Fpga Placement Using Genetic Algorithm

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Guided By: Team Members:
Dr.S.P.Joy Vasantha Rani M.Shobana(2014504610)
Asst. Professor(Sr.Gr.) W.Shalu(2014504609)
Department of Electronics Engineering
Madras Institute of Technology M.P.SatheeshKumar(2014504608)
Anna University
• To place CLB’s in FPGA board to reduce time
delay and wirelength using GA and GASA
• To implement the above algorithm in VPR and
compare the result with the existing algorithm
• Yang Meng, A.E.A. Almaini,Wang Pengjun(2006). FPGA Placement
Optimization by Two-Step Unified Genetic Algorithm and Simulated
Annealing Algorithm. Journal of electronics(china) Vol.23 No.4 Pp. 632-
636 .
o GA is used to solve numerous combinational optimization problems
o GA takes too much CPU time in the late process but SA converges
faster than GA
o This paper utilizes the advantage of the global search ability of GA and
fast convergence of SA
• S. Nazeer Hussain and K. Hari Kishore(2016). Computational Optimization
of Placement and Routing using Genetic Algorithm. Indian Journal of
Science and Technology, Vol 9(47).
o This paper concentrates on solving the problems which occur in VLSI
floor planning
o It gives an overview of placement and routing problems in ICs.
o The searching for best solutions is carried out by Genetic Algorithm
• Khushro Shahookar and Pinaki Mazumder(1990). A Genetic Approach to
Standard Cell Placement Using Meta-Genetic Parameter Optimization.
IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design Vol 9. No. 5 Pp 500-511
o This paper describes the implementation of the Genetic Algorithm for Standard-cell
Placement (GASP).
o The genetic algorithm applies transformations on the chromosomal(CLB) representation
of the physical layout
o Crossover, Mutation and Inversion operators are used to generate a new configuration

• Jie Cui, Xue Chen, Yongmei Lei, Weimin Xu(2010). Improving the
Efficiency of Scheduling and Placement in FPGA by Small-world Model
Based Genetic Algorithm.10th IEEE International Conference on Computer
and Information Technology(CIT)

o Genetic algorithm based on small-world model (GA-SW) is developed for solving the
scheduling and placement problem in FPGA
o A converging crossover operator is developed to prevent invalid solutions caused by
combinatorial coding
o The time complexity of GA-SW is O(n2), where n is the number of tasks
FPGA: (Field Programmable Gate Array)
• Pre-fabricated silicon devices that can be
electrically programmed to become almost any
kind of digital circuit
• FPGAs comprise of:
• Programmable logic blocks
• Programmable routing
• I/O blocks

System Specification

Architectural Design

Functional Design
and logic design
Circuit Design
Floor planning

Physical Design Placement

Physical Verification Routing

and Signoff


Packaging and

• The portion of the physical design flow that
assigns exact locations for various circuit
components within the chip’s core area
• Types of placement:
o Global placement
o Detailed pacement
• Objective:
To optimize total wire length , timing, power,
congestion , runtime minimization
• VTR provides open-source CAD tools for
FPGA architecture and CAD research.
• VTR enable the investigation of new FPGA
architectures and CAD algorithms, which are
not possible with closed-source tools.
• VTR include three core tools:
• ODIN II for Verilog Elaboration and front-end
hard-block synthesis
• ABC for logic synthesis
• VPR for physical synthesis and analysis
VPR (Versatile Place and Route)

