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Network Models
I. Introduction
− Basic concepts of neural networks

II. Realistic neural networks

− Homogeneous excitatory and
inhibitory populations
− The olfactory bulb
− Persistent neural activity
What is a ( an Artificial) Neural Network?

• Inspired from real neural systems

• Having a network structure, consisting of artificial

neurons (nodes) and neuronal connections (weights )

• A general methodology for function approximation

• It may either be used to gain

an understanding of
biological neural networks, or
for solving artificial
intelligence problems
How neural systems look like?

• Neuron: the fundamental

singalling/computational units

• Synapses: the connections

between neurons

• Layer: neurons are organized

into layers

• Extremely complex: around

1011 neurons in the brain,
each with 104 connections
Imagine 6 business cards putted together.
− Human: as large as a dinner napkin; 2 mm
− Monkey: about the size of a business-
letter envelope;
− Rat: a stamp.
There are about 105 neurons within 1mm2.

Cortical columns:
− In the neocortex, neurons lie in 6 vertical layers highly coupled
within cylindrical columns with about 0.1 to 1 mm in diameter
(e.g. ocular dominance columns and orientation maps in V1)
Three main classes of interconnections (e.g. visual

− Feedforward connections bring input to a given region

from another region located at an earlier stage along a
particular processing pathway

− Recurrent synapses interconnect neurons within a

particular region that are considered to be at the same stage
along the processing pathway

− Top-down connections carry signals back from areas

located at later stages.
Compare neural systems with computers

The brain is superior than modern computers in many

aspects (e.g., face recognition and talk).

• A different style of computation: parallel distributed


• An universal computational architecture: the same

structure carries out many different functions

• It can learn new knowledge, therefore it is adaptive

The idea of artificial neural networks
1 Nodes --- Neurons (artificial neurons, performing a
linear or non-linear mapping)
2 Weights --- Synapses
3 Mimic the network structure of neural systems

• A single neuron’s function is simple. The specific functions

come from the network structure

• ANN is more and more engineering-driven nowadays, its

biological root is gradually losing. The key of ANN is on the
design and training of suitable network structures

• The connection style

– Feed-forward and recurrent
Feedforward and recurrent
An example of one-layer feed-forward
neural network

x1 b
w2 Activation function ‘+’ or ‘-’
x2 y
w3 y  f ( wi xi  b)
i 1

Bias ‘b’ is an external parameter that
can be modeled by adding an extra
xn input
Activation function

• Linear-Threshold function:

0 if V  Vth f
g (V )  
aV , a  0 if V  Vth

• Sigmoid function: g
g (V ) 
1  e V
Sigmoid function
The sigmoid function



-6.0 0.0 6.0 -6.0 0.0 6.0

 V
with β = 1.0 β = 5.0
1 e


-6.0 0.0 6.0 -25.0 0.0 25.0

β = 0.1 β = 0.1
An example of 3-layer feed-forward network




yi  f ( wij x j  bi )
xn j 1

Input Layer Hidden layers Output Layer

Neural Network (NN) for function

NN transforms input into output. In other words, a NN

model implements a function

NN has a set of adjustable parameters (weights, activation

threshold, and etc.)

Network parameters (in particular, network weights) are

free to be adjusted in order to achieve desired functions
Type of learning used depends on task
at hand

• Supervised learning: have a teacher

• Unsupervised learning: no teacher

• Reinforcement learning: no detailed instruction,

only the final reward is available
Possible use of artificial neural networks
(Do you remember the application of Neurocomputing? )

Pattern recognition (face recognition, radar systems, object

Sequence recognition (gesture, speech, handwritten text
Medical diagnosis, Financial applications, Data mining,
Stock market analysis, Weather forecast

• Classification: given an input, decide its class index

• Regression: given an input, decide the corresponding
continuous output value
• I will mainly focus on the realistic neural networks in
this course

