Gatsby Lit

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A Literary Analysis

of The Great Gatsby

By: Citlali Olivares
[Topic] in The Great Gatsby

● The topic I chose to analyze was wealth. I chose this because it was
relevant throughout the novel and for different characters. The novel
also reveals how being wealthy affects the story and character.
Whenever you feel like criticizing any
one,” he told me, “just remember that all
the people in this world haven’t had the
advantages that you’ve had”. …In
consequence, I’m inclined to reserve all
judgements.(ch.1 pg.1)

Later in the book we learn Nick is


wealthy because of his family past
(chpts 1-3)
and this passage of the book shows
that even though Nick has some type
of wealth he is not a greedy person
because he was raised right. By using
the character of Nick through
characterization, the author is
showing that wealth only creates
greed if it is in the hands of the
wrong person.
“I believed that on the first night I went to
Gatsby’s house I was one of the few guest
who had actually been invited. People were
not invited- they went there…..Sometimes
they came and went without having met
Gatsby at all, came for the party with the
simplicity of heart that was its own ticket of
[Characterization] admission” (ch.4 p.41)
(chpts 4-6)
● This passage shows an indirect
characterization because the author
uses Nick, the narrator, to describe the
type of person Gatsby was to everyone
else and most of the time he was just
unknown to everyone and the only
thing people knew about him was that
he made easy money because of his
vibrant parties.
“He went into her house….it amazed him-
he had never been in such as beautiful
house before. But what gave it an air of
breathless intensity was that Daisy lived
there….It excited him,too, that many men
had already loved Daisy- it increase her
[Characterization] value in his eyes. (ch.8 pg 148)
(chpts 7-9)
● This passage from the novel reveals
what Gatsby actually felt for Daisy
and this characterization description
that the author did shows that Gatsby
was only in love with the idea of Daisy
and her wealth and worth was what
he actually wanted.
Tom Buchanan and Mrs. Wilson stood face
to face, discussing in impassioned voices
whether Mrs.Wilson had the right to say
Daisy’s name.

“Daisy!Daisy!Daisy!” Shouted Mrs. Wilson

“I'll say it whenever I want to! Daisy!Dai----”

[Dialect] …. Tom Buchanan broke her nose. (ch2. Pg

(chpts 1-3)

● This dialogue between Daisy and Tom

shows the cruel side to Tom and how
much of a hypocrite he is because he
is defending on Daisy yet he is
cheating on her. This related to wealth
because we know that Tom and Daisy
are rich yet Tom still cheats on her
with a woman who is poor.
We slowed down. Taking a white card from
his wallet, he waved it before the man’s eyes.

[Dialect] “Right you are,” agreed the policeman, tipping

his cap. “Know you next time, Mr. Gatsby.
(chpts 4-6)
Excuse me” (ch.4 p 68)

● This small dialogue between the

policeman and Gatsby also reveals what
type of person Gatsby is to others, he is
respected and even above all, yet only
because his wealith
“I’d like to come.”

“Well. come then.”

[Dialect] …”I can’t do it - I can’t get mixed up in it,” he said

(chpts 7-9) “There’s nothing to get mixed up in, it’s all over

“When a man gets killed I never like to get mixed up

in it in any way. I keep out. When I was a young
man it was different-”

● Before this Wolfsheim claims that him and

Gatsby came from nothing, so for him money
is everything. This dialogue between
Wolfsheim and Nick shows Wolfsheim’s
worst qualities ; corrupt and selfish.
[Wealth has the ability to create
bad traits if wielded by the
wrong person]
A Final Word...
● The Great Gatsby was the perfect novel to expand vocabulary because
the author uses a lot of unique diction and also a great book to study
many literary devices, and study how the author choices is able to
impact the whole story this is also the reason I believe that the Great
Gatsby is a classic novel like no other.

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