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PHY11 Lesson 8

Fluid Mechanics
Fluids at Rest
FLUID STATICS: Fluids at Rest

density - mass per unit volume. MATERIAL DENSITY

air (1atm, 20oC) 1.20
 water 1000
V seawater 1030
aluminum 2700
specific gravity – the ratio of steel 7800
the density of a substance and brass 8600
the density of water. silver 10500
mercury 13600
 subs tan ce gold 19600
SG  platinum 21400
 water
neutron star 1018
Fluid Pressure
A fluid at rest exerts a force perpendicular to any
surface it is in contact with.


Equal and opposite
normal forces on both UNIT: 1 pascal = 1 Pa = 1 N/m2
sides of dA
Atmospheric Pressure patm

The pressure of the earth’s atmosphere. The normal

atmospheric pressure at sea level is

1 atm = 1.013 x105 Pa

1 atm = 1.013 bar

1 atm = 760 mmHg

1 atm = 14.70 psi

Pressure and Depth
Consider an element of a fluid at (rest) with area A
and thickness dy.
Fy  0

pA  ( p  dp ) A  W  0

pA  ( p  dp ) A  gAdy  0

p  ( p  dp )  gdy  0

 g  as y decreases, p increases.

If p1 and p2 are pressures at elevations y1 and y2


p2  p1   g  y2  y1 
Consider y1 as any point below the surface of the fluid and y2
is a point at the surface of the fluid, then the depth is

h  y2  y1

p2  p1  g  y2  y1 

p2  p1   gh

If the pressure at the

surface is p0 (zero depth)
and the pressure at point 1
is p, then

p  p0  gh
Example 1
Pascal’s Principle

Pressure applied to an enclosed

fluid is transmitted undiminished
throughout the fluid.

p1  p2

F1 F2

A1 A2
Example 2
For the hydraulic lift shown in the previous figure, what
must be the ratio of the diameter of the vessel at the car to the
diameter of the vessel where the force F1 is applied so that a
1520-kg car can be lifted with a force of just F1 =125 N?

F1 F2  d 2 2 
  
 4 
A1 A2    119.17
 d12 
 
 4 
A2 1520(9.8)  

A1 125
 119.17  10.92
Pressure Gauge: Open Tube Manometer

• The u-shaped tube is filled with

liquid of density .

• The left end is connected to

where the pressure p is to be

• The right end is open to

atmospheric pressure p0 = patm.

• The pressure at the bottom left

is p + gy1 and the pressure at
the bottom right patm + gy2 .
Example 3
Buoyancy: Archimedes’ Principle

Consider and arbitrary element of fluid in equilibrium.

• The sum of all forces (due to

pressure) acting on this fluid
element is equal to the weight
of the fluid.

• This force is called the buoyant

force FB.

FB  W fluid
Replace the fluid element with a solid body of the same
size and shape.

• The sum of all forces (due to pressure)

acting on this body is equal to the
weight of the fluid (of the same

• The weight of the displaced fluid is

called the buoyant force FB.

• The weight loss of the solid body is

equal to the buoyant force FB.

Win fluid  Win air  W fluid

Win fluid  Win air  FB

*If the body is floating in fluid, then the buoyant force is equal to
the weight of the body.
Example 4
A 15-kg solid gold statue is being raised from a sunken
ship. What is the tension in the hoisting cable when the statue
is (a) at rest and completely immersed; and (b) at rest and
out of water?
(a ) T  FB  mg  0

T   wVg g  mg  0
FB mg
T  mg   w g
T  (15)(9.8)  (1000) (9.8)

T  139 N
(b) T  mg  (15)(9.8)  147 N
Example 5
the figure

(a ) p  patm  gy2  1.07 x105 Pa

(b) p  patm  gh  1.03 x105 Pa

(c) p  1.03 x105 Pa

(d ) p  patm  (13600)(9.8)(0.04)  5.33 x103 Pa

Example 6

(see figure)

(a ) p gauge  (790)(9.8)(0.015m)  116 Pa

(b) p gauge  (790)(9.8)(0.10m)  (1000)(9.8)(0.015m)  921Pa
FB (805 Pa)(0.0100m 2 ) 0.821kg
(c ) m    0.821kg  6 3
 821 kg
g 9.8 1x10 m
Example 7

WLOSS IN WATER  39.2 N  28.4 N  10.8 N  FB (WATER )

WLOSS IN LIQUID  39.2 N  18.6 N  20.6 N  FB ( LIQUID )

2.10kg 2.10kg
 LIQUID   LIQUID   1.91x10 3 kg

V 1.10 x10 3 m 3 m3

WATER  1000 m kg
3 

1.10kg 3
V  1.10 x10 m 3

1000 mkg3

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