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Unit 2

Linked List
• According to NIST(National Institute of Standards and Technology)
linked list is “a list implemented by each item having a link to the
next item”.
• Linked list and arrays are similar since they both store collections of
• The specific type of element is not important since essentially the
same structure works to store elements of any type.
• A linked list is an ordered collection of data in which each
element contains the location of the next element; that is, each
element two parts: data and link.
• The data part holds the useful information, the data to be
• The link is used, to chain the data together. It contains a pointer that
identifies the next element in list.
• There is also a pointer variable that identifies the first element in the
• The simple linked list we have described here is commonly known
as a singly linked list because it contains only one link to a single
• The major advantage of the linked list over other general list
structures is that data are easily inserted and deleted.
• It is not necessary to shift elements of a linked list to make room for
a new element or to delete an element.
• On the other hand, because the elements are no longer physically
sequenced, we are limited to sequential searches; we cannot use a
binary search.
• The link in each element, except the last, points to its successor.
• The link in the last element contains a null pointer, indicating the end
of the list.
• The elements in a linked list are traditionally called nodes.
• A node in linked list is a structure that has at least two fields one
contains the data, the other a pointer to the address of the next
node in the sequence.
Data Link Data Link Data Link Data Link
An empty
Head list
A link List with a head pointer
Types of Linked Lists
1. Singly-linked List:
The simplest kind of linked list is a singly-linked list, which has one
link per node. This link points to next node in the list, or to null value or
empty list if it is the final node.

12 99 37
A singly linked list containing three integer value
2. Doubly-linked list:
A more sophisticated kind of linked list is a doubly-linked list or two-
way linked list.
Each node has two links: one points to the previous node, or points
to a null value or empty list if it is the first node; and one points to the next,
or points to a null value or empty list if it is the final node.
*prev Data *next tail
3. Circularly-linked list:
In a circularly-linked list, the first and final nodes are linked
together.This can be done for both singly and doubly linked lists.
To traverse a circular linked list, you begin at any node and follow
the list in either direction until you return to the original node.
(a) Singly-circularly-linked list:
In a singly-circularly-linked list, each node has one link, similar
to an ordinary singly-linked list, except that the next link of the last
node points back to the first node. As in a singly-linked list, new
nodes can only be efficiently inserted after a node we already have
a reference to.
(b) Doubly-circularly-linked list:
In a doubly-circularly-linked list, each node has two links, similarly to a
doubly-linked list, except that the previous link of the first node points to the
last node and the next link of the last node points to first node. In a doubly-
linked lists, insertions and removals can be done at any point with access to
any nearby node.

4. Head Linked Lists:
• A headed list is linked list, which always contain a special node,
called header node, at the beginning of the linked list. This header
node usually contains vital information about the linked list such as
the number of nodes in the list, whether the list is sorted or not.

head Header node

Header linear linked list, also known as grounded header list

Header node

Circular header list

Header node

Two-way header list

Header node

Two-way circular header list

Linked List Vs. Arrays
Linked lists have several advantages over arrays.

1. Elements can be inserted into linked lists indefinitely, while an

array will eventually either fill up or need to be resized, an
expensive operation that may not even be possible if memory is
fragmented. Similarly, an array from which many elements are
removed may become wastefully empty or need to be made

2. Arrays allow random access, while linked lists allow only

sequential access to elements.

3. Singly-linked lists, in fact, can only be traversed in one direction.

4. Sequential access on arrays is also faster than on linked lists on

many machines.
Representation and Implementation of Singly Linked Lists:
Linked list types: Before writing the code to build the above list, we
need two data types: Node and pointer

• The type for the node which will make up the body of the list.
• Each node contains a single client data element and a pointer to the
next node in the list.
Type: struct node
typedef struct node
int data;
struct node* next;
• The type for pointers to nodes. This will be the type of the Head
pointer and the next fields inside each node. In C and C++, no
separate type declaration is required since the pointer type is just
the node type followed by a ‘ * ’. Type: struct node*
Dynamic Memory Management
Function Name Description
Malloc Allocates memory from heap
Calloc Allocates memory and initializes the allocated memory to zero

