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Ms. Kristeen P. Ong
•This lesson points out that the
liturgy is a call to share in Christ’s
own mission of the Saving world.
It emphasizes the need to give a
full, conscious, and active
participation in liturgical
The Father’s dream
•The liturgy is a celebration of
thanksgiving and love for God who
blesses us everyday, therefore God
wants us that we actively and fully
participate in the celebration in order
to show that we are sincere in our
gratitude to him.
Our world today provides us with
many opportunities to improve
our life and those of others. Not
all of us may grab these
opportunities because some do
not want to assume the
responsibilities that come with
the opportunities.
Excellence and
Pg. 90-91
When we actively participate in
endeavors that benefit not only
ourselves but also others,
rewards will definitely come our
Jesus Begins His ministry
Pg. 92
The call to Active participation
Active participation in the liturgy
can come only about when
ordinary Filipino Catholics grasp
personally how their personal lives,
especially their prayer lives, and the
Catholic liturgy are mutually
entwined and mutually inseparable.
The call to Active participation
Ordinary Filipinos have to see and
personally experience the value
and worth for them of prayer,
worship, ritual, liturgy.
Such realization is, or course, one of
the very effects of active
participation in the liturgy.
•Jesus actively pursued ministries
such as healing, preaching,
teaching, and proclaiming the
Word of God.
•Jesus performed all His ministries
actively, consistently, and
conscientiously in order to fulfill
God’s plan of salvation.
•The liturgy calls us to share in
Christ’s mission of saving the world
•Active participation in the liturgy
brings us blessings because the
strong desire to praise and thank
God leads us to became obedient
to His will.
•We should be actively and
consciously participate in liturgical
•Active participation in church
ministries implies oneness with the
mission of Christ.
•The Holy Spirit empowers us to
embrace God’s will.
Active participation in the Liturgy As a disciple of Christ, active
brings blessings to God’s children participation in the church ministries
because of the strong desire to lead us to become obedient to His
praise and thank God. will.

We pray for the grace to offer praise

We are called to actively participate
and thanksgiving to god in the
in the church ministries as a disciple
Liturgy through active and conscious
of Christ.

When we are sincere in our worship

of God, we are empowered to obey
God’s will and also the will of those
whom He sends to care for us
St. Margarette
Pg. 95
• Margaret was born in Hungary, the daughter of royal
parents. Brought to the court of King Edward the Confessor
in England when she was twelve, she and her family were
forced to flee after the Battle of Hastings in 1066.
Shipwrecked off Scotland, they were befriended by King
Malcolm of Scotland who married Margaret in 1070.
• Margaret and Malcolm had six sons and two daughters.
Contrary to the general practice of royalty in that time,
Margaret took charge of raising and educating her children.
The youngest son, Saint David of Scotland, succeeded his
father and two older brothers as king. One daughter, who
became known as Good Queen Maud, married King Henry I
establishing a line which runs through the present royal
family of England.
•King Malcolm was good-hearted, but rough and
uncultured. Because of his love for Margaret, she
was able to soften his temper and she became
his advisor in state matters. It was said that the
main goals of Malcolm and Margaret were to
maintain justice, to establish religion, and to
keep their subjects happy. Margaret
encouraged arts and education in her adopted
country and instigated religious reform. With her
husband, she founded several churches.
• Despite her heavy involvement in the affairs of her
household and her country, Margaret led an austere private
life. She ate sparingly and slept little in order to have time for
her devotions. She and her husband kept two Lents - one
before Easter and one before Christmas. At these times,
Margaret, often joined by Malcolm, would arise before
midnight to attend Mass. On her way home, she would tend
to the poor. Margaret was always surrounded by beggars
and never refused them. Especially during Advent and Lent,
Margaret and her husband often fed hundreds of poor
people, serving them the same food that they had for their
own meal.
• Saint Margaret is the patroness of Scotland. She is honored
by an optional memorial on November 16.
Let us all stand and feel the
presence of the Lord.
Thank you Lord
For giving us the opportunity to
worship you,
In helping us gather as a family in
Your name
Secure in the warmth of your
Thank you Lord
For allowing us to worship
Putting aside all the uncertainties of
this world
And rest in your bosom
Trusting is all that you have promised
Because Your love is constant
And Your faithfulness is eternal
Thank you Lord
That we can bring to Your
Everything that bothers us-
Our worries, pains and fears
And leave them there.
Thank you for drawing us near to
worship You
For in you we find peace
In Your presence we are healed and
In you we are made whole
Thank You Lord
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