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University of Creative Technology Chittagong

Social Science and Accounting

Md Akther Uddin, PhD

Senior Lecturer, School of Business
Social Science and
Socialization and Social Institutions

Social Science and

What is Socialization?
• Socialization is a process of becoming a social
• Humans learn the expectations of society
through socialization.
• Socialization is different based on race, gender
and class.

Social Science and

Socialization as Social Control
Importance of Socialization
• In society everyone is new according to its position in
• Society teaches norms, rules, value various human
qualities to the people of the society
• Through socialization cultural activities, norms, rules
values transfer from generation to generation
• Socialization defines accepted behavior
• It is informal instruction system
• It is voluntary activity
• Socialization gives a sense of self-identity
Social Disorder/Deviant Behavior
• Personal disorientation, maladjustment of the
moral system, social problem, individual
problem, moral and religious conflict.
• Deviance is any non-conformist behavior,
which is disapproved by society or a social
group, whether it is legal or not.
What is Social Institution?
• It is a system of controls that extends beyond
personal relations
• This is the bond of present and future
• This is more than a group
• A set of procedures
Social Institutions

• Family • Religion
• Education • Health care
• Work • Mass Media
• Economy • Sports
• Political Institutions • Military
Purpose of Social Institutions
• Socialization of new members.
• Production and distribution of goods and
• Maintain stability and existence.
• Provide members with a sense of purpose.

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