Realloc Readjust the existing block and copies the contents to the
free location
Deallocates a block allocated by malloc,calloc and realloc fn

Dynamic Memory Allocation with malloc( ) function

• The malloc( ) function dynamically allocates memory . The prototype for malloc( )
function is
void *malloc (size_t size);
It takes one argument that specifies the size of the block in bytes. The function
returns a pointer to the allocated memory on success or a null pointer(0) in case
of failure.
• Dynamic Memory Allocation with calloc( ) Function
• The calloc( ) function dynamically allocates memory and
automatically initializes the memory to zeros. The prototypes for
calloc( ) function is
void *calloc(size_t nitems, size_t size);
It takes two arguments. The first argument is the number of elements
and the second argument is size of each element. The function
returns a pointer to the allocated memory on success or a null
pointer (0) in case of failure.
• Changing Size of Dynamically Allocated Memory with realloc( )
• The realloc( ) function changes the size of previously dynamically
allocated memory with malloc ( ), calloc( ) or realloc( ) functions. The
original contents held in the previously allocated memory are not
changed provided the memory allocated is larger than the amount of
memory previously allocated otherwise the contents are unchanged
upto the size of new object. The prototype for realloc( ) fn
void *realloc( void *block, size_t size);
It takes two arguments. The first argument is the pointer to the
original object and the second argument is new size of the object.
• Deallocating Memory with free( ) function
The free( ) function deallocates a memory block previously allocated
with malloc( ), calloc( ) or realloc( ) functions.The prototype for free()
function is void free(void *block);
It takes one argument that specifies the pointer to the allocated
block. But it is important to note that only the allocated block is
deallocated, the pointer variable is not deleted.
Once the block is freed, an attempt to dereference a pointer variable
yield undefined result. Such a pointer variable is called a dangling
pointer. Therefore, it is recommended that after freeing the
allocated block, set the pointer variable to NULL explicitly.
Algorithm for traversing a Linked List

Let LIST be a linked list in memory.This algorithm

traverse LIST,applying an operation PROCESS to
each element of LIST.The variable PTR points to the
node currently being processed.

2. Repeat steps 3 and 4 while PTR!=NULL
4. Set PTR:=LINK[PTR] [PTR now points to next node]
[End of step 2 loop]
5. Exit.
Algorithm for searching a Linked List

This algorithm finds location LOC of the node where ITEM first appears
in LIST,or sets LOC=NULL

2. Repeat step 3 while PTR!=NULL
3. If ITEM=INFO[PTR],then
Set LOC:=PTR, and exit
[End of if structure]
4. [Search is unsuccessful] Set LOC:=NULL
Memory Allocation

• The maintanence of linked list in memory assumes

possibility of inserting new nodes into the lists and so it
requires some mechanism which provide unused memory
space for the new node.Also some mechanism is required
so that the memory space of deleted nodes becomes
available for future use.

• So along with the linked list in memory,a special list

is maintained which consists of unused memory cells.

• This list which has its own pointer,is called the

list of available space or the free storage list or the free
Garbage Collection
If a node is deleted from the list or the entire list is
deleted from the main program.Then we want that the
memory space should become reusable.To make the
space available for future use, there are two ways:
1. One way is to immediately insert the list into the free
storage list.This method is implemented while using
linked list by means of linear arrays.But this is a time
consuming process for the operating system of a
2. The other method is that the OS may periodically
collect all the deleted space onto the free storage
list.The techinque which does this collection is called
the Garbage Collection.
• Garbage Collection usually take place in two steps:

1. First the computer runs through all the lists,tagging

those cells which are currently in use.
2. Then the computer runs through the memory,collecting
all untagged spaces onto the free storage list.

