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Public Relations – Types Of PR

Publicity – Types Of Publicity, Relationship

Between Advertising And Publicity

Prof. Shrawani Sen

 16 Nov 5pm.
Public Relations is defined as ..
Building good relations with the company’s
various publics by obtaining

 Favorable publicity
 Building up a good corporate image
 Handling or heading off unfavorable
rumors, stories and events.
Types Of Public Relations.
 Media Relations

 Corporate Public Affairs And Community


 Crisis Management

 Employee Relations

 Financial Relations.

 Marketing Public Relations.

Public Relation Functions
 Identifying internal and external

 Assess the corporate reputation

 Audit corporate social responsibility

 Create positive image building activities

 Prevent or reduce image damage.

Identifying Internal And External Stake
A stake holder is a person or group that has vested
interest in the organization's well being.

 Employees
 Unions
 Shareholders
 Channel members
 Customers
 Media
 Local community
 Financial community
 Government
 Special interest groups.
Assess The Corporate Reputation
 Corporation’s reputation is both Vulnerable and

 People make decisions about where to invest based

on Corporate reputations.

 Consumers and potential employees also depend

heavily on the Corporate reputation.

 Corporate scandals, accounting fraud and CEO’s

greed damage a hard built reputation.

 Assessing and managing a company’s reputation is as

important as promoting its products.
Audit Corporate Social Responsibility
Social responsibility is the obligation that an
organization has to be

 Ethical
 Accountable
 Reactive to the needs of the society.

Socially responsible firms are going to thrive and

survive longer than the ones involved in irresponsible

Positive activities generate quality publicity and

customer loyalty that result in positive image of the
Audit Corporate Social Responsibility
 A corporate social responsibility audit is
usually undertaken by the organization's
management team in conjunction with
department managers.

 If the firm is found to be deficient during

social responsibility audit, clear steps
should be outlined to show how issues
should be resolved.
Create Positive Image Building
 These are planned events designed to
draw positive attention to the
organization as a solid corporate citizen,
one committed to social responsibility

 Cause Related Marketing

Green marketing and

Pro- Environmental Activities
Cause Related Marketing
 Improve public schools

 Scholarships

 Cleanup of environment

 Community health education.

Prevent Or Reduce Image Damage.
 Damage Control is reacting to negative
events caused by a company error, consumer
grievance or when unjustified or exaggerated
negative press appears.
 Proactive Strategies

•Entitling •Internet Interventions

•Enhancements •Crisis Managemnet
 Reactive strategies Management Techniques
Crisis Management
 This involves either accepting the blame for
an event and offering an apology
 Refuting those making the charges in a
forceful manner.

•Impression Management Techniques

 Tendency to protect one’s self image.

 Expression of innocence, excuses,
justifications, other explanation.
Tools of public relations.
 Publications

 Videos and films : Training Films & Investor Or

Broker Films

 Special events and company sponsorships

 Fund raising dinners

 Meetings

 Social events
Publications consist of any or more
of the following…
 Corporate Brochures

 Annual Reports

 Posters

 Fliers/ Leaflets

 House Journals

 The Press Kit

Publicity – Types Of Publicity, Relationship
Between Advertising And Publicity
Publicity refers to any reference one is able to
obtain through the media such as

 Space in a print
 Publication
 Time over in a TV channel
 Radio
 Write up on web

For the company or its products without

having paid for it as in advertising
Is Publicity actually free??
Belief is publicity comes for free, however it
is not entirely true.
Often hidden costs are involved.
 Cost of the PR who gets it done
 Facilities that have to be provided
 The consideration that needs to be given
to the journalist.
 Cost of holding media meets.
Advantages of Publicity
 Credibility factor

 Positive mention about a company or it

products through a source other than that
of the company is more convincing

 Good publicity is one of the important

outcomes of good PR effort.

 It can be evaluated in terms of number of

publications carrying write ups and the
quality of the reported material.
Difference between
 Paid form of mass  It is not directly paid
communication and by the sponsor and
persuasion hence is a hence is non-
commercial commercial.
transaction.  Certain obligations
 Openly sponsored or and gifts might be
initiated by the given to media persons
advertiser. It can but it is not done
always be identified openly or directly.
with the organisation.
Difference between
 Media decision such  The organisation has
as when, where , no control over the
what to place are message or
carefully taken by the presentation of the
advertiser in article being
consultation with the publicized. It also has
advertising agency. no control on media
Difference between
 Target audience  Publicized matter is
knows that every however believed to
advertiser stresses be more trust
on positive aspect of worthy.
the product. And  Objective of publicity
sometimes doubt the may either be
authenticity positive or negative.
 Advertising is always

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