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By Haring Pogi

– Introduction to Science
– Ecosystem
– Plants
– Human Anatomy
– Matter
– Acids and Bases
– Calamities
– Solar System
What Is Science?

– Science is the concerted human effort to understand, or to understand

better, the history of the natural world and how the natural world works, with
observable physical evidence as the basis of that understanding. It is done
through observation of natural phenomena, and/or through experimentation
that tries to simulate natural processes under controlled conditions.
– is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of
testable explanations and predictions about the universe
Division/ Branches of Science

– Natural Science
– Formal Science
– Social Science
Natural Science

– is a branch of science that seeks to elucidate the rules that govern

the natural world by applying an empirical and scientific method to the study of
the universe. The term natural sciences is used to distinguish it from the social
sciences, which apply the scientific method to study human
behavior and social patterns; the humanities, which use a critical, or analytical
approach to the study of the human condition; and the formal sciences.
– Divisions of Natural Science are:
Physical Science
Life Science
Physical Science

– is an encompassing term for the branches of natural science and science that
study non-living systems, in contrast to the life sciences. However, the term
"physical" creates an unintended, somewhat arbitrary distinction, since many
branches of physical science also study biological phenomena. There is a
difference between physical science and physics.
Division of
Physical Science

is a natural science that involves the

study of matter and
its motion through spacetime, along
with related concepts such
as energy and force. More broadly, it
is the general analysis of nature,
conducted in order to understand
how the universe behaves
Division of
Physical Science

is the science of matter and the

changes it undergoes. The science of
matter is also addressed by physics,
but while physics takes a more general
and fundamental approach, chemistry
is more specialized, being concerned
by the composition, behavior (or
reaction), structure, and properties
of matter, as well as the changes it
undergoes during chemical reactions.
Division of
Physical Science
Earth Science

is an all-embracing term for

the sciences related to the planet Earth. It
is arguably a special case in planetary
science, the Earth being the only
known life-bearing planet. There are
both reductionist and holistic approaches
to Earth sciences. The formal discipline of
Earth sciences may include the study of
the atmosphere, hydrosphere, oceans
and biosphere, as well as the solid earth.
Division of
Physical Science

is the scientific study of the

relationships that living organisms have
with each other and with their
abiotic environment. Topics of interest
to ecologists include the composition,
distribution, amount (biomass),
number, and changing states of
organisms within and
among ecosystems.
Division of
Physical Science

is the science comprising the study

of solid Earth, the rocks of which it is
composed, and the processes by
which they change. Geology can also
refer generally to the study of the
solid features of any celestial body
Division of
Physical Science

is the interdisciplinary scientific

study of the atmosphere
Division of
Physical Science
Space Science/ Astronomy

is the study of everything in outer

space. This has sometimes been
called astronomy, but recently
astronomy has come to be regarded as
a division of broader space science,
which has grown to include other
related fields, such as studying issues
related to space travel and space
exploration (including space
medicine), space archaeology and
science performed in outer space
Life Science

– comprises the branches of science that involve the scientific study of living
organisms, like plants, animals, and human beings. However, the study of
behavior of organisms, such as practiced in ethology and psychology, is only
included in as much as it involves a clearly biological aspect. While biology
remains the centerpiece of life science, technological advances in molecular
biology and biotechnology have led to a burgeoning of specializations and new,
often interdisciplinary, fields.
Division of Life

is the branch of natural

science concerned with the study
of life and living organisms, including
their structure, function, growth,
origin, evolution, distribution, and
taxonomy. Biology is a vast subject
containing many subdivisions,
topics, and disciplines.
Division of Life

is the branch of biology that relates

to the animal kingdom, including the
structure, embryology, evolution,
classification, habits, and
distribution of all animals, both
living and extinct.
Division of Life
Human Biology

is an interdisciplinary academic field

of biology, biological anthropology,
nutrition and medicine which
focuses on humans; it is closely
related to primate biology, and a
number of other fields.
Division of Life

is a branch of biology that involves the

scientific study of plant life. Botany covers
a wide range of scientific disciplines
including structure, growth, reproduction,
metabolism, development, diseases,
chemical properties, and evolutionary
relationships among taxonomic groups.
Botany began with early human efforts to
identify edible, medicinal and poisonous
plants, making it one of the oldest
Social Science