Garbage Collection may take place when there is

only some minimum amount of space or no space at
all left in the free storage list,or when the CPU is idle
and has time to do the collection.
It is invisible to the programmer.
Algoritm for inserting a node at the
beginning of the list


Write: OVERFLOW and Exit.
2. [Remove first node from the AVAIL list]
6. Exit.
Algorithm for inserting a node after a given node
This algorithm inserts ITEM so that ITEM follows the node with
location LOC or inserts ITEM as the first node when LOC=NULL

Write:OVERFLOW and exit
4.If LOC=NULL,then:
[End of Ifstructure]
Algorithm for deleting a node following a given
This algorithm deletes the node N with location LOC. LOCP is the
location of the node which precedes N or, when N is the first
1. If LOCP=NULL,then:
[End of if structure]
2. [return deleted node to the AVAIL list]
• Creating a node:
• Creating a new node is simple. The memory needed to store the node is
allocated, and the pointers are set up.
• node *create( )
• { int item; node ptr;
• printf("enter the item");
• scanf("%d",&item);
• ptr= (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
• ptr->info=item;
• ptr->next=NULL;
• return ptr; }
• Traversing a list:
• void traverseInOrder()
• { node *loc;
• loc=head;
• while(ptr!=NULL){
• printf("%d\n",loc->info);
• loc=loc->next; }
• }
• #include<stdio.h>
• #include<conio.h>
• typedef struct nodetype{
Node *create( )
• int info;
• struct nodetype *next; { int item;

• }node; node ptr;

• node *head=NULL; printf("enter the item");
• node *create(); scanf("%d",&item);
• void traverseInOrder();
ptr= (node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
• void main()
• { node *ptr,loc; ptr->info=item;

• int item; char ch; ptr->next=NULL;

• clrscr(); return ptr;
• do{ }
• ptr = create();
• if(head==NULL)
• head=ptr;
• else
• {loc=head;
• while(loc->next!=NULL)
• loc=loc->next;
• loc->next=ptr; }
• printf("do you want to add one more node in the list(Y/N)");
• fflush(stdin);
• scanf("%c",&ch); void traverseInOrder()
• }while(ch=='Y'||ch=='y'); { node *loc;
• printf("the list is\n"); loc=head;
• traverseInOrder(); while(loc!=NULL){
• getch(); printf("%d\n",loc->info);
• } loc=loc->next; }
• Inserting an element:
• At the beginning of the list
• At the end of the list
• After a given element

• Inserting at the Beginning of the list:

• void insertAtBeg(int item)
• { node *ptr;
• ptr=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
• ptr->info=item;
• if(head==NULL)
• ptr->next=NULL;
• else
• ptr->next=head;
• head=ptr;}
• Inserting at the end of the list:
• void insertAtEnd(int item)
• { node *ptr,*loc;
• ptr=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node));
• ptr->info=item;
• ptr->next=NULL;
• if(head==NULL)
• head=ptr;
• else{
• loc=head;
• while(loc->next!=NULL)
• loc=loc->next;
• loc->next=ptr;} }
• Inserting after the given element of the list:
• void insertAfterElement(int item,int after)
• {
• node *ptr,*loc;
• loc=searchInUnsortedList(after);
• if(loc==(node*)NULL)
• return;
• ptr=(node*)malloc(sizeof(node));
• ptr->info=item;
• ptr->next=loc->next; node *searchInUnsortedList(int item)
• loc->next=ptr; { node *loc;
• }
return loc;
• Deleting an Element:
• At the beginning of the list
• At the end of the list
• After a given element
• Deleting from the Beginning of the list:
• void deleteFromBeg()
• { node *ptr;
• if(head==NULL)
• return;
• else{
• ptr=head;
• head=(head)->next;
• free(ptr); } }
• Deleting from the End of the list:
• void deleteFromEnd()
• { node *ptr, *loc;
• if(head==NULL)
• return;
• else if ((head)->next==(node*)NULL)
• { ptr=head;
• head=NULL;
• free(ptr); }
• else
• { loc=head;
• ptr=(head)->next;
• while(ptr->next!=NULL)
• { loc=ptr;
• ptr=ptr->next; }
• loc->next=NULL;
• free(ptr); }
• }
• Deleting after a Given Element of the list:
• void deleteAfterElement(int after)
• {
• node *ptr,*loc;
• loc=searchInUnsortedList(after);
• if(loc==(node*)NULL)
• return;
• ptr=loc->next;
• loc->next=ptr->next;
• free(ptr);
• }
• Reversing a list:
• void ReverseList()
• {
• node *previousNode,*currentNode,*nextNode;
• currentNode=head;
• nextNode=currentNode->next;
• previousNode=NULL;
• currentNode->next=NULL;
• while(nextNode!=NULL)
• {
• previousNode=currentNode;
• currentNode=nextNode;
• nextNode=currentNode->next;
• currentNode->next=previousNode;
• }
• head=currentNode;
• }
• Deleting Entire list:
• void deleteList()
• { node *ptr;
• while(*head!=NULL)
• { ptr=*head;
• *head=(*head)->next;
• free(ptr);
• }
Circular Linked List
• The memory declarations for representing circular linked lists are
the same as for linear linked lists.
• All operation performed on linear linked lists can be easily extended
for circular linked list with following exceptions:
• While inserting new node at the end of the list, its next pointer field
is made to point to the first node.
• While testing for end of the lists, we compare the next pointer field
with the address of the first node.

