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– a science which deals with the study,
design, construction, calibration and testing
of a thermometer.

Thermometer – a device used in measuring the

temperature of a body or a system.
System – anything that is enclosed and maybe
subjected to study purposes.

Temperature (t or T) – a manifestation of heat.
It is the degree of hotness or coldness of a body
or a system and tells the direction of the flow of

𝒕𝑨 > 𝒕𝑩

• Heat flows from higher temperature to lower temperature.
• At thermal equilibrium, both bodies have the same temperature
(𝒕𝑨 =𝒕𝑩 ) and no heat flow occurs.
Degree - unit of temperature

• Temperature Scales
Metric (CGS and MKS)
– Centigrade or Celsius (oC)
– Kelvin (K) Absolute scale
English (FPS)
– Fahrenheit (oF)
– Rankine (oR) Absolute scale
• oC, oF, K, and oR are temperature readings
directly from the thermometer.
• Co, Fo, , and Ro are units for any difference or
change in the temperature.

Ex. Temperature readings:

t o  20 C, t f  50 C
o o

t  t f  t o  50 C  20 C  30C
o o
Fixed points
• used to compare temperature scales.
• temperature at which a substance undergo a
change in phase
Boiling Point (BP) – point at which liquid and gas
co-exist at normal pressure and at thermal
Freezing Point (FP) – point at which solid and
liquid co-exist at normal pressure and at thermal
Note: FP and BP are measured at sea level.
Absolute Zero – lowest possible temperature.
This is the temperature where there will be
no molecular motion in a gas.
Comparison of Temperature Scales
Conversion by Ratio and Proportion

𝑠𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑒 − 𝐹𝑃

tc  0 t f  32 t k  273.2 t R  492
  
100  0 212  32 373.2  273.2 672  492

5 9
t c  (t f  32) t f  t c    32
9 5
1. Convert 60oF to oC.
2. Given a hypothetical temperature scale X, the
freezing point is assigned the reading of 40o and a
boiling point 160o. For another scale Y, the
assigned values are -20o and 180o respectively.
– Convert a reading of 50oX to Y scale.
– Convert 100oX to oC (use standard fixed points for
Celsius scale).
3. At what temperature will the Celsius reading and
Fahrenheit reading be the same?

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