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Member of group
1. Arystio Frianta A 31201700010
2. Ayank Kartika 31201700010
3. Ayu Rosiani 31201700010
4. Denada Grehastuti 31201700010
5. Desy Chintia P A 31201700010
 Pedestrian crossing over bridge is a
bridge designed for pedestrians and
in animal traffic, instead of vehicular
traffic, and can be used decoratively
to visually link two distinct areas or
to signal a transaction.
 pedestrian facilities for crossing crowded and wide
roads or crossing highways using bridges, so that
people and vehicle traffic are physically separated.
Crossing bridges are also used to go to bus stops (such
as Transjakarta busway in Indonesia), to provide
access to disabled people using wheelchairs, the stairs
are replaced with access with a certain slope.
Crossover bridge designs typically use the same
principles as bridges for vehicles. But because it is
usually lighter than a vehicle bridge, pedestrian
crossing over bridge design usually considers the
vibrations and dynamic effects of its users. In
addition, aesthetic issues are also an important
consideration in building especially in the protocol
streets where architectural design becomes an
important consideration.
Pedestrian crossing over bridge in Kaligawe raya


1. Strategic location close to public facilities
2. Busy location of vehicles
3. Being in a public location where various types of
society ranging from students, workers, traders and etc
crossing road of the bridge.
4. Feasibility of facilities
5. surrounding environment (presence / absence of road
median guardrail), distance of Pedestrian crossing over
bridge from activity center
6. physical buildings that are less feasible to use
 1. The time to cross the overpass bridge is longer
than passing the highway
 2. Insecurity bridge user safety. Damage to the
crossing bridge can cause pedestrians are
reluctant to use crossing bridges because they
feel less safe and comfortable. This condition is
caused because the bolts on the bridge crossing
 3. The distance to cross the bridge is longer.

 4. on the Pedestrian crossing over bridge many

a lot of garbage scattered
 A. Society
 1. Society changes habits, awareness and security
mindset in crossing roads using pedestrian
 2. The community participates in maintaining
the user order of pedestrian and pedestrian
bridges and facilities provided by the
government, such as street furniture and
pedestrian bridges.
 B. Government Solutions
 1. the government should provide comfort for Pedestrian crossing over
bridge users such as hygiene on Pedestrian crossing over bridge
 2. The government designs pedestrian and pedestrian bridges equipped
with street furniture so pedestrian and pedestrian bridges look
attractive and comfortable to be used by pedestrians and pedestrians.
 3. The government applies pedestrian design standards and pedestrian
bridges such as pedestrian width, pedestrian forming materials,
crossing bridge lights, iron used as a bridge frame, and so on.
 4. The Government shall supervise the use of pedestrian and pedestrian
 5. The Government makes the design of pedestrian and pedestrian
bridges that can be passed by everyone, children, elderly people, people
with disabilities can be traversed by motor vehicles, carts, and so on.
 6. The Government carries out regular maintenance of Pedestrian
crossing over bridge to keep them comfortable for pedestrians.
 7. The government provides and organizes pedestrian support activities
around pedestrian bridges, for example: bus stops, and so on.
 C. Solution of Security Apparatus and
Traffic Order (Police)
1. Make a notice board that the crossers should use
pedestrian bridges

2. The existence of strict sanctions for waders who

do not use pedestrian bridges

 1. The Government may enforce the policy it has made firmly, in

order to provide a deterrent effect on the perpetrator and create
the behavior of his community, even with the many rules and
sanctions imposed.
 2. The government can also make attractive pedestrian and
Pedestrian crossing over bridge designs so that pedestrians can be
comfortable using Pedestrian crossing over bridge and willing to
use Pedestrian crossing over bridge
 3. The government periodically cares for pedestrian and existing
pedestrian bridges to keep them comfortable for pedestrians who
are predominantly using Pedestrian crossing over bridge
 4. The police can carry out their duties firmly and maximally, so
that boards of threat of infringement that exist in Pedestrian
crossing over bridge locations and signs on the crossroads do not
end up as mere street decorations. Then the parties together with
community institutions can also conduct a safety riding campaign
to provide knowledge to the community how dangerous to cross
the path that should not be passed. Or counseling about security
crossing in the right places to reduce the risk of accidents

 Based on the explanation of case review of
violation behavior at Crossing Bridge, it can be
concluded as follows:
 Other forms of offense do not use pedestrian
bridges where Pedestrian crossing over bridge
are right near pedestrians . In pedestrians, the
factors that influence the behavior of the offense
are more likely to be the internal factor of the
offender, because they are lazy to use Pedestrian
crossing over bridge for reasons of longer crossing
time when using Pedestrian crossing over bridge,
there are also many people doing the same thing
so they come across the gang.

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