Circular Linked list with 4 nodes

• To implement other data structure such as stacks, queues, trees
and graphs
• To maintain a directory of names.
• To manipulate polynomials.
• To represent sparse matrices.

• Polynomial Manipulation
• 4x3 + 6x2 + 10x + 6 Coefficient

Poly Power

4 3 6 2 10 1 6 0

Representation of a polynomial

Coefficient of the term power of x Linked to next node

Structure of a node to represent a polynomial term

• Typedef struct nodetype
• { int coeff;
• int power;
• struct nodetype *next;
• } node;
• node *poly1, *poly2,*poly3;

• Addition of Polynomials
• 5x4 + 6x2 + 10x – 6
• + 7x3 + 3x2 + 2x + 7
• 5x4 + 7x3 + 9x2 + 12x + 1
• void addNode(node ptr, int coef, int powe)
• { node *tempPtr, *loc;
• tempPtr = (node *) malloc( sizeof (node));
• tempPtr->coeff = coef;
• tempPtr->power = powe;
• tempPtr->next=NULL;
• if( ptr==NULL)
• ptr= tempPtr;
• else
• loc = ptr;
• while(loc->next!= NULL)
• loc=loc->next;
• loc->next = tempPtr;
• }
• void printPolynomial(node ptr )
• { if( ptr != NULL )
• printf(“%dx^%d”,ptr->coeff, ptr->power);
• for(ptr= ptr->next; ptr!=NULL; ptr= ptr->next )
• {
• if(ptr->coeff > 0)
• printf(“ + “);
• if(ptr->power == 0)
• printf(“%d”, ptr->coeff);
• else if(ptr-> power == 1 )
• printf(“%dx”, ptr-> coeff);
• else
• printf(“%dx^%d”, ptr->coeff, ptr->power);
• } }
• void addPolynomial(node ptr1, node ptr2, node ptr3)
• { int powe;
• float coef;
• while( ( ptr1!= NULL) && ( ptr2!=NULL) )
• {
• if( ptr1->power > ptr2->power ) {
• coef = ptr1->coeff;
• powe = ptr1->power;
• ptr1 = ptr1->next; }
• else if ( ptr1->power < ptr2->power) {
• coef = ptr2->coeff;
• powe = ptr2->power;
• ptr2 = ptr2-> next; }
• else {
• coef = ptr1->coeff + ptr2->coeff;
• powe = ptr1->power;
• ptr1 = ptr1->next;
• ptr2 = ptr2->next; }
• if ( coef != 0 )
• addnode(ptr3, coef, pow );
• }
• if ( ptr1 == NULL ) {
• for( ; ptr2 != NULL; ptr2= ptr2->next )
• addnode( ptr3, ptr2->coeff, ptr2->power ); }
• else if ( ptr2 == NULL ) {
• for( ; ptr1 != NULL; ptr1 = ptr1->next )
• addnode( ptr3, ptr1-> coeff, ptr1->power); }
• } }

