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 Integrity is doing the right thing , Even if

nobody is watching .
 Integrity is the quality of being
honest and having strong moral
principles .If you have high integrity ,
you are trustworthy .
 Ifyou can’t trust someone
,why would you want to be
around them ?
“ It is not what we eat but what we digest
that makes us strong ; not what we gain but
what we save that makes us rich ; not what
we read but what we remember that makes
us learned ; and not what we profess but
what we practice that gives us integrity “
Francis Bacon
 Integrity is a concept of consistency of
actions , values , methods , measures ,
principles , expectations and outcomes .
 Integrity is regarded as the quality of
having an intuitive sense of honesty and
truthfulness in regard to the motivations
for one’s actions . It regards internal
consistency as a virtue .
 The word integrity stems from the latin
adjective integer (whole , complete ) In this
context , integrity is the inner sense of
“wholeness “ deriving from qualities such as
honesty and consistency of character

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