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Creativity in
Here’s a nice example !
You can find
everywhere !
In more innovative forms !
And through
mediums you
didn’t even think
of !
But what
exactly is
creativity ?
creativity can be
referred to as
divergent thinking
namely, the ability
to find unusual and
nonobvious solutions
to a problem!
Creativity in context to marketing:
The extent to which an ad contains brand or executional elements that are
different, novel, unusual, original, unique, etc.
Elements of creativity
in context to marketing
Elements of creativity
in context to marketing

Elements of creativity
in context to marketing

Elements of creativity
in context to marketing

Elements of creativity
in context to marketing

Elements of creativity
in context to marketing

Artistic Value
Artistic value
Creative advertising is
more memorable,
longer lasting, works
with less media
spending, and builds a
fan community faster!
Need of
Creativity in
and remind
How strongly is
related to
company sales?

Creative advertising
Experiments have found that creative
messages get more attention and lead
to positive attitudes about the products
being marketed, however, there’s no
firm evidence that shows how those
messages influence purchase behavior!
To, investigate this further, a consumer
survey approach for measuring perceived
creativity along five dimensions was
People were trained to rate
advertisements on different
parameters and product categories
like-body lotion, chewing gum,
coffee, shampoo and shavers which
are highly competitive and invest
heavily in advertising.
The effectiveness of
advertisements on these
dimensions were
measured on the scale
different scales
Results suggested
that creativity plays
a significant role in
advertising !
Also that certain dimensions of
creativity are more effective than
others in influencing purchasing !
Elaboration had far been the most powerful
dimension when indexed relative to the overall
average creativity, followed by artistic value.
Trailing behind were originality and flexibility,
with synthesis a distant fifth.
And the money invested
in a highly creative ad
campaign had nearly
double the sales impact of
a money spent on a
noncreative campaign.
Most of the companies focus on wrong dimensions in their
campaigns. Moreover, by tailoring the survey model to reflect the
cultural preferences of consumers, companies can dramatically
improve their ability to predict the likely effectiveness of their
creative ads and thus make smarter investments.
When used in
creativity dimensions
had widely varying
The most-used
pairing, flexibility plus
elaboration, is one of the
least effective. The most
effective pairing, originality
plus elaboration, had almost
double the impact.
Although originality has
little impact on sales on its
own, it appears to play an
important enabling role,
appearing in three of the
four most effective pairings.
Use of creativity differs
significantly by the category !
In categories such as cola and coffee,
advertisers and customers tend to favor
higher levels of creativity !
Whereas in categories such as shampoo, body
care, and facial care, campaigns focus is on
showing factual proof points of performance
features !
Is more creativity always
better ?
In some categories like soda and cola,
adding more creativity does not
contribute much to the sales, while,
in categories like shampoo and
detergent putting in more creativity
can work in great favor
Measuring campaign
professionals can
use methods like
ef fectiveness of
dimensions to
identify where
to direct their
creative energies
to best effect
Companies can use sales models to
estimate the financial impact their
creative investments will produce.
Companies usually under-invest in creativity
which leaves money on the table.
Increased investment
will usually pay for
itself: More-effective
creative ads will allow
other parts of the
advertisement budget
to be significantly
Key to successin

Application of creative
advertising in Indian market
Brand Equity = f(Brand awareness, image,
responses, relationships)
Advertising is a key factor
affecting brand equity !
Thus creative advertising can
greatly contribute to brand
Concluding remarks from people around:

Indian advertisements have

successfully evolved as according to
theory mentioned in the article. Very
often we encounter advertisements
that are less of a product promotion
and more of an art !
Concluding remarks from people around:

Innovation is there in products like

goods of all kind, but I don’t think,
other marketable commodities like
services, concerts etc. use creativity to
such an extend with such critical
Concluding remarks from people around:

Creative ads are common these days

but they are done by most of the
foreign companies selling their goods
in India. Companies of Indian origin
are yet to cope up with them

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