• void deletePolynomial( node ptr )
• { node *temp;
• while ( *ptr != NULL )
• { temp = *ptr;
• *ptr = (*ptr)->next;
• free(temp);
• }
• }
Multiplication of polynomials
• 5x4 + 6x2 + 10x - 6
• x 3x2 + 2x + 7
• 15x6 +18x4 +30x3 -18x2
• 10x5 +12x3 +20x2 -12x
• 35x4 +42x2 +70x -42
• 15x6 +10x5 +53x4 +42x3 +44x2 +58x -42
• Void multiplyPolynomial( node ptr1, node ptr2, node ptr3)
• {
• int powe, coef ;
• node *temp,*loc;
• while(ptr1!=NULL)
• { temp = ptr2;
• while(temp !=NULL)
• { coef = ptr1-> coeff * temp -> coeff;
• powe = ptr1 -> power + temp -> power;
• loc = search(ptr3 , powe);
• if( loc == NULL) Node *search( node ptr, int degree)
• insertNode( ptr3, coef, powe); { while ( ptr != NULL)
• { if ( ptr -> power == degree )
• loc -> coeff += coef;
ptr = ptr -> next;
• temp = temp -> next; }
• } ptr1 = ptr1 -> next; return ptr;
• } } }

• void InsertNode ( node ptr, int coef, int powe )
• { node *tempPtr, *loc, *ploc ;
• tempPtr = ( node *) malloc (sizeof (node));
• tempPtr -> coeff = coef;
• tempPtr -> power = powe;
• if( ptr == NULL )
• { tempPtr -> next = NULL;
• ptr = tempPtr ; }
• else {
• ploc = NULL;
• loc = ptr;
• while( ( loc != NULL && powe < loc -> power ) )
• { ploc = loc;
• loc = loc -> next; }
• tempPtr -> next = ploc -> next;
• ploc -> next = tempPtr;
• }
• }


• A Generalized List, is a finite sequence of n > = 0

elements, where each element is either an atom or a
list itself.
• Example: A list A=(a,(b,c),d) It is a list of three
• First and third element are atomic
• Second element (b,c) is a list.
Liked Representation
1. Each node of a linked list can either be a head node or
a data node.
Flag Data Next link
2. When flag=0 , the node is a data node.
3. When flag=1 ,the node is a head node.
Example: Give representation of the Generalized List
0 1 0
2 1
0 6 X

0 3 1 X

0 4 0 5 X
• A queue is a linear list in which insertions can take place at one
end of the list, called the rear of the list, and delete can take place
only at other end, called the front of the list.
• The behaviour of a queue is like a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) system.

Operations On Queues
• CreateQueue( )- to create q as an empty queue.
• Enque(i)- to insert(add) element i in a queue q.
• Dequeue( )- to access and remove an element of queue q.
• Peek( )- to access the first element of the queue q without removing
• isFull( )- to check whether the queue q is full.
• isEmpty( )- to check whether the queue q is empty.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
-1 -1
Front Rear Representation of queue in memory
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 4 5 7 12 8 9
Front Rear Representation of queue in memory
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 4 12 8 9
Representation of queue in memory
Front Rear 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2 7 12 8 9 3 10 11
Representation of queue in memory
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Front Rear
2 9 12 8 9 3 10 11 15 20
Representation of queue in memory
Front Rear 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 8 12 8 9 3 10 11 15 20 60
Representation of queue in memory
Limitations of a linear queue

If the last position of the Queue is occupied, it is not

possible to enqueue any more elements even though
some position are vacant towards the front positions of
the queue.

