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Azmi Said Al Ghifari (29117217) Hendra Surianta S (29117191)
Thobie Ermansyah R (29117262) Rizkie Imanuddien Limbong(29117102)
Muhammad ilham ghifari (29117222) Hardika Butar Butar (29117028)
Rachman Ikhwanto (29117271)
Climate Change

As humans continue to pump more carbon dioxide and other green house gases into the
atmosphere, patterns of weather and water will change around world. Droughts will become
more common in some places, floods in others. Glaciers and snow packs will disappear in
some areas, affecting the fresh water supplies to those downstream communities. These
change will combine to make less water available for agriculture, energy generation, cities
and ecosystems around the world.
• Sea Level Rising
• Water, Energy, Land Nexus
• Rising Temperature
• Growing Season will be lengthen

Climate Change • Unpredictable weather

Resource Scarcity

The International Water Management Institute estimates that nearly every country south of
35N latitude will experience economic or physical water scarcity by 2025. At present some
11% of the world’s land surface is used in crop production.
The demand for energy to increase food production will increase significantly. In the
developed world, seven units of fossil fuel energy are needed to produce one unit of food
energy. And, overall, the current methods of energy and resource-intensive approaches to
agricultural production are a major factor in greenhouse gas emissions, contributing
significantly to climate change.
• Lack of clean water
• High of poverty
• Increasing number of mortality
• Increasing the food demand and price

Resource Scarcity

Climate Change Resource Scarcity

 Energy Conversion  Food inventory management
 More socialization about eco-friendly
energy  Controlling birth number of people
 ECO Green lifestyle  Good technology for water recycling

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