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Traditional Pain

Management Is
Creating MORE Pain

Too many utilize

short term masks,
resulting in long
term damage
Investigating chronic pain…

Arthritis and joint pain is climbing

• Arthritis is the #1 cause of
disability in Americans ages 15
and up
• Over 46 million of us have
arthritis and by 2030 that
number is projected to soar to
67 million
• Between 1995-2007 there was a
35% increase in woman
Source: Rheumatoid arthritis increasing in white women, Reuters, 2/26/10;
Arthritis: Keeping Your Joints Healthy, AARP, 4/1/08; U.S. News, Health, 2008

© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 2

Investigating threats that are decreasing quality of life…
Challenge #1: Chemical & Toxins
Their in the food we eat, the things we drink and the air we breath…

Source: The Top 8 Ingredients to Avoid on Food Labels, Alive Magazine, September 2008; Kwok, H.M. 1968. Chinese-restaurant syndrome. New England Journal of
Medicine. 4: 796. Blaylock, R. L. 1996. Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills. Health Press. ISBN: 978-0929173252; Holistic, Natural Dentistry and Oral Care, Buzzle,
10/31/07; U.S. Council Of Environmental Quality; Diet & Exercise for health, 2007; WHO, 2007; National Cancer Institute, 2009; Green Daily, Bruce Watson, 2008

© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 3

Too much results in serious problems

If all of these chemicals and

toxins aren’t managed our
immune system quickly
collapses which results in
drastic aging and puts you at
higher risk for diseases such
as arthritis

© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 4

Challenge #2: Traditional medications

• COX-2 inhibitors are

drugs used to reduce
pain and swelling
• The FDA estimates
between 1999-2003,
Vioxx (a Cox-2 Inhibitor)
may have contributed
to 27,785 heart
attacks and sudden
cardiac deaths
Source:, 2004

© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 5

Problems with OTC pain killers

Prolonged use of any of these products will lead to these problems

Source: Advil profile,, updated 12/1/09; Tylenol profile,,
updated 4/12/09; Aleve profile,, updated 9/24/09

© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 6

Challenge #3: Natural Treatments…The FDA is
starting to implement stricter policies…

• In 2007 the FDA began

requiring dietary
supplement manufacturers
to report "serious
adverse events"
• They also issued WHO
Good Manufacturing
Practices (WHO cGMP)
specific to the industry
Source: Report: FDA lacks authority over supplements, USA Today, 3/3/09

© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 7

Other world organizations already have
strict regulations in place…
• Products called dietary
supplements in the US are
actually FDA approved
medication in certain EU
countries, South East Asia,
and other countries having
similar standards as
traditional medicines
• However, most people are
unaware of these authorities
and don’t fully understand how
important they are

© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 8

Step #1: Focus on improving overall health
& quality of life
Avoid environmental toxins & chemicals…
Dr. Dorris Rapp a leading allergist and
environmental medicine expert

Source: Dr. Mercola Natural Health Remedies, 2009

© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 9

Recognize the importance of antioxidants

• Antioxidants protect the cells

and tissues of the body, just
like a wax coating protects
the paint on a car
• Antioxidants help prevent
cancer, heart disease,
diseases from aging
and infections
• Antioxidants promote growth
and bone development, anti-
aging and enhance immunity
Source:, Nutrition & well-being A-Z, Antioxidants, Advameg, Inc. Susan Mitchell, 2010

© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 10

Step #2: Balance short term vs. long
term treatments

• Educate yourself on how to

balance traditional and
natural medicine procedures
• Some herbs can cause side
effects or interact with
conventional medicines,
so gain direction from a
trained practitioner

Source: National Center for Complimentary & Alternative Medicine, 2009

© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 11

The benefits of long vs. short term results…

• A person can take OTC

pain killers and Cox-2
inhibitors and feel
immediate pain relief,
however serious short
and long term
consequences follow
• Or they can…
• Take products such as
Antarth which take about
1 month to feel noticeable
change, but only produce
positive side effects
Source: Millennium Herbal Care, Ltd.

© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 12

Step #3: Emerging Natural Approaches
Investigating Ayurvedic (science of life)
• Originated in India and has evolved
over 5,000 years
• The Indian government began
research on it in 1969, and
continue to research it
• In 2006, over 200,000 U.S.
adults had used it
• In India approximately
800 million people use it
exclusively or combined with
conventional medicine
Source: National Center for Complimentary & Alternative Medicine, 2009

© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 13

What conditions does it help with?

