FM AM Radio

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•What is Radio ?
•What is AM and FM?
•What is the Difference between AM and FM
Radio is a small part of the electromagnetic
spectrum that is used for a wide range of business
and nonbusiness purposes.
The electromagnetic spectrum is a continuum of all
electromagnetic waves arranged according to
frequency and wavelength.

is a term used to describe all the

different kinds of energies
released into space by stars such
as the Sun. These kinds of
energies include some that you
will recognize and some that will
sound strange.
Radio Waves TV waves

Radar waves Heat (infrared radiation)

Ultraviolet Light Xrays
(This is what causes Sunburns) (Just like the kind you get at the doctor's office)

Microwaves, like in a microwave oven

All these waves do different
things (for example, light waves
make things visible to the human
eye, while heat waves make
molecules move and warm up,
and x rays can pass through a
person and land on film, allowing
us to take a picture inside
someone's body) but they have
some things in common.
Amplitude Modulation (AM)
• Amplitude modulation is the process of varying the
amplitude of a carrier wave in proportion to the
amplitude of a baseband signal. The frequency of the
Carrier remains constant.
• Modulation is the process of impressing a low
frequency information signal (baseband signal) onto a
higher frequency carrier signal.
The term baseband is used to designate the band of
frequencies representing the original signal as
delivered by the input transducer
For example, the voice signal from a microphone is a
baseband signal, and contains frequencies in the
range of 03000 Hz
The “hello” wave is a baseband signal:
Amplitude Modulation (AM) uses changes in the signal
strength to convey information

pressure modulation (sound)

electromagnetic wave modulation

Frequency Modulation (FM)
Frequency modulation is the process of varying the
frequency of a carrier wave in proportion to the
amplitude of a baseband signal. The amplitude of
the carrier remains constant
Frequency Modulation (FM) uses changes in the wave’s
frequency to convey information

Pressure modulation (sound)

electromagnetic wave modulation

AM requires a simple circuit, and is very
easy to generate. It is simple to tune, and is
used in almost all short wave broadcasting.
The area of coverage of AM is greater than
FM (longer
wavelengths (lower frequencies) are utilized
Property of HF waves?)
However, it is quite inefficient, and is
susceptible to static and other forms of
electrical noise.
The main advantage of FM is its audio quality
and immunity
to noise. Most forms of static and electrical noise
are naturally
AM, and an FM receiver will not respond to AM
The audio quality of a FM signal increases as the
deviation increases (deviation from the center
frequency), which is why FM broadcast stations
use such large deviation.
The main disadvantage of FM is the larger
bandwidth it requires
1. AM radio is a Amplitude modulation but FM is
a Frequency modulation.
2. FM can be filtered out when the tune received
by receiver but in AM not.
3. The AM signal can be changed And difficult to
get information form it but in FM is constant.
4: AM is taken In low Frequency and not stereo
but FM taken in high frequency and its stereo..
5. AM can received as a analog but FM can be
received as Digital.
6. The Amplitude off Income will be muted in FM
if its not that much strong enough, butt in AM
whether its strong or not.

Thank You!

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