Factors Affecting The Development of JD

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The problem of juvenile delinquency is attributed to
factors such as family, peers, environment, school and
the mass media that affect the socialization of children.

Socialization is the process through which children learn

the ways of a particular society or social group so that
they can function within it.
The family is the first and most important social unit to affect
children; it is the first social world the child encounters.

1. Family structure
a. Family size
b. Child’s birth order
2. Relationship between parents and children
a. Family rejection
b. Discipline in the home
-Deficient and Misdirected Discipline. Among the
many possible ways in which home discipline can be
faulty the following are selected as being the most
noticeable and frequent causes of delinquency.
- Over-indulgence and coddling.
- Over-restriction and severity
- Lack of cooperation between parents.
- Inconsistent authority.
-Nagging and frightening.
3. Parenting styles
a. Authoritative parenting- characterized by
warm and firm discipline. Deals with the child in a
rational, issue-oriented manner engage in discussion
and explanation with their children over rules and
b. Authoritarian parenting- characterized by
harsh discipline and refusal to justify discipline on
any basis other than "because I said so";
c. Indulgent parenting-characterized by
affirmative enablement of misbehavior
d. Indifferent parenting-characterized by a
lack of monitoring and thus of knowledge of the
child's activities
4. Quality of home
Poor family home life, measured by marital adjustment
and harmony within the home, also affects the rate of
delinquent behavior among children more than whether or
not the family is intact.
a. Broken Homes
b. Unhappy relationship between siblings
The following are among the unhappy
relationships which are found to lead to
- Teasing and bullying.
- Jealousy.
5. Financial condition of the family
a. Material Deficiencies.
b. Excess in material things

6. Child abuse
a. Physical
b. Psychological
c. Economic
d. Sexual
Peer group is a group of youths of similar age levels and
interests that often can empower young people in their
sense of feeling worthwhile and important. The social
world of some adolescent revolves around their closest

1. Peer relation and structure

2. Peer rejection/Peer Acceptance
The outside environment where a youth resides is also
influential. It is where the child is exposed to after his/her
first highly formative years.

1. Lack of Recreational Facilities.

2. Congested Neighborhood and Slums.
3. Disreputable Morals of the District.
4. Proximity of Luxury and Wealth.
The school, unlike the family, is a public
instrument for training young people
1.Inadequate School Building and Equipment.
2. Inadequate Facilities for Recreation.
3. Poor Attendance Laws
4. Wrong Grading.
This may cause delinquent behavior in two
a. Grading above mental level.
b. Grading below mental level.
5. Unsatisfactory Teacher.
There are at least three ways in which an
unsatisfactory teacher may be the cause of a
child's turning delinquent.
a. Poor discipline.
b. Poor teaching ability.
c. Undesirable character traits.
6. Undesirable Attitude of Pupil Toward Teacher.
It embraces all kinds of communication where the
child is exposed to. It covers up everything that the
child hears and sees that leaves behind in his/her

1. Easy internet access

2. Over stimulating Movies and Shows.
3. Lack of parental guidance

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