• VPR can perform placement and either global

routing or combined global and detailed
• It takes two input files, a netlist describing the
circuit to be placed(blif file) and routed, and a
description of the FPGA architecture(xml file)
• Include the architectural file and circuit file in
VPR using,
./vpr architecture.xml circuit_name[.blif] [-options]
• Packing of netlist file take place followed by
• First the CLB’s will be placed randomly and the
corresponding time delay and wire length will be
• Rlimit will be set and initial cost will be calculated
• Based on the algorithm used , the placement
takes place and the minimum required cost
will be calculated
• Further routing takes place
• SA is a generic probabilistic meta-heuristic for
the global optimization problem.
• Its goal is merely to find an acceptably good
solution in a fixed amount of time, rather than
the best possible solution.
S = RandomPlacement ();
T = InitialTemperature ();
Rlimit = InitialRlimit ();
Criticality_Exponent = ComputeNewExponent();
while (ExitCriterion () == False) {
Previous_Wiring_Cost =Wiring_Cost(S);
Previous_Timing_Cost = Timing_Cost(S);
while (InnerLoopCriterion () == False) {
Snew = GenerateViaMove (S, Rlimit);
∆Timing_Cost = Timing_Cost(Snew) - Timing_Cost(S);
∆Wiring_Cost =Wiring_Cost(Snew) -Wiring_Cost(S);
∆C = λ·(∆Timing_Cost/Prev_Timing_Cost) +
if (∆C < 0) {
S = Snew
else {
r = random (0,1);
if (r < e-∆C/T) {
S = Snew;
T = UpdateTemp ();
Rlimit = UpdateRlimit ();
Criticality_Exponent = ComputeNewExponent();
• GA are commonly used to generate high-
quality solutions to optimization.
• It search problems by relying on bio-inspired
operators such as mutation, crossover and
Crossover is the main genetic operator. It
operates on two parent individuals(CLB) and
generates an offspring.
Mutation produces incremental random
changes in the offspring generated by the
Inversion changes the effective length of a
schema without altering the fitness of the
individual, in order to increase the survival
probability of longer schema.
for i = 1 to σ do {Initialize the population}
new_population[i] = create_random_placement()
end for
loop {For time –OR– For set number of generations}
Rlimit = update_rlimit()
{Evaluates the populations based on the cost function and orders a
ranked_population = evaluate_population(newpopulation,γ,λ)
{Create the next generation}
current_spot = floor(ω·σ)
for i = 1 to floor(ω·σ) do
{Create the children from the best parents}
new_population[i] = ranked_population[i]
{Copy the parents to the next generation}
for j = 1 to α·ω·σ do
new_population[current_spot] =
s,Rlimit) current_spot + +
end for
end for
for i = 1 to floor(β ·σ) do {Create random individuals}
new_population[current_spot] = create_random_placement()
end for
end loop
• Two stages of process, namely GA and SA.
• It begins with process of GA. In this stage, the
algorithm works on a population as GA
• Obtaining improvement becomes difficult in
the late phase of the process of GA due to slow
• SA is able to obtain improvements faster than
the GA in the late phase of the process.
• Therefore after a certain number of
generations, SA will take over from GA to
optimize one individual of the entire
population at a low temperature instead of an
entire population to overcome slow
convergence of GA in the late phase of
MAX GENS: maximum number of generations NUM
GENES: number of genes
POP SIZE: population size
RANDOM: decimal between 0 and 1
Pnew: new placement
Pold: old placement
T: temperature
R: possible movement range
Pcrossover: prob. ofcrossover rate
Plocal: prob. oflocal improvement rate
Pmutation: prob. ofmutation rate
Preserve: the percent ofpopulation are reserved in the
population t the next generation
while (generation < MAX GENS) do
evaluate_population_fitness ();
reproducepopulation (Preserve);
for i = I to POP SIZE/2 do
crossover (Pcrossover);
end for
for j=I to NUM GENES do
end for
for i = I to POP SIZE do
end for
end while
select the_best one();
R= set_block_movement_range();
/* following algorithm is pseudo-code ofSA*/ while (Exit
criterion() == FALSE) do
while (inner criterion( == FALSE) do
Pnew= generate movement (R, Pold)
AC = C (Pnew) - C (Pold);
RANDOM = generate-number();
if(RANDOM < e exp (-AC/T))
Pold = Pnew;
end while
end algorithm
Architecture file: k4_N4_90nm.xml
Circuit name: alu4.blif

BB estimate of min-dist (placement) wirelength: 11562

bb_cost recomputed from scratch: 119.423
timing_cost recomputed from scratch: 5.27088e-07
delay_cost recomputed from scratch: 2.65144e-06
• Yang Meng, A.E.A. Almaini,Wang Pengjun(2006). FPGA Placement Optimization
by Two-Step Unified Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Annealing Algorithm.
Journal of electronics(china) Vol.23 No.4 Pp. 632-636 .
• S. Nazeer Hussain and K. Hari Kishore(2016). Computational Optimization of
Placement and Routing using Genetic Algorithm. Indian Journal of Science and
Technology, Vol 9(47).
• Jie Cui, Xue Chen, Yongmei Lei, Weimin Xu(2010). Improving the Efficiency of
Scheduling and Placement in FPGA by Small-world Model Based Genetic
Algorithm.10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information
• Khushro Shahookar and Pinaki Mazumder(1990). A Genetic Approach to Standard
Cell Placement Using Meta-Genetic Parameter Optimization. IEEE Transactions on
Computer Aided Design Vol 9. No. 5 Pp 500-511
• V. Betz, J. Rose. VPR: A new packing, placement and routing tool for FPGA
research. Proc. of the Seventh Field Programmable Logic Applications, London,
UK, 1997, 213−222.
• C. Cheng. RISA: Accurate and efficient placement routability modeling. Proc. of
the 1994 IEEE/ACM Intl. Conf. CAD, San Jose, California, USA, 1994, 690−695.
• S. Kirkpatrick, C. D. Gelatt, and M. P. Vecchi, “Optimization by Simulated
Annealing”, Science, No. 220, pp. 671-680, 1983.

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