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Values and Virtues

• Ethics class always include discussion on
values and virtues
• Values are intimately related to us because
they propel our drive to mind meaning in our
Definition of Values
According to Professor E. Babor in his book The
Philosophical Discipline of Action (1999)
• Values are the objects of human desire and
striving. They are also the subjective
assessment of a particular object insofar as it
is good
• Values are our beliefs, those beliefs which we
hold to be true and therefore values affect our
thoughts, decisions and actions
Definition of Values
• Values also refer to things, persons, ideas, or
goals which are important to life
• Values therefore are those which we like,
approve, enjoy and respect
• a person's principles or standards of behavior;
one's judgment of what is important in life.
Classification of Values
1. Intrinsic and Instrumental values
-intrinsic values are those which are
considered as values in themselves
Ex. Knowledge; happiness; ideals; friendship
-instrumental values are valued because
they lead to something else that is valued for
its own sake
Ex. Money
*Can one be considered both intrinsic and
instrumental values?
Classification of Values
2. Accidental and Natural Values
-accidental values are subject to variability,
temporality and impermanence
-natural values are those are permanent in
human nature
Classification of Values
3. Primary and Secondary Values
-primary values refers to values that are
chosen, acted upon and necessary for human
-secondary values refers to those values
that are obligatory in nature (ex. Values in
the family are necessary to children)
Classification of Values
4. Religious Values
-these values enable us to encounter God
whom we believe to be the absolute good
5. Cultural Values
-these values embrace poetry, painting,
music, architecture, and literature
Classification of Values
6. Social Values
-some examples are patriotism, freedom of
the press, fraternity, economic productivity and
7. Moral Values
-refer to those qualities of an act performed
by man freely and knowingly
-this entails that moral values are involved in
our freedom to choose an action that we
would life to perform
-are good habits while vices are bad habits
-are those habits that can make a person perform

1. Intellectual virtues- include understanding,
science, wisdom, prudence, and art
2. Moral and cardinal virtues- include justice,
temperance, and fortitude
3. Theological values- include faith, hope, charity
Values and Virtues

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