A Critical Analysis of A Country Study

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A critical analysis of a country

study: implementation of the

UN convention on women
(CEDAW) in Sri Lanka

Ms. Ushanthy Gowthaman


• CEDAW is a human
rights treaty for women
• UN adopted CEDAW in
• Strong mandate with
189 states ratified
• Sri Lanka ratified it in
• three interrelated core
principles: substantial
equality, non-
discrimination and State
What is unique about
- Demand that power relations between women
and men at all levels, from family, to
community, market and state;
- Discard the distinction between the private
and the public spheres, by recognizing
violations of women in the private sphere, as
violations of women's human rights;
- Recognize the negative impact of social,
customary and cultural practices which are
based on the perceived inferiority or superiority
of either sex or on stereotyped roles for women
CEDAW in Sri Lankan Context
• Legal status of the Convention
• Discriminatory local laws
• Marginalized women (WHH, LQBT)
• National machinery for the advancement of
• Temporary special measures
• Stereotypes and harmful practices

Source: Consideration of reports submitted by States parties under article 18 of the Convention on the Elimination of All
Forms of Discrimination against Women, 13 February-3 March 2017
CEDAW in Sri Lankan Context
•Gender-based violence against women
•Trafficking and exploitation of prostitution
•Women’s participation in employment
•Inclusiveness of rural women in development
•State’s inability to protect migrant women

Source: Consideration of reports submitted by States parties under article 18 of the Convention on the Elimination of All
Forms of Discrimination against Women, 13 February-3 March 2017
Shadow Report on Female Heads of Households affected by
the Armed Conflict in Sri Lanka – Recommends National
Policy on FHH

Equal ground - human rights violations against lesbian and

bisexual women in sri lanka: a shadow report (june 2016)
Recommends - Include sexual orientation, gender identity and
intersex status as prohibited grounds for discrimination under
Article 12 (2) of the Constitution, and provide for a right to
privacy within the Constitution.

Ending family violence in Sri Lanka – challenging physical

punishment of girls and boys
Recommends -prohibition of all corporal punishment of
children in all settings be immediately enacted

British Tamils forum on war widows : Political will and

structural changes are required for any improvement in the

-Substantial equality
-Incorporate CEDAW framework in
National Law
-Strong gender machinery (Independent
Women’s Commission)

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