• And Prof. Shi Zhongzhi will covers the artificial

neural networks and …
I. Introduction
− Basic concepts of neural networks

II. Realistic neural networks

− Homogeneous excitatory and
inhibitory populations
− The olfactory bulb
− Persistent neural activity
− ……
Homogeneous excitatory and inhibitory
populations (i.e. Wilson-Cowan model)
• It describes the dynamics of interacting excitatory and
inhibitory neuronal populations
• Usually two neurons (excitatory/inhibitory)
• Explain the oscillation source in neural systems
• A typical recurrent network

wEI Input E


Input I wIE
E  vE  g ( wEE vE  wEI vE   E ) Compare with
dvI m  EL  V  Rm I e
I  vI  g ( wII vI  wIE vI   I ) dt

• Here g(x) is an activation function or the steady-state firing

rate as a function of input
• g(x) is Linear-Threshold function:

0 if x  0
g ( x)  
x if x  0
 [vE  g (1.25vE  vI  10)] /  E
dt  E  10ms
 [vI  g (vE  10)] /  I
adjustable parameter

1. Find the fixed points by setting:

dv E
0 VE = 26.67Hz
dv I
0 VI = 16.67Hz
2. Identify stability by using phase plane or 2-D phase
space portrait
y (x(t+h),y(t+h)) =(x(t)+hdx/dt, y(t)+hdy/dt)

dVI /dt < 0

x dVI /dt > 0
Adjust parameter  I  30ms

(Dayan and Abbott, 2001)

Adjust parameter  I  50ms

(Dayan and Abbott, 2001)

Hopf bifurcation

As a parameter is changed, a fixed point of a dynamical

system loses stability and a limit cycle emerges
I. Introduction
− Basic concepts of neural networks

II. Realistic neural networks

− Homogeneous excitatory and
inhibitory populations
− The olfactory bulb
− Persistent neural activity
− ……
The olfactory bulb




dvE   
E  vE  FE ( wEE vE  wEI vE  Input E )

dv I   
I  vI  FI ( wII vI  wIE vI  Input I )
where  E   I  6.7ms , wEE  wII  0, and n  m  10

• A recurrent network
• A ?-D phase space is
• The InputE, must induce a
transition between
fixed-point and
oscillatory activity
Activities of four of ten mitral and granule cells
during a single sniff cycle for two different odors

(Dayan and Abbott, 2001)

(Dayan and Abbott, 2001)
I. Introduction
− Basic concepts of neural networks

II. Realistic neural networks

− Homogeneous excitatory and
inhibitory populations
− The olfactory bulb
− Persistent neural activity
Persistent neural activity

• It refers to a sustained change in action potential

discharge that long outlasts a stimulus

• It is found in a diverse set of brain regions and organisms

and several in vitro systems, suggesting that it can be
considered a universal form of circuit dynamics
Several examples for persistent neural

• Oculomotor neural integrator cells in an awake

behaving goldfish

• Monkey prefrontal cortical cells

• Head direction cells in rat

An oculomotor neural integrator cell in
an awake behaving goldfish

(Major and Tank 2004)

Generation mechanism of persistent
neural activity during memory-guided
saccade task in the prefrontal cortex

dV jE
E  V jE   w EE r
ji i
 r I
 0 . 5 r j 

dt i j

( pj  pi ) 2

w EE
ij w EE
max e 2a2

(T  pi ) 2

ri  e
s 2b 2
  ri E

dt i 120 units
Persistent activity

Activation function: r 1V jE
g ( )
1 e

A distractor input for 300ms (Gruber et al. 2006)

From this PFC network, we learn:

1. The persistent PFC activity is a

network effect associated with
recurrent excitation

2. The network has a line (or ring)


1. 什么是动力系统的 Hopf 分叉?

2. 用一个兴奋性和一个抑制性神经元构造 Wilson-Cowan

3. 思考神经系统 persistent activity 的可能计算神经机制

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