Source: Deepak Chopra, Dr. Ornish, Dr. Oz, Dr. Amen, Andrew Weil other well-known celebrity doctors

© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 14

Step #4: Existing effective natural approaches

Antarth is an effective existing natural approach with 5,000 years of Ayurveda

science behind it…Here’s what the ingredients in Antarth do individually…

OSTEOARTHRITIS, Acharya Kiran Kumar.V1., Gupta, A.K.2 and Sancheti Parag.S;, Eur J Med Res. 1997 Jan;2(1):37-43.
Effects of Boswellia serrata gum resin in patients with ulcerative colitis. Gupta I, Parihar A, Malhotra P, Singh GB, Lüdtke R, Safayhi H,
Ammon HP. Department of Medicine, Govt. Medical College, Jammu, J&K, India.

© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 15

What these ingredients do when combined

• A clinical study showed 84.1% of

Consumption of rescue individuals on Antarth had decreased
medication pain, inflammation and stiffness from
Decrease Other
oseto-arthritis and significantly
improved overall quality of life
• Those who used Antarth
had a 87.7% decrease in the
consumption of rescue medication
(Diclofenac sodium)
• Antarth is so effective because is it’s
88% one of the most powerful antioxidants
available which enables it to combat
joint problems
TREATMENT OF OSTEOARTHRITIS, Acharya Kiran Kumar.V1., Gupta, A.K.2 and Sancheti Parag.S

© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 16

Step #5: Qualifications to look for in a safe
product & provider

© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 17

What to expect in a provider…

• Well educated, informed and

continually strive to build upon
their current knowledge
• Is dedicated to improve &
contribute to individuals
overall health
• Their primary focus is client
satisfaction & product efficacy
• Committed to having supreme
quality products

© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 18

And now a word
from our sponsor

© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 19

There are answers
Our product Antarth gives you…
• Safer pain management
• Prevention of further decline
• Relief from pain without negative side effects
• Improved physical mobility by reducing or
managing joint pain
• The ability to enjoy life and do everyday chores
• Relief from crippling diseases like arthritis
• Safety from current and new medications and supplements
• Peace of mind by helping you make an educated decision
in what supplement you take

© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 20

What Sets Us Apart
• We have NO artificially created ingredients

• We have targeted, condition-specific supplements

• We have a rigorous R&D process…Only the best

proven products are given to consumers
• Our products are manufactured in WHO
Good Manufacturing Practice (WHO cGMP)
approved facilities
• We voluntarily test and manufacture to
pharmaceutical standards

© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 21

I have spent my entire life loading up on typical American marketed pain products for back
pain and arthritis: Tylenol, Aleve, and Ibuprofen, etc. Unfortunately, it is part of our
American culture and the ingenious marketing techniques of medication manufacturers. We
accept American treatments as the only treatment for pain. We believe that what is on a
store shelf or what is prescribed to us is safe and effective for our bodies. I found that as I
began to age relief from this typical pain approach became less effective and I became
aware and concerned with the effects of these medications. Although it was
“uncomfortable” for me to investigate other pain remedies and other natural approaches
from other countries due to my lack of education I started the process. I am so pleased that
I did. I having been using ANTHARTH a Ayarvedic and completely natural product – both the
pill form as well as the topical – and I am so pleased with the results. It does not just mask
the pain – it helps solve the pain. I love the topical – I use it before I play tennis and it helps
loosen the tightness in my back. It is unlike Icy Hot which creates heat that simply masks the
problem and then you come back to jolting reality when it wears off that you are in pain.
Yes, the topical provides that pleasant, cool sensation but coupled with the capsules it also
has reduced the amount of back pain and its intensity over time – SOMETHING I NEVER
I believe Americans are doing themselves a disservice by not investigating the benefits of
Ayurvedic medicine. There are many countries worldwide that use this effective approach.
We have to ask ourselves “why aren’t Americans?” Perhaps it is because we simply don’t
know. I am so pleased Millennium Herbal took the time to educate me and provide me with
a pain solution that is safe and effective for my body. I will continue to recommend
Millennium Herbal’s products to anyone who is experiencing pain or discomfort.  
Thank you Millennium Herbal!
Errika Saxey
© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 22
Disclaimer: Antarth Softgel Capsule is an Herbal Dietary
Supplement. Store out of reach of children. As with any
dietary supplement or health and wellness program,
consult your physician prior to beginning. If you have
any existing medical condition, are on any medication or
think you may be allergic to any nutrient in this product,
consult your physician prior to use. Do not use if you are
pregnant or lactating without first consulting your

*Individual results vary. Neither, any of the aforementioned statements,

nor this product have been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug
administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.

© Millennium Herbal Care - 2010 23

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