SMS PPT Yogesh

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How will you keep your sales force motivated?

What is motivation?

Motivation is the inner force that guides behaviour and is concerned with the causation of specific actions.
It consists of three elements need, drive & goal.

Motivation should be understood at two levels:

What motivates salespeople How salespeople choose their action

(the reasons behind the need (the goal or decision to engage in
and drive of mental and specific actions in specific
physical effort expended) circumstances)
 What motivates salespeople ?
 Need for status
 Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory  Need for respect
 Two factor theory  Need for routine
 ERG theory  Need for accomplishment
 Need for stimulation
 Need for honesty

 How salespeople choose their action ?

 Goal Setting Theory

 Reinforcement Theory
Motivational tools
 Attribution Theory
 Expectancy Theory Should generate extra effort that will help the company to achieve
its objectives , and must increase job satisfaction among
 Sales meetings
 Incentive programs
 Recognition programs

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