This limitation can be overcome if we treat

that the queue position with index 0 comes immediately
after the last queue position with index MAX-1.The
resulting queue is known as Circular Queue
Algorithm to insert an element in Queue
This procedure inserts an element ITEM into a queue
1. If FRONT=1 and REAR=N, or If FRONT=REAR+1,
then: Write: OVERFLOW and return
2. If FRONT =NULL,then:
Set FRONT:=1 and REAR:=1
else if REAR=N,then:
Set REAR:=1
Set REAR:=REAR + 1
[End of If structure]
Algorithm to delete an element fromQueue
This procedure deletes an element from a queue and
assigns it to variable ITEM
1. If FRONT=NULL , then:
Write: UNDERFLOW and return
3. If FRONT =REAR,then
else if FRONT=N,then:
Set FRONT:=1
[End of If structure]
Applications of queues

• There are several algorithms that use queues to solve

problems efficiently. For example, we have used queue
for performing breadth-first search on a graph.
• When the job are submitted to a networked printer, they
are arranged in order of arrival. Thus, essentially, jobs
sent to a printer are placed on a queue.
• Virtually every real-life line (supposed to be) a queue.
For example, lines at ticket counter at cinema halls,
railway stations, bus stand, etc, are queues, because the
service, i.e., ticket, is provided on first-come first-served basis.
A deque is a kind of queue in which element can
be added or removed from at either end but not in the
middle. The term deque is a contraction of the name
double-ended queue.
There are two variations of a deque, which are
intermediate between a deque and a queue.
These are:
1. Input-restricted deque – which allows insertions only
at one end but allows deletions at both ends.

2. Ouput-restricted deque – which allows insertions at

both ends but allows deletions only at one end.
Implementation Of Dequeue Using Arrays

• Movement in clock-wise direction:

1. If an element is inserted at the rear, then rear moves
ahead in clock-wise direction.
2. If an element is deleted from the front,then front moves
ahead in clock-wise direction.

• Movement in anti clock-wise direction:

1. If an element is inserted from the front, then front
moves in anti clock-wise direction.
2. If an element is deleted from the rear, then rear moves
in anti clock-wise direction.
• Expression for clockwise movement

1. Rear=(rear+1) % MAX where MAX is the size of array.

2. Front=(front+1) % MAX

• Expression for anti clockwise movement

1. Rear=(rear -1+MAX) % MAX

2. Front=(front-1+MAX) % MAX
Priority Queue
• An element with highest priority is processed first
before any element of lowest priority.
• Two or more element with the same priority are
processed according to the order in which they were
added to the queue.
• There can be different criteria’s for determining the
priority. Some of them are summarized below:

1. A shortest job is given highest priority over the longer


2. An important job is given the higher priority over a

routine type job.
• Representation of Queues in Memory:
• typedef struct
• { int front, rear;
• int element[capacity];
• }queue; queue q;

• Typedef enum {false, true} boolean;

• Creating an empty Linear Queue:

• void createQueue( )
• {q.front=q.rear=-1;
• }

• Testing a linear Queue for Underflow:

• boolean isEmpty()
• { if(q.front==-1)
• return true;
• else
• return false; }
• Testing a linear Queue for Overflow:
• boolean isFull()
• { if((q.front==0)&&(q.rear==capacity-1))
• return true;
• else
• return false; }

• Enqueue operation on linear Queue:

• void enqueue(int element){
• int i;
• if(q.front==-1)
• q.front=q.rear=0;
• else if(q.rear==capacity-1)
• { for(i=q.front;i<=q.rear;i++)
• q.element[i-q.front]=q.element[i];
• q.rear=q.rear-q.front+1;
• q.front=0; }
• else { q.rear++; }
• q.element[q.rear]=element; }
• Dequeue operation on a linear queue:
• int dequeue() {
• int temp;
• temp=q.element[q.front];
• if(q.front==q.rear)
• q.front=q.rear=-1;
• else
• q.front++;
• return temp; }

