Menstrual Cycle

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 Series of changes in ovary and uterus

 Controlled by hormones
 Starts at puberty
 Ends at menopause
 ~28 day cycle
 1. Follicle Stage
 Egg matures in follicle
 FSH- follicle stimulating hormone
 Follicle produces estrogen
 Estrogen thickens lining of uterus
 Lasts ~10 days
 2. Ovulation
 Egg released from follicle (follicle breaks)
 LH- leutinizing hormone
 Egg picked up by fallopian tube
 ~ day 14
 3. Corpus Luteum Stage
 After ovulation, follicle fills with yellow tissue corpus
 Corpus luteum produces progesterone
 Progesterone increases blood supply
 Lasts ~ 14 days
 4. Menstruation
 No fertilization= follicle breaks
 Produces less estrogen and
 Lining of uterus shed
 Lasts ~4 days
 Occurs in a cycle

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