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Copyright © 2017 W. W.

Norton & Company

Ionization of Water

• Water can be ionized to hydrogen ion, H+, and hydronium ion, OH–.
• The ion constant of water is equal to the [H+] multiplied by the [OH–].

Kw = 1.0 x 10–14M2 = [H+][OH–]

• This shows the relationship between [H+] and [OH–].

Acid and Base: Strong vs Weak
Strong acid/base: an acid or a base that dissociates completely in water.
+ +
Acids release H ; bases accept H .

– + +
HA + H2O → A + H3O (H for simplicity)
+ – +
XA + H2O → X + HA + OH (X is a spectator ion)

Weak acid/base: an acid or a base that does not dissociate completely

in water.

HA + H2O ⇌ A + H3O
-- + +
Ka = [H ] * [A] / [HA]
XA + H2O ⇌ X + HA + OH Kb = [HA] * [OH-] / [A--]
+ --

+ -14
Note that Ka * Kb = [H ] * [OH-] = Kw = 10 .
The pH Scale
• pH refers to the [H+] and
is a measure of acidity.

 Buffers are aqueous

solutions that resist
small changes in pH.
Copyright © 2017 W. W. Norton & Company

Henderson-Hasselbalch Equation
• This equation shows the relationship between the pH
and the pKa.
Copyright © 2017 W. W. Norton & Company

2.3 Cell Membranes Function as Selective Hydrophobic

• Chemical and physical properties of cell membranes
• Organization of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell membranes
Cell Membranes
• Biological membranes
• The physical barriers in living
• Contain amphipathic lipid
molecules that self-
assemble into a bilayer
• The majority of the
amphipathic lipids are
• Membrane fluidity depends
on the phospholipid
Copyright © 2017 W. W. Norton & Company

Phospholipid Bilayers

• In an aqueous environment, the phospholipids organize into bilayers.

• The hydrophilic polar heads orient toward the aqueous environment
and the hydrophobic nonpolar tails are located in the interior of the
A Side View of a Phospholipid Bilayer

Copyright © 2017 W. W. Norton & Company

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