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Cor Pulmonale

Rony Yuliwansyah
Cardiology Sub Division Department of Internal Medicine University of Andalas Hospital
of Dr M Djamil - Padang - Indonesia
Rony Yuliwansyah, MD

1994 : Dokter Umum FK – Unand

2000 : Dokter PTT PKM Sedanau – Natuna
2004 : Residen dan Staf Kardiologi Ilmu Penyakit Dalam
FK-Unand / RSUP M Djamil
2010 : Sp II Kardiologi (KKV ) RSCM - FKUI
2013 : Fellowship Training as a Cardiologist &
Intervensional Cardiologist National Heart
Institute ( Institut Jantung Negara)- Kualalumpur
Cor Pulmonale
Often referred to as pulmonary heart disease


Defined as dilation and hypertrophy of the right

ventricle in response to diseases of the
pulmonary vasculature and/or lung parenchyma.

Historically, this definition has excluded

congenital heart disease and those diseases in
which the right heart fails secondary to
dysfunction of the left side of the heart.
Etiology and Epidemiology

Cor pulmonale develops in response to acute or chronic changes in

the pulmonary vasculature and/or the lung parenchyma that are
sufficient to cause pulmonary hypertension.

The true prevalence of cor pulmonale is difficult to ascertain for two

reasons :
First, not all patients with chronic lung disease will develop cor
and second, our ability to diagnose pulmonary hypertension and cor
pulmonale by routine physical examination and laboratory testing is
relatively insensitive.

However :
Advances in 2-D echo/Doppler imaging and biomarkers (BNP : Brain
Natriuretic Peptide) make it easier to screen for and detect cor
Etiology and Epidemiology
Once patients with chronic pulmonary or pulmonary vascular disease develop cor
pulmonale, the prognosis worsens.
Although chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and chronic bronchitis are
responsible for approximately 50% of the cases of cor pulmonale, any disease that
affects the pulmonary vasculature or parenchyma can lead to cor pulmonale.
Etiology of Chronic Cor Pulmonale

Diseases Leading to Hypoxemic Vasoconstriction

Chronic bronchitis
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Cystic fibrosis
Chronic hypoventilation
Neuromuscular disease
Chest wall dysfunction
Living at high altitudes
Diseases that Cause Occlusion of the Pulmonary Vascular Bed
Thromboembolic disease, acute or chronic
Pulmonary arterial hypertension
Pulmonary veno-occlusive disease
Diseases that Lead to Parenchymal Disease
Chronic bronchitis
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Bronchiectasis/ Cystic fibrosis / Pneumoconiosis /Sarcoidosis / Interstitial lung
Pathophysiology and Basic Mechanisms

Although many conditions can lead to cor pulmonale, the common

pathophysiologic mechanism in each case is pulmonary
hypertension that is sufficient to lead to RV dilation, with or without
the development of concomitant RV hypertrophy.

The systemic consequences of cor pulmonale relate to alterations in

cardiac output as well as salt and water homeostasis.

Anatomically, the RV is a thin-walled, compliant chamber that is

better suited to handle volume overload than pressure overload.
Thus, the sustained pressure overload imposed by pulmonary
hypertension and increased pulmonary vascular resistance
eventually causes the RV to fail.
Pathophysiology and Basic Mechanisms
The response of the RV to pulmonary hypertension
depends on the acuteness and severity of the pressure

Acute cor pulmonale occurs after a sudden and severe

stimulus (e.g., massive pulmonary embolus), with RV
dilatation and failure but no RV hypertrophy

Chronic cor pulmonale, however, is associated with a

more slowly evolving and progressive pulmonary
hypertension that leads to initial modest RV hypertrophy
and subsequent RV dilation.
Pathophysiology and Basic Mechanisms

Decompensation of chronic cor pulmonale can be

aggravated by intermittent events that induce pulmonary
vasoconstriction and RV afterload, such as hypoxemia
and especially hypercarbia-induced respiratory acidosis,
as well as sustained events, including COPD
exacerbations, acute pulmonary emboli, and positive-
pressure (mechanical) ventilation.

