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EAP Grammar

Here ___notebook and report that I promised

you last week.

a. is the
b. are the
c. was the
d. has been a
• Neither Jane nor her brothers ___ a consent
from tomorrow’s field trip.

a. need
b. needs
c. is needing
d. has need
• The skiers would rather ___ through the
mountains than go by bus.

a. to travel on train
b. traveled by train
c. travel by train
d. travelling by train
• That magnificent ___ temple was constructed
by the Chinese.

a. eight centuries old

b. eight centuries’s-old
c. old eight centuries
d. eight century old
• Pioneer men and women endured terrible
hardships, and ___

a. so do the children
b. neither did the children
c. also the childs
d. so did their children
• When studying serology, medical students ___
about the properties of blood.

a. learn
b. to learn
c. learning
d. with learning
• _____, he would have been able to pass the

a. if he studied more
b. if he were studying to a greater degree
c. studying more
d. had he studied
• Mr. Duncan does not know ___ the lawn
mower after they had finished using it.

a. When did they put

b. When they did put
c. Where they put
d. Where to put
• The facilities of the older hospital ___

a. is as good of better than the new hospital

b. are as good or better than the new hospital
c. are as good as or better than the new
d. are as good as or better than those of the
new hospital
• He gave ____

a. to the class a tough assignment

b. the class a tough assignments
c. a tough assignment for the class
d. an assignment very tough to the class
• The teacher suggested that her students ___
experiences with ESP.

a. write a composition on their

b. to write composition about the
c. wrote some composition of his or her
d. had written any composition for his
• Of the two teachers, one is experienced and

a. the others are not

b. another is inexperienced
c. the other is not
d. other lacks experience
• William Hart was an act(actor) best
known for his roles as Western heroes in
silent films.

• It is proving less costly and more

profitably(profitable) for drug makers to
market directly to patients.
• In early days, hydrocloric acid was done
by heating a mixture of Sodium Chloride
and iron sulfate.

• Like snakes, lizards can be found on all

others(other) continents except

• The first recorded use of natural gas to

light street lamps was in the town of
• The French Quarter is the most
famous and the most old(oldest)
section of New Orleans.

• Every cell in the body are(is)

continually renewing itself.

• The hammerhead shark is usual

(usually) found in warm, temperate
• Major advertising companies have
traditionally volunteered its (their) time to
public services.

• An(a) huge winter storm has brought snow to

Northern California’s mountain countries.

• The development of motor skills in babies

begins with the head and progress(progreses)
downward through other parts of the body.
• Of the two Diomede Islands, only one
belong(belongs) to the United States.

• Physical therapist help patients relearn

how to use their bodies after disease or
injure (injury)

• In spite of her physician(physical)

handicaps, Hellen Keller graduated from
Radcliffe with honor.
• As a protective molecule, an antibody can
combines(combine) with a foreign virus

• The amount of copper sulfate used in the

experiment depends from( the intensity of the

• The intent of the Historical Society is to

restore old buildings and increasing(increase)
interest in the history of the area.

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