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Social life
Economic situation
mhe Pre-Islamic Arabia
` Osed to follow the religion of Ibrahim (pbuh)
` Ontil Amr bin Luhai came back from Syria
` Brought with him idol called Hubal
` Followed by
îanat from Red sea
î al-Lat from maif
îAl-O ah from Nakkhlah
îIdols of People of Nuh- Wadd, Suwa, Yaguth, Yauq,Nasr-
undug from Jeddah
Ô mraditions
Ô Self-Devotion, supplication, intercession
Ô Pilgrimage to the idols
î Devotion of certain portion of food
î Seeking favours by offering
î Dedication of certain animals like
˜ Bahirah-daughter of Saibah
˜ Saibah- female camels gave birth to 10 successive females
but no males
˜ Wasilah- 10 successive females in five pregnancies- new
birth only for males to have
˜ Hami- the male--for birth of 10 progressive females
0 A lam- featherless arrows ± three kinds
0 yes; no ; blank
0 µfrom you¶;¶not from you¶;¶ulsaq¶²validity of a child
` Soothsayers- claim knowledge of private and secret
` Diviners ± uncover unknown
` Astrologers ± foretell future (star the cause of rain)
` Omens- animals
` No revenge the soul wanders
` Deer or bird towards right- favourable
` Hajj right ± that of Ibrahim but
î èuraysh ± called themselves a al-Hums and refrain from Arafat,
not to eat yoghurt or cooking fat, not to enter tent made of hairor
adobe bricks
î If clothes not provided by Hums- pilgrimage in nudity
î Not enter through the door
` Judaism played an important role in the political
life of the Arabs
î mheir entrance in two phases
˜ First due to destruction of their temple
˜ Roman occupation of Palestine
ÔAs¶ad bin Abi Karb introduced later his son Yusuf Dhu Nawas
attacked the Christians of Najran and those who refuse were
burnt in the pit of fire- to retaliate Christians built a church in
ÔSome agians found in Yemen
mhe Pre-Islamic Arabia
` A Social ixture
î Women
ÿ Enjoyed considerable free-will
ÿ Blood shed in defence of her honour
ÿ arriage contract rested completely in the hands of the
ÿ Prostitution
ÿ arriage system of four kind
ÿ Present day
ÿ Cohabit with the other man
ÿ Less them ten men
ÿ Flag at the gate
` No limit over the no. Of wives
` arry wives of their father- Widowed or divorced
` Some held children dear and some buried them
` mribal pride- otto<Support your brother whether
he is an oppressor ot oppressed.>
` Inter- mribal war
mhe Pre-Islamic Arabia
` ost common-mrade
` Far from Industry
` Some farming and livestock
` Poverty hunger and insufficient clothing
mhe Pre-Islamic Arabia
` Hospitality
` Keeping covenant
` Sense of Honour and denial of injustice
` Firm will and determination
` Forbearance, perseverance and mildness
` Pure and simple Bedouin life.

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