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By :
Yuningtyaswari, M.Kes
Mhs mampu menjelaskan tentang jaringan epitel
Mhs mampu menyebutkan & menjelaskan
bermacam tipe epitel, lokasi dan fungsinya di
dalam tubuh
Juncqueira, Basic Histology
Leeson & Leeson, Buku Ajar Histologi, EGC
Situs-situs histologi
Organisasi di dalam tubuh mh
Sel  jaringan organ sistem organ
Macam sel dlm tubuh  coba sebutkan!
Bagian” sel

Macam”jaringan dlm tubuh coba

sebutkan !
Komponen jaringan : sel & subtansia antar
sel  khas
(Textus epithelialis)
Tdd deretan sel, susunan rapat  subst. intercellularis
sgt sedikit & tipis
Melapisi permukaan jrngn/alat dr dlm maupun luar
(melapisi rongga alat)
Melekat pd membrana basalis (jrgn di bwh deretan
Sifat membrana basalis :
– Sukar dilihat dg mc optik dgn HE
– Dpt diperagakan dg teknik pewarnaan PAS &
impregnasi perak
– Permeable  dpt dilalui zat makanan dr jrgn di
bawahnya  nutrisi dpt mencapai epitel
a. Lamina basalis : lapisan di bwh epith (500-
800 A)  filamen” tipis mbtk anyaman dlm
subst dsr m basalis. B’hub langsung dg
membran dasar sel epith terdekat
b. Lamina fibroretikularis  serabut kecil”
retikuler, di sblh luar LB
c. Substansia fundamentalis (=subts dasar) :
mgd protein & polisakarida

Ground substance (substansia intercellularis)
There are many type ofi tissue in the body :
– Epithel
– Blood
– Connective
– Nervous
– etc

Sheets of cells that cover or line the body surfaces, e.g. :skin,
lining digestive system, lining of body cavities and organs, glands.
. Component :
– Epithelal cell
– Ground substance
– Barrier formation
– Absorption
– Transport
– Secretion

1. Layer/coat epithelial (epithel suprficiale)

2. Secretoris epithelial (epithel glandulare)
Morphology of Epithelia
1. Number of cellular layers
Simple - single layer of cells

Stratified - multiple layers of cells

2. Cell types
Squamous - flat cells
Cuboidal - cells roughly square
Columnar - cells 2 to 5 times taller than wide
3. Modifications of surface
Ciliated - coverage of the apical surface by cilia
Keratinized - coverage of the apical surface by a flaky
material called keratin.
Morphology of Epithelia
4. Nomenclature - In general describe epithelial by layers and
then cell shape. If the apical surface is modified the term
describing the modification is added last.
5. Exceptions

Pseudo stratified appears to be stratified; simply

arrangement of cells

Transitional - stratified epithelium of the bladder.

Renewal in epithelial tissue- epithelia are renewing structures
where cells are continually turned over and require three types of
– Stem cells - located in specialized regions within epithelia and
always in contact with the basement membrane.
– Transiently amplifying cells - located on the basement
membrane in stratified epithelia and in the crypts in some
simple epithelia
– Differentiated cells -
generally have specialized features associated with the
function of the tissue
are either sloughed off as part of the differentiation process
are located in the upper layers of stratified epithelia and at the top
of the crypts in some simple epithelia
Specializations relating to barrier formation (basement
membrane and adhesion junctions and keratinization)

• Epithelia are polar structures. They have an apical surface

basolateral surface.
• Basement Membrane/basal lamina - Not a membrane at all
but a specialized form of extracellular matrix that exists
between epithelia, muscle and nervous tissue and the
underlying or surrounding connective tissue.
Basement membrane (membrana basalis)

– Adhesive surface that hold epithelial cells to connective
– Forms a restrictive barrier to growth of epithelial
– Serves as a semipermeable barrier between tissue
layers. Allows O2 and nutrients to pass through to the
epithelia, and prevents passage of substances (toxic
waste products bacteria etc) that get through epithelia
into the connective tissue.
Basement membrane (membrana basalis)
– Light microscope - generally not visible in H and E
stained sections. Reason: made up of a lot of
glycoproteins relatively thin.  visible in PAS (periodic
acid Fuchsin Shift), Ag impregnation
– EM - readily apparent as an electron dense line
between specialized cells and connective tissue. At
high power 3 distinct regions visible.
Lamina Lucida - region of adhesion of cells to
lamina densa
Lamina densa - functional core of basement
membrane (basal lamina)
Lamina fibroreticular - region of adhesion of lamina
densa to underlying connective tissue made by
Basement membrane (membrana basalis)
– Extracellular matrix - gel-like substances that are
secreted from a cell. Made up of ground substance,
fibrillar proteins and glycoproteins
– Ground substance-mixture rich in very large
carbohydrate polymers
– Fibrillar proteins - Collagen type IV epithelia found in
lamina densa
– Glycoproteins - Laminin, entactin: glue that holds
extracellular matrix together. Laminin binds integrins,
collagen IV, heparin sulfate, entactin
Basement membrane (membrana basalis)
– Adhesion of epithelial cells to basement membrane
– Non visible - Numerous integrins bind to laminin, collagen IV or
ground substance
– Junction visible in the EM: hemidesmosome
– Function - a cell-extracellular matrix junction that holds
epithelial cells to underlying connective tissue
– Appearance - in the EM, plaques on the basal lateral
membrane are observed that have intermediate filaments
running into them.
– Composition
Integrin - adheres to Type VII collagen (linker binding)
Integrin - cytoplasmic tail linked to desmoplakin
Desmoplakin binds to intermediate filaments

