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CO6035 – Further Games Theory and Implementation

Lee Beever
LO3: Provide evidence of applied knowledge in single-
player game development .
LO5: Demonstrate proficiency in the development of
design and planning documentation for games.

1. Implementing specific mobile control schemes

› Group task
LO3: Provide evidence of applied knowledge in single-
player game development .
LO5: Demonstrate proficiency in the development of
design and planning documentation for games.

1. Continuing the development of the Rocket Blaster

tutorial game.
1. Improving usability
2. Adding new features and game play.
CO6035 – Advanced Games Theory and Implementation Lee Beever (2017-2018)
 Over the last week you should have completed the Rocket
Blaster game tutorial.

 This tutorial showed you how to create a basic mobile

game using the accelerometer and touch screen.

 The game was playable but lacked some features and

additional game play mechanics.

 You’ll be working on adding these today.

 For this task you will be utilising a methodology called “Pair
Programming”. This can be defined as:

“Pair programming consists of two programmers sharing a

single workstation (one screen, keyboard and mouse among
the pair). The programmer at the keyboard is usually called
the "driver", the other, also actively involved in the
programming task but focusing more on overall direction is
the "navigator"; it is expected that the programmers swap
roles every few minutes or so.”

– (Agile Alliance, n.d.)

 The features are split into basic and advanced.

 You should work through the basic features first before

moving to the advanced features.

 Once the session is complete you must ensure both of you

receive a copy of the project.

 You should continue to develop the features you have not

yet completed during self-directed study time individually.
CO6035 – Advanced Games Theory and Implementation Lee Beever (2017-2018)
1. You are to create a rocket flame/smoke particle
effect and attach it to the rocket. It should only
appear when the player is firing the rockets, I.E.
when they touch the screen.

2. Implement a progress bar to indicate how much

fuel is left as well as a fuel value as text. 56/100

3. Add the ability for the camera to follow the

rocket game object as it moves through the
level. The camera should not rotate when the
rocket game object rotates.
4. Create a fuel cell pickup that refuels
the rocket when picked up.

5. Create 2 additional levels that require

the player to collect fuel cell pickups in
order to complete the level without
running out of fuel.
CO6035 – Advanced Games Theory and Implementation Lee Beever (2017-2018)
1. Create a level preview feature for levels
that are larger than just 1 screen.
› This should preview the full level before the
player begins playing. This should ensure they
have an idea where the goal pad is.

2. Create a visual arrow indicator that rotates

and always points towards the goal pad.
3. Create a teleporting node. When the
player comes into contact with the
teleporter they should teleport to
another area of the level.

4. Create a black hole style obstacle.

When the player gets too close to the
black hole obstacle it should begin to
suck them in. To escape the player will
need to use up more fuel to get away.
 You’ll want to consult the Unity documentation for the
majority of these tasks:

 Please attempt to implement these features yourself

before searching for a solution on Unity forums or
Agile Alliance. (n.d.) Pair Programming [Webpage]. Retrieved from

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