Alive Club Probiotics Presentation

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Probiotics at

their best
Transforms your body to be at
its best
PRO- BIOTIC; lets break it

The root of the word

probiotic comes from the
Greek word pro,
meaning "promoting"
and biotic, meaning
Soo.. What are probiotics ?
 Probiotics are bacteria that help maintain the natural
balance of organisms in the intestines

 The normal human digestive tract contains about

400 types of probiotic bacteria that reduce the
growth of harmful bacteria and promote a healthy
digestive system.

 They help keep intestinal linings healthy and assist

in breaking down food.
Probiotics continued

 Our digestive system normally has what we

would call "good" bacteria and "bad"
bacteria. Maintaining the correct balance
between the "good" bacteria and the "bad"
bacteria is necessary for optimal health.
Things like medications, diet, diseases, and
your environment can upset that balance
So why do we need them?

 Our intestines go through tons of damage

from the chlorine and sodium fluoride we get
from most treated city water, from alcoholic
beverages, medical antibiotics, birth control
pills and other drugs. This all causes
damage to your intestinal flora.

 The intestine is where our food passes and

is digested and where nutrients are

 Digestion is disrupted and our body doesn't’t

receive the necessary nutrients if our
intestine isn’t working right.
What are the benefits?

 They inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria

that cause digestive stress

 Improve digestion of food and absorption of


 Stimulate the body’s natural defense


 Help make vitamins needed for the body

 Help prevent infections in the digestive tract

 Speeds up metabolism
Sweeet, so how do I get em?

 You all know about the common yogurt

right? YOPLAIT soo yummmyy!

 So not yummy.

 Serving Size: 1 container/ 6oz / 170g Calories:

170 (about 8% of your daily max) Calories
from Fat: 15 (less than 3% of your
recommended daily max) No fiber (shouldn’t
strawberries have some though?) Carbs – 33
grams (11% of the recommended daily
value) Sugars – 27 grams (more than 5
teaspoons!!!) A few vitamins and minerals to

 Milk, Sugar, Strawberries, Modified Corn

Starch, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Nonfat
Milk, Kosher Gelatin, Citric Acid, Tricalcium
Phosphate, Natural Flavor, Pectin, Colored
with Carmine, Vitamin A Acetate, Vitamin D3.
We want probiotics that taste
good &&& are actually good
for you

Don’t be fooled by the

ads and labels, you have
read the nutrition facts.
Make sure they are real
live cultures
So what do we recommend?

 There are a number of foods and beverages

that have probiotics. These are delicious and
amazing for your health.

Here’s to name a few that we will introduce to

you today:

 Kombucha

 Kimchi

 Sauerkraut

 Keffir

 Kombucha culture has a wide range of organic acids,

vitamins and enzymes that give it its extraordinary
value. It contains the range of B

 vitamins, particularly B1, B2, B6 and B12, that

provide the body with energy, help to process fats
and proteins, and which are vital for the

 normal functioning of the nervous system. There is

also vitamin C which is a potent detoxifier, immune
booster and enhancer of vitality.

 Probiotic Organic Acids

 There are two organic acids produced by Kombucha

culture which encourage the activity of the resident
bifidobacteria, thus restoring a healthy

 balance with the bacteroides

Kombucha cont.

 Lactic acid which is essential for healthy digestive action

(through its derivative lactobacilli) and for energy production
by the liver, and is not

 found in the tissues of people with cancer.

 Acetic acid which is an antiseptic and inhibitor of pathogenic


 Kombucha’s Vital Organic Acids

 Other valuable organic acids produced by the Kombucha

culture, some of which have a more direct effect on other
organs include:

 Glucuronic acid, normally produced by a healthy liver, is a

powerful detoxifier and can readily be converted into

 the foundations of our skeletal system.

Kombucha cont.

 The Liver Filters Toxins

 The liver is vital to life; it has the ability to

restore itself and has many functions – to
assist digestion, to store important vitamins
and minerals,

 to metabolize proteins, fats and

carbohydrates to provide energy for the
body, to recycle red blood cells, and remove
toxins from the body.

 Because of its role in pH regulation and of its

detoxifying acids, Kombucha is a valuable
restorative of liver function.
Sauerkraut benefits:

 Boosts immune system

 Fights the common cold

 Helps keep skin clear

 Helps with weight loss

 Fights cancer
Sauerkraut the cancer fighter

 he results of a study published in the Journal

of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
concluded that sauerkraut is a cancer
inhibitor. The study discovered that the
fermentation of cabbage produced a
substance called isothiocynates, which
prevents cancer growth, particularly in the
breast, colon, lung and live

 For centuries, kimchi has been a major part of

the Korean diet. It is the traditional fermented
food that is served at every meal

 - helps reduce indigestion and gas. Excess

bad bacteria causes irritation leading to
indigestion, gas and fluid retention.

 - helps you feel less hunger. Lactobacillus, one

common strain of good bacteria has been
linked to appetite control. Good bacteria helps
stabilize blood-sugar levels which means less
frequent and less intense hunger and fewer fat
storage hormones.
Kimchi cont.

 Some studies have shown that kimchi can

shorten the duration of a cold. Other studies
have shown that kimchi can help clear up
yeast infections and UTIs (Urinary Tract

 The juice and salt from kimchi helps to keep

the intestines clean.

 The chili peppers and garlic help to lower

blood cholesterol and are an aid in blood-
Kimchi cont.

 The ingredients are low in calories and

sugar but contain high amounts of fiber,
vitamins A and C in particular, and minerals
such as calcium and iron.

 It also has high levels of Beta Carotene.

After 3 weeks of fermentation the levels of
B1, B2, and B12 double.

 The lactic acid is efficacious in the

prevention of adult diseases such as obesity,
diabetes, and gastrointestinal cancers.

 It’s like yogurt with less dairy which allows

for less mucus and other side effects that
milk sometimes produces such as eczema

 Easily digested, it cleanses the intestines,

provides beneficial bacteria and yeast,
vitamins and minerals, and complete

 it contributes to a healthy immune system

and has been used to help patients suffering
from AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome,
herpes, and cancer.
he regular use of kefir can
help relieve

 intestinal disorders

 promote bowel movement

 reduce flatulence and create a healthier

digestive system.

 Its tranquilizing effect on the nervous system

has benefited many who suffer from sleep
disorders, depression, and ADHD (attention
deficit hyperactivity disorders)
Best Part?

 You can buy it at almost any health food


 OR you can make it at home, and its super

easy. Look up tutorials on youtube and you’ll
have it soon enough.


 && its good for you.

 Trader Joes, Whole Foods, and Rainbow in


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