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Introduction to 3D Art

Course Description 10-11

Ms. Yackel
KHS Art Department
•Participate in several
competitions each
•Consistently earn
•Students earn AP
credits and
What’s this term all about?

 Review what you already know about working

with clay and sculptural materials
 Build on that, increasing your creativity
 Focus on new techniques and improving
craftsmanship skills
 Timeline
 Start – T 9/8
 Conferences – R 10/7
 Final - W 11/11
what is 3-d art?
 Art that has height,
width, and depth
 Functional or non-
What will I learn this term?
Cubed Box

Hand-built slab box with lid and handle

Elaborate surface design
To throw on the potter’s
wheel and make a glazed
mug with a handle
to work with mixed media
sculptural materials and
design a ….. t.b.a.
how will I be graded?

 Point system:
 100 points/ 4 or 5 projects
 10 - 25/ points/Assignments and sketches
 Friday Quizzes
 100 point Mid-Quarter Test
 100 point Final Written Test
 100 point Cleaning Final
 each project will be accompanied by a written
self-evaluation when turned in on the due
 25 points: Content
 25 points: Craftsmanship
 25 points: Color
 25 points: Commitment
 TOTAL 100 points
assessment is filled out by
 complete answers
 written expression
 review of objectives
what will I need to bring
to class?
$17 course fee
 the sooner you bring it in, the more extra
credit you will earn
plastic bags
 3-4 kitchen sized bags

folder/binder to keep printed materials

- writing utensil
mixed media materials
What expectations does Ms.
Yackel have?
Be on time!

policy is
 4 unexcused absences
equals “No Credit”
act maturely and responsibly
permission to leave classroom
 Consequence: unexcused absence

do not touch what is not yours

remain in your seat until the
bell rings
Item will be
taken to the
Main Office and
your parental
will pick-up
No Cell
Not to be seen or heard-
Consequence: Item will
be confiscated, taken
to the Main Office and
your parental will pick-
it’s the best class !

 meet new people

 work hard and create artwork we are proud

 achieve a passing grade

 good attendance and behavior

 enjoy ourselves and have fun

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