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Integrated Mobile surveillance

Wireless Sensor System

REG NO. 15040166
03-02-2018 ALAPPUZHA

 The remarkable advances of micro sensing micro electromechanical

systems (MEMS) and wireless communication technologies have
promoted the development of wireless sensor networks. A WSN
consists of many sensor nodes densely deployed in a field, each able to
collect environmental information and together able to support
multihop ad-hoc routing.
 WSNs provide an inexpensive and convenient way to monitor physical
 With their environment-sensing capability, WSNs can enrich human life
in applications such as healthcare, building monitoring, and home
security. A wireless sensor network (WSN) is a wireless network
consisting of spatially distributed autonomous devices using sensors to
cooperatively monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as
temperature, sound, vibration, pressure, motion or pollutants, at
different locations.
 The development of wireless sensor networks was originally motivated
by military applications such as battlefield surveillance. However,
wireless sensor networks are now used in many civilian application
areas, including environment and habitat monitoring, healthcare
applications, home automation, and traffic control.
 The applications for WSNs are many and varied. They are used in
commercial and industrial applications to monitor data that would be
difficult or expensive to monitor using wired sensors. They could be
deployed in wilderness areas, where they would remain for many years
(monitoring some environmental variables) without the need to
recharge/replace their power supplies. They could form a perimeter
about a property and monitor the progression of intruders (passing
information from one node to the next).
iMouse System Architecture
The three main components of the
iMouse system architecture are:

 Static sensors
 Mobile sensors
 External server.
Static Sensors

 Static sensors forms a WSN to monitor and notify to server of

unusual events.The sensing board can collect three types of
data: light,sound,temperature.
 An event occurs when the sensor input is higher or lower than
a predefined threshold.
 Sensors can combine inputs to define a new event.
 For example, a sensor can interpret a combination of light and
temperature readings as a potential fire emergency.
 To detect an explosion, a sensor can use a combination of
temperature and sound readings.
Mobile Sensors
Mobile Sensors

 Mobile sensors can move to event locations, exchange

messages with other sensors, take snapshots of event
scenes and transmit images to the server.

Each mobile sensor can connect to the following equipment

 a Lego car to support mobility

 a mote, to communicate with the static sensors

 a webcam, to take snapshots

 To support high-speed, long-distance communications,

such as transmitting images.
System operations and control flows
System operations and control flows

 The following steps show the operations that are performed in

 (1) The user issues commands to the network through the
 (2) Static sensors monitor the environment and report events.
 (3) When notified of an unusual event, the server notifies the
user and dispatches mobile sensors.
 (4) The mobile sensor moves to the emergency sites and collect
 (5) The mobile sensor report back to the server after collecting
System operations and control flows

 To illustrate how iMouse works, we use a fire emergency

scenario, as Figure shows. On receiving the server’s
command, the static sensors form a treelike network to
collect sensing data. Suppose static sensors A and C report
unusually high temperatures, which the server suspects to
indicate a fire emergency in the sensors’ neighborhoods.
The server notifies the users and dispatches mobile sensors
to visit the sites. On visiting A and C, the mobile sensors
take snapshots and perform in-depth analyses. For
example, the reported images might indicate the fire’s
source or identify inflammable material in the vicinity and
locate people left in the building.
System operations and control flows

 Three types of messages

activate a static sensor
 Tree-maintenance message
 Sensory input
 Event message
Grid like sensing field

 Current prototype uses the light

sensors on the Lego car to navigate
mobile sensors.
 We stick different colors of tape on
the ground, which lets us easily
navigate the Lego car on a board.
 In this prototyping, we implemented
an experimental 6 by 6 grid-like
sensing Field.
 Black tape represents roads and
tape represents intersections.
 We constructed the system by placing
two mobile sensors and 17 static
sensors on the sensing field.
 For static sensors, a light reading
below 800watts simulates an event.
 So we cover a static sensor with a
box tomodel a potential emergency.
Benefits of iMouse

 It provides online real time monitoring.

 It’s event-driven.

 The more expensive mobile sensors are dispatched to the event


 They don’t need to cover the whole sensing field, so only a

small number of them are required.

 It’s both modular and scalable.

 Recent advances in wireless communications and MEMS

technologies have made WSN possible.
Existing sysytem

 Traditional visual surveillance systems continuously videotape

scenes to capture transient or suspicious objects.
 Researchers in robotics have also discussed the surveillance
issue. Robots or cameras installed on walls identify obstacles or
humans in the environment
 Some researchers use static WSNs for object tracking. These
systems assume that objects can emit signals that sensors can
 Researchers have also proposed mobilizers to move sensors to
enhance coverage of the sensing field and to strengthen the
network connectivity.
Proposed system

 The proposed iMouse system combines two areas, WSN and

surveillance technology, to support intelligent mobile
surveillance services.
 On one hand, the mobile sensors can help improve the
weakness of traditional WSN.
 On the other hand, the WSN provides context awareness and
intelligence to the surveillance system.
 WSN’s status and control includes Config, Command, Status,
Control, Monitoring and Log areas. The Config area is to input
configuration information, such as mobile sensors’ IP addresses,
ports, sensors’ positions,etc.

 iMouse is implemented in Java and Java Script .

 We use java script to provide authentication and redirection.

 iMouse is developed with the following java script pages.

1. Login Page (Authetication page – index.html)
2.Redirecting/Home Page (connecting to iMouse –
author.html )

 The core of iMouse is simulated using Java. The iMouse

simulation contains the following modules .
1. User Interface Design(
2. Simulation of Static sensors(
3. Design of Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN –
User interface design

 The iMouse contains the following User Interface Design

1.Configure area
2.System command area
3.Sensor status area
4.Action control area
5.Log area
6.Monitor area
UML Diagram
Client which asks
iMouse Server, events and status
to initiate iMouse data from server
applications ADMIN LOGIN

Activate Mobile Sensor

Activate Static Sensor

Deactivate Static/Mobile
iMouse Server Sensor WSN client

 It illustrates the names of used cases and actors and relationships between them.
Activity diagram
Activa te
iMouse /Wsn clie nt

Activa te Mobile
Se nsor

 Activity diagram offers

rich notation to show a
Activa te Sta tic
Se nsor

sequence of activities it
may be applied to Re trive Da ta

Se nd Da ta

 With iMouse we can implement WSN which can detect any

event at a desired position in sensing field without human
interaction directly.
 On one hand, these mobile sensors can help improve the weakness of
traditional WSNs that they only provide rough environmental
information of the sensing field. By including mobile cameras, we can
obtain much richer context information to conduct more in-depth
 By this project we can implement low cost based surveillance
system which is user friendly and easily recognises places in any
real world system.
Future scope
 On the other hand, surveillance can be done in an event-driven
manner. Thus, the weakness of traditional surveillance systems
can be greatly improved because only critical context
information is retrieved and proactively sent to users.
 The prototyped iMouse system can be improved/extended in
several ways. First, the way to navigate mobile sensors can be
further improved. For example, localization schemes can be
integrated to guide mobile sensors instead of using color tapes.
 Second, the coordination among mobile sensors, especially
when they are on-the-road, can be exploited. Third, how to
utilize mobile sensors to improve the network topology deserves
further investigation.

 .





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