RV failure also can be precipitated by alterations in RV

volume that occur in various settings, including
increased salt and fluid retention, atrial arrhythmias,
polycythemia, sepsis, and a large left-to-right
(extracardiac) shunt
Clinical Manifestations

The symptoms of chronic cor pulmonale generally are related to the underlying pulmonary disorder.

the most common symptom, is usually the result of the increased work of breathing
secondary to changes in elastic recoil of the lung (fibrosing lung diseases), altered respiratory
mechanics (e.g., overinflation with COPD), or inefficient ventilation (e.g., primary pulmonary
vascular disease)
Orthopnea and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
are rarely symptoms of isolated right HF and usually point toward concurrent left heart
dysfunction. Rarely, these symptoms reflect increased work of breathing in the supine
position resulting from compromised diaphragmatic excursion.
Tussive or effort-related syncope
may occur because of the inability of the RV to deliver blood adequately to the left side of the
Abdominal pain and ascites
that occur with cor pulmonale are similar to the right-heart failure that ensues in chronic HF.
Lower-extremity edema
may occur secondary to neurohormonal activation, elevated RV filling pressures, or
increased levels of carbon dioxide and hypoxemia, which can lead to peripheral vasodilation and
edema formation

The most common cause of right-heart failure is not pulmonary parenchymal or vascular disease but left
heart failure.
Therefore, it is important to evaluate the patient for LV systolic and diastolic dysfunction.

• The ECG in severe pulmonary hypertension shows P pulmonale, right axis deviation, and RV
• Radiographic examination of the chest may show enlargement of the main pulmonary artery, the hilar
vessels, and the descending right pulmonary artery.
• Spirometry and lung volumes can identify obstructive and/or restrictive defects indicative of
parenchymal lung diseases;
• Arterial blood gases ( ABG ) can demonstrate hypoxemia and/or hypercapnia.
• Spiral computed tomography (CT) scans of the chest are useful in diagnosing acute
thromboembolic disease; however, ventilation-perfusion lung scanning remains best suited for
diagnosing chronic thromboembolic disease . A high-resolution CT scan of the chest can identify
interstitial lung disease.
• Two-dimensional echocardiography is useful for measuring RV thickness and chamber dimensions
as well as the anatomy of the pulmonary and tricuspid valves.
• MRI is also useful for assessing RV structure and function, particularly in patients who are difficult to
image with 2-D echocardiography because of severe lung disease.
• Right-heart catheterization is useful for confirming the diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension and for
excluding elevated left-heart pressures (measured as the PCWP) as a cause for right-heart failure.
• BNP and N-terminal BNP levels are elevated in patients with cor pulmonale secondary to RV stretch
and may be dramatically elevated in acute pulmonary embolism.

• Many of the signs encountered in cor pulmonale are also present in HF

patients with a depressed EF :

- Including tachypnea
- Elevated jugular venous pressures
- Hepatomegaly
- Lower-extremity edema
- Patients may have tricuspid regurgitation
- RV heave palpable along the left sternal border or in the epigastrium.
- The increase in intensity of the holosystolic murmur of tricuspid
regurgitation with inspiration ("Carvallo's sign") may be lost
eventually as RV failure worsens.
- Cyanosis is a late finding in cor pulmonale and is secondary to a low
cardiac output with systemic vasoconstriction and ventilation-
perfusion mismatches in the lung.
Treatment : Cor Pulmonale

• The primary treatment goal of cor pulmonale

– is to target the underlying pulmonary disease, since this will decrease

pulmonary vascular resistance and lessen RV afterload.
– Most pulmonary diseases that lead to chronic cor pulmonale are
advanced and therefore are less amenable to treatment.
– General principles of treatment include decreasing work of breathing by
using noninvasive mechanical ventilation and bronchodilation, as well
as treating any underlying infection. Adequate oxygenation (oxygen
saturation 90–92%) and correcting respiratory acidosis are vital for
decreasing pulmonary vascular resistance and reducing demands on
the RV. Patients should be transfused if they are anemic, and
phlebotomy may be considered in extreme cases of polycythemia.
Treatment : Cor Pulmonale
• Diuretics are effective in RV failure, and indications are similar to
those for chronic HF. One caveat of chronic diuretic use is to avoid
inducing contraction alkalosis and worsening hypercapnia. Digoxin
is of uncertain benefit in the treatment of cor pulmonale and may
lead to arrhythmias in the setting of tissue hypoxemia and acidosis.
Therefore, if digoxin is administered, it should be given at low doses
and monitored carefully.

• Pulmonary vasodilators can effectively improve symptoms through

modest reduction of pulmonary pressures and RV afterload when
isolated pulmonary arterial hypertension is present. Vasodilators are
unproven in cases of pulmonary hypertension and cor pulmonale
due to parenchymal lung diseases or hypoventilation syndromes

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