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m Who is a Consumer?

Ú  is a broad label used for any individuals or households

that use goods and services generated within the economy.

Challenging concept of Marketing is understanding a Consumer, its

needs and satisfying those Needs.

m Why do Consumer Buy«.?

m What is behavior?
Behavior is defined as the actions or reactions of a person or animal
in response to an external or internal stimuli.

 refers to the actions of a person or system, usually in
relation to its environment, which includes the other organisms or
systems around as well as the physical environment.
It is the response of the organism or system to various stimuli or
inputs, whether internal or external, conscious or subconscious, overt
or covert, and voluntary or involuntary.
m Consumer Behavior is the study of when,
why, how, and where people do or do not
buy products. - Richard L.: Marketing (2000, S. 218).

m Involves the process by which people

determine whether, what, when, where,
how, from whom, and how often to
purchase goods and services.
m Marketing & Consumer Behavior-
Marketing Concept- Consumer oriented marketing

Production Concept- Product availability at lower


Product Concept- offers with higher quality, best

performance & most features.

Selling Concept- Selling whatever is produced.

m Consumer Behavior- Role of C.B in Marketing

m Diversity in Consumer Behavior-

ë Personality traits.
ë Perception
ë Learning
ë Individual Aspects of C.B.
ë Information Process
m Motivation- Motivation as a force, Dynamics of motivation,
measurement of motivation & Ethics.
m Personality- Theories of Personality, Personality & Consumer
Diversity, Self- Self Image & Brand Personality.
m Attitudes- Structural models of attitude, attitude formation,
strategies of attitude change.
m External Influences- Group behavior, Social class,
Reference groups & Opinion leaders.
m Role of Culture & Sub-Culture- Culture, measurement
of culture, culture as learning.
m Role of Family in Consumer Buying Behavior-
Family as a concept, Socialization, family decision making &
consumption related roles.
m Subculture & CB- Nationality subcultures, religious subcultures,
geographic & Regional subcultures. Racial & age subcultures. Sex as
a subculture.
m Consumer Decision Process- levels of consumer decision
making. Models of Consumer decision.
m Innovation & consumer adoption process- opinion
leaders, consumer adoption process & diffusion of innovations.
m Organization Buying Process.
m Decision Making units.
m Application of CB in Indian & Global Market
m Group Projects.

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