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Chapter 9 Section 3

The 14 Points:
1. A peace plan that
would prevent
another World War
2. Promoted
democracy and
free trade
3. An International
Peace Keeping
• France &
England want
to punish the
Germans for
starting the
• Expected
Germany to
pay for war
• Sets stage for
Hitler to take
over Germany
• Austro-Hungarian Empire
split into two
• Germany loses land,
colonies and has to pay
heavy reparations
• League of Nations
formed (Wilson’s 14th
point that called for a
“general association of
• The League of Nations
was a peace-keeping
1. The United States Senate
NEVER ratifies the Treaty of
Versailles. The U.S. wanted to
stay free from foreign
2. The U.S. NEVER joins League
of Nations.
3. The U.S. negotiated separate
peace agreements with the
Central Powers
4. Americans were fearful of
being pulled into too many
foreign wars
The 1920 Election

Harding promises “a
return to normalcy”

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