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Applied Physics (PHY-102)

Engr. Asar Ali

(Assistant Professor )
Department of Electrical Engineering
City University of Science & Information Technology,
Measurements Refraction
 Units Frequency of the
Waves driving force,
Waves and motion Resonance
Longitudinal waves Oscillations
Transverse waves Sound
Standing waves Speed of waves in air
Condensation Infrasonic waves
Rarefaction Ultrasonic waves
Reflection Related numericals.
Measurements and units
The act of determining the size, capacity, amount or quantity of something.
Measurement is finding a number that shows the size or amount of a pyhsical
Wave Motion
A wave can be described as a disturbance that travels through a medium from one
location to another location.
The distance from a part of one wave to the same part in the next wave, such as
from one crest to the next denoted by Greek symbol lambda () .
The displacement from the rest position.
The time required for a wave to repeat itself, that is the time for one complete
wavelength to move past a given location.
Wave Crest:
The maximum disturbance a wave will create from the resting position
Wave trough:
Maximum displacement a wave will create in the opposite direction from
the resting position.

Kinds of Waves
Longitudinal Wave
A wave that travels in a back and forth movement
Longitudinal waves are created in a spring when the free end is moved back
and forth parallel to the spring (A).
Transverse Wave
A wave that disturbs particles in a perpendicular motion in the direction of
the wave.
Transverse waves are created in a spring when the free end is moved up
and down (B).
Wave Motion
Waves in Air.
When a longitudinal wave forces particles closer together.
This results in a pulse of increased density and pressure.
A zone of reduced density and pressure.

When you open one door into the room, the other door closes. Why
does this happen? The answer is that the first door creates a pulse of
compression that moves through the air like a sound wave. The pulse of
compression pushes on the second door, closing it.
The movement of sound waves requires a medium through
which the waves can travel.
The nature of the medium determines the velocity of the
sound through the medium
This is due to the fact that the waves are propagated
through molecular interactions and is determined by:
•Inertia of the molecules
•Strength of the interactions between molecules
Spherical waves move outward from a sounding source much as a
rapidly expanding balloon. This two-dimensional sketch shows the
repeating condensation as spherical wave fronts (Fig A). Some distance
from the source, a spherical wave front is considered a linear, or plane,
wave front (Fig B).
Standing Waves
When reflected waves interfere with incoming waves
Created by a pattern on nodes and antinodes
Places of destructive interference, which show no disturbance
Loops of constructive interference which take place where crests and
troughs produce a disturbance that rapidly alternates upward and
An incoming wave on a chord with a fixed end (A) meets a reflected wave (B)
with the same amplitude and frequency, producing a standing wave (C). Note
that a standing wave of one wavelength has three nodes and two antinodes
Natural frequency :
•Natural frequency of the system is the frequency at which it will vibrate freely.
•Since every real oscillating systems experiences some degree of damping, if no
external energy is supplied, the system eventually comes to rest.
•For the oscillating system to maintain a constant amplitude of oscillation, it is
necessary to apply an external oscillating forces(driving force).
•Forced oscillation is motion produced when a system is acted upon by an external
periodic force.
•The system will oscillate with the frequency of the driving force and not with the
natural frequency.
•Resonance occurs when the amplitude of forced vibration reaches a maximum
when the driving frequency equals the natural frequency of the driven system.
•At resonance, there is a maximum transfer of energy from the driving system into
the oscillating system.
•Amplitude of vibration depends on;
•The relative values of the natural frequency of free oscillations and the
frequency of the driving force.
•The extent to which the system is damped.
A vibrating object produces condensation and rarefactions that expand
from the source.
The vibrations can be interpreted as sound by the human ear if the
frequency of the waves is between 20 and 20,000 Hz.

A vibrating tuning fork produces a series of condensations and

rarefactions that move away from the tuning fork. The pulses of
increased and decreased pressure reach your ear, vibrating the eardrum.
The ear sends nerve signals to the brain about the vibrations, and the
brain interprets the signals as sounds.
The speed of sound is the distance travelled per unit time by a sound
wave as it propagates through an elastic medium. In dry air at 20 °C (68 °F),
the speed of sound is
343.2 metres per second (1,126 ft/s; 1,236 km/h).
Speed of sound in air:
The speed of sound increases by 0.6 meters per second (m/s) for every
degree-Celsius (°C) increase in temperature.
Molecules at higher temperatures have more energy.
The molecules vibrate faster.
Sound waves can travel more quickly.
Since the speed of sound is about 331.5 m/s at 0 °C.
Therefore, we can use the following equation to calculate the speed of
sound at a given temperature:


0.60m / s
Vtp (m / s )  VO  ( O
)(Tp )
Hearing Waves in Air.
Longitudinal waves with frequencies below 20 Hz
Longitudinal waves with frequencies greater that 20,000 Hz
Since humans can only hear waves in the 20 – 20,000 Hz range, they
hear neither infrasonic nor ultrasonic waves.
Waves move the eardrum in and out with the same frequency as the
wave, which the brain interprets as sound.
Thank You

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