– are the fields of scholarship that study society. "Social science" is commonly
used as an umbrella term to refer to a plurality of fields outside of the natural
sciences. These include: anthropology, archaeology, business
administration, communication, criminology, economics, education, governmen
t, linguistics, international relations, political
science, psychology (especially social psychology), sociology and, in some
contexts, geography, history and law.
Formal Science

– are the branches of science that are concerned with formal systems, such
as logic, mathematics, theoretical computer science, information
theory, systems theory, decision theory, statistics, and some aspects
of linguistics.
– Unlike other sciences, the formal sciences are not concerned with the validity
of theories based on observations in the real world (empirical knowledge), but
rather with the properties of formal systems based on definitions and rules.
Division of
Formal Science

is the formal systematic study of

the principles of valid inference and
correct reasoning. Logic is used in
most intellectual activities, but is
studied primarily in the disciplines
of philosophy, mathematics, semanti
cs, and computer science.
Division of

Mathematics, which is classified as a

formal science, has both similarities
and differences with the empirical
sciences (the natural and social
sciences). It is similar to empirical
sciences in that it involves an objective,
careful and systematic study of an area
of knowledge; it is different because of
its method of verifying its knowledge,
using a priori rather than empirical
Division of

is the study of the collection,

organization, and interpretation
of data. It deals with all aspects of
this, including the planning of data
collection in terms of the design
of surveys and experiments
Applied Science

– is the application of scientific knowledge transferred into a physical

environment. Examples include testing a theoretical model through the use of
formal science or solving a practical problem through the use of natural science.
1. What do you call the systematic body of Knowledge?
2. What is this branch of science that includes human science, virology, micro biology, etc.
3. What do you call the study of weather and atmosphere?
4. This is a branch of science that deals with the collection of data and interpretations of data?
5. Mathematics falls under what major branch of science?
6. History falls under what branch of science?
7. This branch of science deals with the study of ecosystem, and the interaction of living things and non living things within.
8. Psychology falls under what branch of science?
9. This deals with the study of viruses
10. This deals with the study of matter and the reaction of different materials.
11. This is the branch of science that deals with the study of everything in earth
12. This is the study of past civilization site?
13. The study of animals and their classifications are called?
14. Engineering falls under what branch of Science?
15. This branch of science includes the muscular system, nervous system and other systems of the body
16. This is the study of solar system
17. This deals with the study of solids of the earth and other celestial solids
18. This branch of science is used in intellectual activities primarily in philosophy
19. This is the branch of science that deals with the study of plants
20. This deals with the study of life
Quiz Answers
1. What do you call the systematic body of Knowledge? Science
2. What is this branch of science that includes human science, virology, micro biology, etc. Human Biology
3. What do you call the study of weather and atmosphere? Meteorology
4. This is a branch of science that deals with the collection of data and interpretations of data? Statistics
5. Mathematics falls under what major branch of science? Formal Science
6. History falls under what branch of science? Social Science
7. This branch of science deals with the study of ecosystem, and the interaction of living things and non living things within. Ecology
8. Psychology falls under what branch of science? Social Science
9. This deals with the study of viruses Virology
10. This deals with the study of matter and the reaction of different materials. Chemistry
11. This is the branch of science that deals with the study of everything in earth Earth Science
12. This is the study of past civilization site? Archaeology
13. The study of animals and their classifications are called? Zoology
14. Engineering falls under what branch of Science? Applied Science
15. This branch of science includes the muscular system, nervous system and other systems of the body Human Anatomy
16. This is the study of solar system Astronomy
17. This deals with the study of solids of the earth and other celestial solids Geology
18. This branch of science is used in intellectual activities primarily in philosophy Logic
19. This is the branch of science that deals with the study of plants Botany
20. This deals with the study of life Biology

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