i. Occluding junctions, Tight junctions, Zonula

ii. Adherens junction, Zonula adherens
iii. Desmosomes, Macula adherens
iv. Gap junction
Specializations related to absorption
1. Microvilli - Present in kidney tubule and small intestine
– function - increase surface area for absorption
– appearance - in the light microscope microvilli can have the
appearance of a brush border, which looks like a darkened
strip on top of epithelial cells. EM is required to clearly
distinguish the morphology and structure of microvilli. In the
EM they are finger-like projections on the apical surface of
– composition- actin filaments running inside the microvillus
maintain structure. Surface covered by glycoproteins and
enzymes involved in absorption.
– A special type of microvilli: stereo cilia- extremely long
microvilli present in epididymis and coclear hair cells in the ear.
These can be observed in the light microscope.
Specializations related to transport
2. Basal lateral folds
– Function - increases surface for transport of fluids or ions
– Appearance/composition- visible in EM only. Deep
invaginations of basal membrane often associated with
mitochondria because transport requires a lot of energy
3. Cilia
– Appearance- visible in the light microscope as hair-like
projection on the cell. At EM level, cilia are membrane-covered
microtubule extensions
– Composition - core of 9 microtubules encircling 2 central is
called an axoneme. A microtubule motor moves microtubules
in axoneme producing motion in cilia
– Function- involved in the transport of mucus/ovum
Types of secretion
Exocrine secretion- secretion from the apex of the cell into
a lumen.
Endocrine secretion- secretion from the base of the cell
through basal lamina and into blood stream

Mechanism/forms of exocrine secretion

Merocrine - simple exocytosis. Example: pancreas
Apocrine - pinching off of apical membrane containing
secretory product into the lumen. Example: mammary
Holocrine - shedding of whole cell containing secretory
product into the lumen. Example: sebaceous gland.
Specialized secretory structures and glands
Single (Unicellularis): secretory cells, present between cells of a
surface epithelium called goblet cells. These cells are the muscin-
secreting cells of the digestive tract.
Glands- an invagination of epithelial cells into surrounding support
tissue to form a specialized secretory tissue. Glands are present
where large volumes of secretory products are required. 
glandula intraepithelialis
 multicellularis
Regions of the gland

Ducts - carry secretory product to the surface

Duct cells function to add water to secretory
product. They are ion-pumping cells with tight
junctions, basolateral folds and abundant
Secretory portion - Production and secretion of
secretory product.
Types of cells - secretory cells

Serous or protein secreting - abundant ER gives dark staining

properties to these cells in H&E stained sections. Example:
Muscin secreting - these cells secrete glycoproteins and
proteoglycans. Have a lot of golgi and secretory vesicles filled with
polysaccharides. In H & E, cytoplasm skin very pale due to the
abundance ofcarbohydrate.
Lipid synthesizing/secreting - Cells synthesize and secrete
steroids or lipids. Prominent SER does not stain. Lipid
components are removed by embedding process. Example:
adrenal cortex sebaceous glands
Terms relating to the morphology of glands

a. Ducts
– Simple vs. compound
– Straight vs. coiled
– Secretory portion
b. Tubular (pipe) vs. ascinar (vesicle)
Epithelium simple squamousum

Corpusculum renalis
Lining blood vessel
Epithelium Pseudostrat. Columnare ciliatum

Epithelium Simple Columnare

E. Transitional

Urinary bladder
E. Squamosum Stratificatum

Body skin
Ep. Simple Cuboidal
Tubulus renalis
A single layer of cuboidal cells with rounded nuclei, lying on a
basement membrane. They are often found lining ducts and may possess
basal infoldings. Function: They transport fluids and may modify the
contents of the lumen by selective absorption.
Absorption, lubrication or movement of luminal contents.
Pseudostratified Epith.


Stratified columnar/cuboidal

Multiple layers of cells in which the surface layer is cuboidal or columnar.

Function: Protection or secretion.
Location examples: Male Urethra, Large Glanduclar Ducts, Sweat Glands
Simple Cuboidal Epith

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