our surface Personality we come
into contact with the world.
It includes our Physical aspect; sense
organs, the taste, the smell the touch.
Also how we Interact with people.
All that is visible to us regarding our
In other words, Physical, Mental and
Vital Nature
B. Inner self
This part pertains to all that is hidden,
working behind the scene. At times not
recognized by our own self.
It is our Inner Physical, Inner Vital,
Inner Mental.
The likes and dislikes, sudden responses
of fear and disgust, all that forms the
character of nobility, generosity or
violence and hatred. The thought
processes that determine our reactions.
C. Inmost self
There are two parts of the Self:

• One, the Atman or the soul, the

Immortal Self that remains the same
throughout our life.
• Second, is the Spark of the soul, the
Psychic Being.
The Mother, says that each human being
is unique and that each one has a role to
fulfil. The uniqueness is in our psychic
It is a fact that only the soul in us can know
the truth and guide us.
Let us know how to prepare ourselves for a
beautiful journey.
First and foremost we must
Learn to live within.
We need determination because our mind,
our vital and our body have formed habits
and preferences.
Mostly, we live on the surface. At times,
reflect a little. We can use some tools; like a
prayer, A Mantra, which can be our
Basic Nourishment for
Inner Health

This Journey Is A Process Of Becoming
Conscious, of Evolving and
Transforming ourselves

• Step one : Of our Physical Movements

• Step Two: Mental Activities
• Step Three: Emotions
• Step Four: Desires and Ambitions
• Step Five: Deepest Aspirations
Practice –I



To observe and correct the negative
thoughts, and Emotions of Anger,
Resentment, Jealousy, Hatred, Anxiety.

All the above drain the Energy which

lowers The Immunity of the body and
invite ill-health.

We can take time during the day for five

minutes to pause, reflect, remember and
offer the above into the inner flame or any
image of the deity.
How to Protect Ourselves
There is a layer of subtle physical around our
body known a the Nervous Envelope.

This body is built up, on the one side, of a material

basis, but rather of material conditions than of
physical matter, on the other, of the vibrations of
our psychological states. Peace and equanimity and
confidence, faith in health, undisturbed repose
and cheerfulness and bright gladness constitute
this element in it and give it strength and
It is a very sensitive medium with facile and quick
reactions; it readily takes in all kinds of suggestions
and these can rapidly change and almost re-mould
its condition.

A bad suggestion acts very strongly upon it; a good

suggestion operates in the contrary sense with the
same force.

Depression and discouragement have a very adverse

effect; they cut out holes in it, as it were, in its very
stuff, render it weak and unresisting and open to
hostile attacks an easy passage.
(CWM 3: 89)

Be Still and observe the Movements inside,

It helps the body, Nerves and Thoughts to
instill Peace, deep within.

Practice full breathing, Slowly with attention.

Imagine that the Prana is reaching every cell
of the body. Learn to use Energy judiciously,
in speech and Actions.

Try to connect with your deeper self.

Practice- III

Take time to Gaze in the sky.

Smell a flower.
Observe the birds flying in the sky.
To see the flow of water in the ocean, or
To watch the fish swim in an aquarium.

It is important to merge and be one in

consciousness in all the above activities
Without any thoughts.
A change from DOING TO BEING.
No Excitement, Intensity, Reaction; instead
Moderation, Reflection, Action.
This is a cure for Restlessness,
Stress, Exhaustion from Physical and
Mental work.

With a regular practice one feels, Joy

Energy and liberation from one’s own
Preoccupations and habits
Not to be preoccupied with
it, but to leave it to the

Health is the outer

expression of a deep
harmony one must be
proud of it and not
despise it.


Thespesia populnea
Portia tree

To want what You want

always and in every
circumstance is the
only way to
enjoy an

Curcuma zedoaria
Zedoary, Turmeric.
Joy of Integral

Calm and tranquil,

an unfailing smile.

Crinum lily, Spider
Peace in the Cells
The indispensable condition for the body’s progress.
Ixora thwaitesii
White ixora
Peace in the Nerves

Indispensable for

Guettarda speciosa
Peace in the Physical
To want what God wants is the best condition for it.

Calophyllum inophyllum
Alexandrian laurel, Indian laurel, Laurelwood
Peace in the Vital
The result of the abolition of the desires.
Murraya paniculata
Orange jessamine, Satin-wood, Cosmetic-bark tree, Chinese
Silence in the Vital
A powerful help for inner peace
Achimenes grandiflora
Monkey-faced pansy, Orchid pansy, Japanese pansy, Cupid's bower
Peace of Integral Faithfulness
Be faithful to the Divine and you will enjoy a constant peace.

Portlandia grandiflora
Harmony in the Vital
To harmonise the vital is a psychological masterpiece; happy is the one who
accomplishes it.
Coral vine, Confederate vine, Mexican creeper, Chain of love
Integral Harmony

Harmony between
things, harmony
between persons,
harmony of
circumstances and,
above all,
harmony of
aspirations — all
leading towards the
Supreme Truth.
Collective Harmony
Collective harmony is the work undertaken by the Divine Consciousness; it
alone has the power to realise it.
Perfect Balance
One of the most important conditions of a growing peace.
Perfect Mental Balance
Indispensable for facing the difficulties of life.

Perfect Quietness in the Mind
Essential condition for true progress.
Nerium oleander
Oleander, Rosebay
The ideal condition for progress.
Passiflora Incarnata X cincinnata 'Incense'
Passion flower
Mental Receptivity

Always ready to learn.

Gladiolus Xhortulanus
Garden gladiolus

Emotions wanting to
be Divinised.

Gladiolus Xhortulanus
Garden gladiolus
Vital receptivity

Happens only when the

vital understands that it
must be transformed.
The vital blossoms in
aspiration for the divine.

Gladiolus Xhortulanus
Garden gladiolus
Desire nothing but the purity, force, light, wideness,
calm, Ananda of the divine consciousness and its
insistence to transform and perfect your mind, life
and body.
CWSA, 32, 8.

Turn your mind completely away from your difficulty,

concentrate exclusively on the Light and the Force
coming from above;
let the Lord do for your body whatever He pleases.
Hand over to Him totally the entire responsibility of
your physical being.
This is the cure.
With my blessings.
CWM Vol, 15, 150

The decision to go to the very


Calendula officinalis
Ruddles, Common marigold,
Scotch marigold, Pot marigold
Finally it is Faith that cures.
CWM 15: 159

A state that
can be
obtained by
g to the

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