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Double entry bookkeeping and

the role of accounting in society


Clarke, F. L. & G. W. Dean., Indecent Disclosure: Gilding

the Corporate Lily, Cambridge University Press, 2007
(especially Chapter 1)

Crosby, A. W., The Measure of Reality: Quantification and

Western Society, 1250-1600, Cambridge University Press, 1997
(especially Chapter 10)

Edwards, J. R., Dean, G. W., & F. L. Clarke., “Merchants’

accounts, performance assessment and decision making in
mercantilist Britain”, Accounting, Organisations and Society,
34 (2009) pp. 551-570
1. Genesis of modern accounting

(i) Luca Pacioli’s Summa. . . .

(ii) Pacioli an intellectual giant
(iii) Proportion and perspective -
(a) the essence of humanism
(b) the manifestation in art – Piero della Francesca,
Giotto, da Vinci and (say) Palladio
(iv) The accounting equation – perfect proportionality in
commercial affairs
A + E = Re + L + R
(v) Financial elements in transactions – assets, expenses,
revenues, liabilities, owners’ (residual) equity

(vi) Accounting equation mechanics - maintaining proportionality

– described by Crosby as the exemplar form of Renaissance

(vii) Facilitating growth of capitalism – (see - Byers, Weber;

Sombart; Chiapello; Edwards, Clarke and Dean)
2. Facilitating economic development

(i) Progressive commercialism and accounting

refinement – banking, cost accumulation, printing
and accounting education

(ii) Commerce through sole traders, partnerships and

a few Chartered companies – gradual capitalism,
investment growth

(iii) Industrial revolution – capital needs necessitate

organisational change
(iv) UK Companies Acts 1844, 1856 and 1901 – accounting reports and
audit formalised

(v) Separation of ownership and control - professional managers -

imperative that accounting discloses wealth & progress

(vi) Early exploiters – the robber barons

(vii) Consider modern instances: Enron, WorldCom, HIH, Allco, Centro,

Opes Prime, One.Tel

Plus ça change, c’est plus la même chose?

3. When accounting fails its function – with little regulation

(i) 1920s Royal Mail collapse

(ii) 1929 Stock market collapse

(iii) Roosevelt’s New Deal to put truth in securities – birth of

rules and sanctions SEC style regulatory mode – accounting
is a critical element of corporate governance

(iv) USA Pecora Commission and banks behaving badly –

bonuses and executive remuneration
Now consider: the Australia’s Productivity Commission’s 2009
enquiry in to executive remuneration enquiry

Plus ça change, c’est plus la même chose?


4. Accounting in the modern setting

(i) Accounting as the language of business – major source of

financial information about company wealth and progress

(ii) When accounting and audit fail in their functions –

reconsider the recent and current disputes over accounting
and auditing

(iii) Accounting’s alleged role in the GFC – the case for telling it
how it is! – real Roosevelt’s drive for truth in securities

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