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Prepared by: Leonard Malate

Roman Architecture
Adaptation of the Greek Architecture

Greeks were Naturalistic + Idealistic

Romans were Naturalistic + Realistic

Adaptation of Greek Architecture

 Adaptation Of the Greek Orders

• Doric Order
• Ionic Order
• Corinthian Order

 Adaptation Of Designs and Temples

Greek Orders
 Naturalistic + Idealistic
 Naturalistic + Realistic
Etruscan Architecture
 Etruscan is used to be the name of
ancient civilization of Italy.
System of Construction
 Trabeated (Post & Lintel)
System of Construction
 The Arch
The Vault
Use of Concrete
The New Orders
The Arch
 The Keystone and the Voussoirs
The Vault
 A Continuous Arch
Use Of Concrete
 Romans where the first one to
discover the use of concrete

Cement = Lime & Clay

 Binder = Aggregates/ Sand
 Pozzolan= Siliceous/ Volcanic Ash
 Wall Support
• Aqueducts were used as water
distribution from one place to another
The New Orders
 Tuscan Order
The New Orders
Composite Order
Known Personality Related to
Architecture in this period
 Vitruvius
Known for his writings The Ten Books
of Architecture around 25 BC
Terms used by Vitruvius
• Grace (Venustas)
• Eurythmia (Proportion)
• Symmetria
• Décor (Organization)
Types Of Structures
Types Of Structures
Domus or The Upper class house
Types Of Structures
Types Of Structures
Insulae or Apartment
Types Of Structures
The roman Bathhouse

Methods of Wall Design
 Mosaic
Methods of Wall Design
Fresco- Secco
Opus incertum
Opus reticulatum
Opus quadratum
Opus latericium
Opus spicatum
The Pantheon of Marcus Agrippa

 Hierarchy of gods
The Pantheon
The Colosseum
An Amphitheatre Built by Emperor
Vespasian and completed during the
time of Titus
Arch of Titus
Built by emperor Domitian to
commemorate his brother’s victories.
After the Roman period
Early Christian Architecture
Byzantine Architecture
Romanesque Architecture
Gothic Architecture
Renaissance Architecture
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