• Accessing Front Element:

• int peek(){
• return q.element[q.front];
• }
• #define capacity 10
• typedef enum{false,true}boolean;
• typedef struct
• { int front, rear;
• int element[capacity];
• }queue; queue q;
• void createQueue();
• boolean isEmpty();
• boolean isFull();
• void enqueue(int);
• int dequeue();
• void main()
• { int choice, element;
• createQueue();
• do
• { clrscr();
• printf("Option available\n");
• printf("1. Enqueue\n");
• printf("2. Dequeue\n");
• printf("3. Peek\n");
• printf("4. Exit\n\n");
• printf("Enter choice(1-4):");
• scanf("%d",&choice);
• switch(choice)
• { case 1: clrscr();
• if(isFull()){
• printf("Queue full...\nPress any key to continue");
• getch();
• }else{
• printf("Enter value:");
• scanf("%d",&element);
• enqueue(element);
• }break;
• case 2: clrscr();
• if(isEmpty()){
• printf("Queue empty...\nPress anykey to continue");
• getch();
• }else{
• printf("Value dequeue is %d\n",dequeue());
• printf("\nPress any key to continue...");
• getch();
• }break;

• case 3: clrscr();
• if(isEmpty()){
• printf("Queue empty...\nPree any key to continue");
• getch();
• }else{
• printf("1st Element in queue is %d\n",peek());
• printf("Press any key to continue...");
• getch();
• }
• }
• }while(choice!=4);
• getch();
• }
• Enqueue Operation on a circular Queue:
• void enqueue(int element){
• int i;
• if(q.front==-1)
• q.front=q.rear=0;
• else if(q.rear==capacity-1)
• q.rear=0;
• else
• q.rear++;
• q.element[q.rear]=element; }

• void enqueue(int element){

• int i;
• if(q.front==-1)
• q.front=q.rear=0;
• else
• q.rear=(q.rear+1)%capacity;
• q.element[q.rear]=element; }
• Dequeue operation on a circular Queue:
• int dequeue() {
• int temp;
• temp=q.element[q.front];
• if(q.front==q.rear)
• q.front=q.rear=-1;
• else if(q.front==capacity-1)
• q.front=0;
• else
• q.front++;
• return temp; }

• int dequeue() {
• int temp;
• temp=q.element[q.front];
• if(q.front==q.rear)
• q.front=q.rear=-1;
• else
• q.front=(q.front+1)%capacity;
• return temp; }
• #define capacity 10
• typedef enum{false,true}boolean;
• typedef struct
• { int front, rear;
• int element[capacity];
• }queue; queue q;
• void createQueue();
• boolean isEmpty();
• boolean isFull();
• void enqueue(int);
• int dequeue();
• void main()
• { int choice, element;
• createQueue();
• do
• {
• printf("1. Enqueue\n");
• printf("2. Dequeue\n");
• printf("3. Peek\n");
• printf("4. Exit\n\n");
• printf("Enter choice(1-4):");
• scanf("%d",&choice);
• switch(choice)
• {
• case 1: clrscr();
• if(isFull()){
• printf("Queue full...\nPress any key to continue");
• getch();
• }else{
• printf("Enter value:");
• scanf("%d",&element);
• enqueue(element);
• }break;
• case 2: clrscr();
• if(isEmpty()){
• printf("Queue empty...\nPress anykey to continue");
• getch();
• }else{
• printf("Value dequeue is %d\n",dequeue());
• printf("\nPress any key to continue...");
• getch();
• }break;
• case 3: clrscr();
• if(isEmpty()){
• printf("Queue empty...\nPree any key to continue");
• getch();
• }else{
• printf("1st Element in queue is %d\n",peek());
• printf("Press any key to continue...");
• getch();
• }
• }
• }while(choice!=4);
• getch();
• }

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