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A Thousand
Splendid Suns






£ Khaled Hosseini was born in Kabul Afghanistan in 1965,

and moved to the United States in 1980.
£ His first novel, The Kite Runner, was
an international bestseller, published
in 34 countries.
£ In 2006 he was named a US goodwill
envoy to the United Nations Refugee
£ He lives in northern California.

£ A Thousand Splendid Suns is a very true to life story

about two women and their struggle, set in the backdrop
of the unstable situation of Afghanistan .

£ The way the husband treats the two women, the way they
are treated in the end of the book during the trial, etc...
Women are just not treated well in Middle Eastern society.

£ The book is narrated separately by the 2

main characters, Mariam and Laila.

£ A Thousand Splendid Suns starts with the story of Mariam,

a young girl who lives on the edge of Herat with her
mother and the first part of the novel follows her as she
grows into a woman.
£ The second part of the novel shifts to the story of Laila, a
year-old girl who lives near Mariam. Although both girls'
stories are interesting.
£ In Part III, Mariam and Laila's stories converge. This is
where the novel really takes off and becomes hard to put

£ A Thousand Splendid Suns is a great resource for

learning about Afghanistan .

£ The story is well-written and characters are well

developed .

£ It is a page turner -- you won't want to put it down once

you start reading.

£ The book deals with social, cultural and political

issues which anyone can relate to. It does contain very
disturbing elements, so I suggest that anyone who is
going through depression must avoid this book.

£ A lot of violence and difficult situations make it hard to

take at points--not light reading.

£ The beginning moves more slowly than The Kite Runner,

so it is harder to get into at first.

£ The only thing that may make you fall asleep is the
unwanted details of Afghan wars and history. Yes, I
agree that it does hold great importance, but there are
a lot of unnecessary facts that do not add to the story
and holds it back at instances.

I personally recommend this book to«

£ î 


£ A Thousand Splendid Suns is a breathtaking story

that encompasses many of the real life circumstances
women in Afghanistan have been facing over the last
thirty years.

£ The book is a fantastic must read.

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