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by Vinoy J Dnold

© 2007 IBM Corporation
Leading Client Success thru Projects
Showcasing PMC to GEOs


Listening is the first language mode that

children acquire. It provides a foundation for
all aspects of language and cognitive
development, and it plays a life-long role in
the processes of learning and communication
essential to productive participation in life.

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 Listening is with the mind

 Hearing With The Senses
 Listening Is Conscious.
 An Active Process Of Eliciting Information
 Interpersonal, Oral Exchange

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Types of Listening

 Informative Listening
 Concentration
 Memory
 Relationship Listening
 Attending
 Supporting
 Appreciative Listening
 Presentation
 Perception
 Discriminative Listening
Hearing Ability
 Awareness of Sound Structure

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Stages of the Listening Process

 Hearing
 Focusing on the message
 Comprehending and interpreting
 Analyzing and Evaluating
 Responding
 Remembering

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Fallacies about Listening

 Listening is not my problem!

 Listening and hearing are the same
 Good readers are good listeners
 Smarter people are better listeners
 Listening improves with age
 Learning not to listen
 Thinking about what we are going to say rather than listening to a speaker
 Talking when we should be listening
 Hearing what we expect to hear rather than what is actually said
 Not paying attention
( preoccupation, prejudice, self-centeredness, stero-type)
 Listening skills are difficult to learn

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Barriers to Active Listening

 Environmental barriers
 Physiological barriers
 Psychological barriers
Selective Listening
Negative Listening Attitudes
Personal Reactions
 Poor Motivation

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How to Be an Effective Listener?

 What You Think about Listening ?

 Prepare to listen
 Adjust to the situation
 Focus on ideas or key points
 Organize material for learning

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How to Be an Effective Listener?(cont.)

 What You Feel about Listening ?

 Want to listen
 Delay in judgment
 Accept responsibility for understanding
 Encourage others to talk

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How to Be an Effective Listener? (cont.)

 What should You Do about

Listening ?
 Establish eye contact with the speaker
 Take notes effectively
 Be a physically involved listener
 Avoid negative mannerisms

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Effective Note Making

Note making is a skill:

Most people feel deficient
It can be learned
This takes understanding of what you're doing
It takes practice, which involves effort

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Effective Note Making (Cont.)

 Note making is difficult because:

Spoken language is more diffuse than written

Immediate feedback seldom occurs
Spoken language is quickly gone
This makes analysis difficult

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Five purposes for note making:

 Provides a written record for review

 Provides a definite, limited learning task
 Forces you to pay attention
 Requires organization, and active effort on the part
of the listener
 Listener must condense and rephrase, which aids

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Before taking notes - PREVIEW

 Prepare yourself mentally - What do you need to get

out of this?
 Review notes from last time and homework. Nail
your attention down tight.
 Generate enthusiasm and interest
Acting as if you are interested can help
Don't let the personality or mannerisms of a
speaker put you off
 Be ready to understand and remember

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Intensive Listening

1. Listening to the introduction of the

 What is the position, knowledge, background,
experience of the speaker?
 What is his credibility?
 What is the overall purpose of the talk?
 What is the central idea or theme?
 What is the overall structure?
 What does the speaker intend to do?
 What are the main points of the talk?

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Intensive listening (Cont…)

2. Listening to the Body of the message

 Contains the main message-pay attention

 Concentrate on verbal signposts
 Recognise main supporting details of the
oral message
 Concentrate on visual aids

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Intensive Listening ( Cont..)

3. Listening to the conclusion part

 Understand the main themes of the verbal

 Recognise the speaker`s focus of the talk
 Concentrate on what the speaker wants the
listener`s to do, or remember

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Improving Listening Comprehension

 Listening comprehension is the act of

understanding an oral message
 It involves speech decoding and

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Speech Decoding

 Sound Perception and Recognition

(Recognizing sounds and sound patterns

accurately, recognizing the way sounds
combine to form syllables and

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Speech Decoding (Cont..)

 Word recognition
( Recognising words accurately, understanding
the definitions of the words being use,
recognising the way words are used un
context, identifying attention signals)
 Accent recognition
( recognise stress, identify pauses, hesitations )

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Comprehending a verbal message

involves the ability to:

 Identify the central theme, main ideas and

supporting details;
 Concentrate and understand long speeches
 Identify the level of formality
 Deduce incomplete information
 Deduce unfamiliar vocabulary

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 Stop Talking.
 Put The Talker At Ease.
 Show Him That You Want To Listen.
 Remove Distractions.
 Empathize With Him.
 Be Patient.
 Hold Your Temper.
 Go Easy On Arguments And Criticism.
 Ask Questions.
 Stop Talking!

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Thank You

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